I look forward to picking up each new edition of the Bitterroot Star so I can read the weekly edition of the political world according to Van P. Keele. Mr. Keele has a lot to say, this week 12 long paragraphs covering the majority of the editorial and comment page. He tells it like it is… according to Van P. Keele. I have to say one thing, the man is tenacious. Whether he believes what he writes or not, I just do not know but blowing holes in the books he writes is like shooting fish in a barrel.
I am going to draw your attention to one of the latter paragraphs by Keele. He starts this paragraph, “Since February 2010, 8.7 million private sector jobs have been created.” This is absolute, unwashed, unmitigated hogwash. Now this is where I could put you to sleep like Keele does but I’m not going to do that. Rather than steal snippets from political papers I am going to make you do your homework. This is very simple. Just Google new jobs created in the private sector since February 2010. A whole bunch of stuff will come up titled Obama this and Obama that. Scroll down a short ways and you will find one titled “Obama’s Economic Sleight of Hand.” It was co-authored by Eugene Kiely and Robert Farley for a very reputable fact finding non profit called www.factcheck.org. I figure, rather than re-write what these gentlemen wrote and call it my own, I will let each of you read it for yourselves. If you read this you will read the truth about the numbers Obama is crowing about and that Keele is softly assuring you are the truth. They are fallacy. They are malarkey! They are just plain bull!
This is just one single point. You can visit any paragraph in Keele’s dissertation, ask simple questions of Google and you will be presented with an endless list of study materials. Read and study for yourselves. It is the only way you can separate the truth from the bull.
Keele talks softly. He seems to want to come across with that “fireside chat” sorta demeanor and I don’t doubt that he is a nice man but… read and decide for yourselves!
Scott Boyer