by Wanda LaCroix, Missoula Montana’s so-called “Freedom Caucus” would be more aptly called “Free Dumb Caucus” because they hand out dumb like it has no price. Their anti-freedom policies, rhetoric, book […]
Ranked choice voting? Ditch it! Dump it! Destroy it!
by Helen Sabin, Corvallis I keep getting asked to explain what ranked choice voting is and why it is NOT good for Montana. Here is its history on how it […]
Governor ignores Montana’s people
by Archie L. Thomas, Merry E. Schrumpf, Corvallis Governor Greg Gianforte vetoed Senate Bill 442. He ignored 137 legislators, county commissions, local governments, farmers and ranchers, hunters, veterans, EMTs, plus thousands of […]
Open letter to Montana GOP
by Doug Bohn, Republican Central Committee Captain, Victor Montana Republican Party, in 2022 you approached a crossroads. Signs were everywhere. One unmistakable sign was the 2016 sweeping win of “outsider” Donald J. […]
by Mary Fahnestock-Thomas, Hamilton Regarding Terri Lackey’s letter of 5/10//23, surely to all or most living creatures, motherhood is about protecting our young from physical danger until they are able to […]
About Zooey Zephyr
by Blaine Billman, Stevensville There have been some letters recently bemoaning the treatment of representative Zooey Zephyr by the Montana legislature. According to these writers she was silenced for voicing her […]
You might have heard of this place
by Maureen Wali, Corvallis Once upon a time in a state far from the bustling crowds there was a small town that had withstood many challenges throughout its long existence. This […]
Thanks to our postal workers
by Syble Solomon, Coordinator, Imagination Library of Ravalli County It’s time to give a BIG shout out to our postal workers. Every month they deliver nearly 1200 books to kids in […]
Mama Bear
by Terri Lackey, Stevensville Most know that you do not mess with a Mama Bear and her cubs. Perhaps living in Montana all my life has given me a different perspective […]
Trump a victim?
by Bob Williams, Stevensville On April 4, 2023, Donald Trump was arraigned and fingerprinted. The Grand Jury impaneled by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg indicted Donald Trump on 34 felony charges. […]
America today?
by Mary Fahnestock-Thomas, Hamilton Ralph Yarl, l6, in Kansas City, MO, sent to pick up his little brothers, got the wrong house – BLAM! (through the door) BLAM! (when he was […]
Taking care of our vets
by Jim Kalkofen, Stevensville To: Senators Daines and Tester, Congressmen Rosendale and Zinke Thinking for us Vietnam vets causes strange thoughts from time to […]
Kudos to Ravalli Electric Co-op
by Carmela M. Bowns, Hamilton Ravalli Electric Cooperative’s “Power of Change” program recently awarded Bitterroot Public Library $2500 for a collection of new Wonderbooks for young readers. Wonderbooks are the modern […]
Re: ‘Saying no to a shot’ (John Dowd 4/26)
by Helene Etminan, Hamilton Thank you, John, for this courageous article. Not many people have the courage to make such an unpopular decision and then report on it in public. But […]
More guns, not less
by Gene Wensel, Hamilton I found it interesting that the woman with the hyphenated name felt uncomfortable concern about sitting across the aisle from a man wearing a legal sidearm in […]
Mental health
by Mark Snider, Hamilton For hundreds of years millions of people have prayed for others who have mental health problems. If mental health was a spiritual issue, then those who meditate, […]
Republican bully gets black eye
by Russ Lawrence, Hamilton Earlier in this miserable legislative session, HB 361 was passed and now awaits Gov. Gianforte’s signature. The bill specifies that misgendering and otherwise harassing transgender students is […]
They have done it
by Diane Thomas-Rupert, Stevensville Fellow senior citizens, a few weeks ago I said, “we see so many legislators presenting bills that are intended to have negative consequences. Their efforts are spent […]
Freedom Caucus
by Jim Hamilton, Florence Freedom Caucus. We don’t cancel. We censure. I watched the morning news on TV and saw where Montana again had a featured story because a Missoula State […]
by William Lee Slade, Stevensville Well, here we go. Social Security is going broke, right? Borrow, take and use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of returning it. […]