This is an open letter to the Hamilton Farmers Market Board:
I read about your desire to only allow produce growers to bring non-GMO produce to the Market and I was so excited to see that. I have studied and taught others for 12 years about the importance of good nutrition and why I believe that so many people are ill today with very serious things, at very early ages.
It is really very simple. God created our bodies to be nourished by the food that He also created. Our bodies can recognize this as food and they know what to do with it. Anytime that man messes with that and changes it, our bodies do not recognize it as nutrition and will start to be affected in a negative way. Some of these that we are seeing today are gluten intolerance which then goes on to cause other serious health challenges, allergies to so many foods that never caused allergic reactions before man altered them and so many new health complications that they don’t even have a name for!
And then there are the ones we do know about, cancer, diabetes, MS, nerve damaging complications, etc., etc., etc., all at much earlier ages. I believe that the cause is just this simple. We are altering the food and it is not the same nutrition to fuel our bodies. And, the bottom line of why this is done is money and power, to produce more at a cheaper cost, faster, etc.
So, I applaud you for taking this stance and I believe that it will only be the beginning of other markets, etc. doing the same thing. Thank you so much for caring about our wonderful community.
Pat Earnest