by Debbie Pope, Corvallis In her “Give a man a fish” letter in the March 2 Bitterroot Star, Linda Schmitt writes that voters have a “dramatic choice” on the ballot in […]
Oil and gas
by Mary Fahnestock-Thomas, Hamilton Yes, our gas prices have risen something like 11% in the past week, but the Why is a little tricky. According to various sources, the US imports […]
Our politicians make the news
by Jim Hamilton, Florence Well, here we go again. Another Montana politician makes the national news. This time it’s U.S. Senator Steve Daines for tweeting a photo he secured of Ukrainian […]
Sen. Daines – whose side are you on?
by Kurt and Deb Vause, Victor Whose side are you on, Senator? I read two articles with disbelief, then visited your social media post just now showing your engagement with the […]
God towers over Putin
by Charles E. Wissenbach, Pinesdale Mad-Dog Putin is using Russia’s military to subdue Ukraine. Armed opposition by America could ignite WWIII. God doesn’t need war to handle dictators (Isa. 55:9): “As […]
by Shirley Kochis, Hamilton I laughed when they offered protection. Now I‘ve had some time for reflection. I did do my part by refusing the dart and I’ve become part of […]
by Bob Israel, Stevensville How are we helping the environment if we stop producing oil – and instead are buying it from Russia and are financing his war on freedom loving […]
Poor Chuck
by Jim Hamilton, Florence There was a Legionnaire named Chuck Who thought he was burning his mask But he woke in a fright To find something not right Because it was […]
Mask burning
by Chuck Burgmeier, Commander, Fort Owen Post 94, Stevensville Mask disposal event, celebration, whatever you call it, let’s dispose of those masks and move on! As was announced in the February […]
College funding will benefit all of us
by Marci Smith, Chairman, BVCC Trustees; Terry Nelson, Chairman, BVCC Foundation; Terry Ryan, Vice Chairman, BVCC Foundation and Major Donor; Victoria Clark, Director, Bitterroot College, UM In response to the March 2 letter from Mr. […]
Putin has gone nuts
by Bob Williams, Stevensville Week before last week, Donald Trump called Putin a “genius,” and Mike Pompeo said Putin was “shrewd.” The most effective Soviet soldiers were from Ukraine, however, Putin […]
Is Kyiv to be a new Leningrad?
by Ed Sperry, Col USAF (ret) , Stevensville During world war two Leningrad was besieged by the Nazis for over 800 days. Once surrounded, is this to be the fate of […]
Please, let’s elect competent leaders!
by Linda Schmitt, Corvallis I didn’t think it could get worse. Ever the optimist, I seek to see the best in people. However, the news about our elected representatives has punched […]
Holier than thou
by Linda Habeck, Corvallis To the “holier than thou” Christians who sent unsolicited mail to me: “Judge not, lest you be judged.”
Looking in the rear view mirror
by George Wuerthner, Livingston There have been three headlines in the news summarizing research papers related to wildfires in the West in the past month. Perhaps getting the most media attention […]
by Shirley Kochis, Hamilton I don’t like being ignored, But in my own group I’m adored. By denying the stick, I got pretty sick But I’ve captured the Darwin Award!
Open letter to Chuck Burgmeier, Commander American Legion Post 94, from a Gold Star Family member
by Paul Kink, Stevensville I want to state that as a Gold Star Family member, having lost my only brother in Vietnam, I have great respect for the American Legion. The […]
Thanks to library foundation
by Staff of the North Valley Public Library: Denise Ard, Sheryl Benskin, Caryn Carpenter, Melanie Carroll, Karen Gartner, Nancy Morrison, Susan Peters, Emily Sandersfeld, Scharyn Way Stevensville The staff at […]
Get real, Daines
by Archie L Thomas & Merry Schrumpf, Corvallis I opened my inbox to receive an email from Senator Steve Daines dated 7:11 AM, 2/24/22 highlighting his senate resolution for National FFA Week. […]
Presidential crime statistics
by Mark Snider, Hamilton Are liberals, Antifa, and Democratic politicians rife with criminals? And what about our presidents and their staff? Do they serve a better example? How honest are our […]