by Jesse Mullen, Deer Lodge Newspapers recently ran a column written by right-wing Montana politician, Greg Hertz, hitting the standard left/right divisive talking points about “woke” politics and tying any […]
Thank you
by Gabrielle Coffee, Hamilton Thank you for supporting Ravalli County’s young drivers! Prevention Services of Western Montana Mental Health Center was honored to partner with PayneWest Insurance of Stevensville in support […]
Sheep Creek
by Robert Gary, Corvallis Why is your article on Sheep Creek mine site not on the front page and instead buried on page 17? This mine will destroy our beautiful valley. […]
Election integrity in Ravalli County
by David Leslie, Corvallis I attended the election integrity meeting Monday night June 5th. Although, I confess I didn’t last until the “bitter” end. Today I write to my MAGA friends, […]
Thank you, but…
by Tim and Patt Hancock, Stevensville On behalf of the team of people responsible for putting together the Election Integrity series in Ravalli County, we want to take a moment to […]
Prayer. Pause. Pyrotechnics
by Bill Jones, Stevensville It’s been nearly four days now since a pretty decent crowd at the Hamilton fairgrounds was treated to a set of lectures for about five hours, and […]
The moon isn’t made of green cheese
by Margaret Gorski, Stevensville I attended the Montana Election Integrity forum held in Hamilton on June 5. Billed as a 2.5-hour meeting, it ended up being 5 hours of ranting with […]
For our information
by Mary Fahnestock-Thomas, Hamilton Do you read Heather Cox Richardson? She is a political historian who lives in Maine and who, due to down-time caused by a yellow-jacket sting in 2019, […]
Ironic and moronic
by Marty Essen, Victor Oh, the irony! Many Montana newspapers recently ran a story about Montana’s Republican Governor Greg “The Body-Slammer” Gianforte signing a bill banning drag story events at public […]
Climate battleground
by Jill Davies, Victor Sixteen young people, ages 5-22, from across Montana are suing the state for violating their constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment by promoting a fossil […]
The great lie of fascism
by Will Walker, Hamilton A few months ago, I wrote a letter to the editor of the Bitterroot Star about the dangers of white supremacist ideology, and the importance of confronting […]
Sapphire Heights
by Jill Deppel, Hamilton Developments can bring numerous benefits as they can stimulate economic growth, create job opportunities, and improve living standards. However, it’s crucial that they are planned and executed […]
Still the ‘Last Best Place’?
by Ellen Gayle Clifford, Three Forks With the conclusion of Montana’s 68th Legislative Session, we Montanans have an opportunity to reflect on our state’s past and its cherished description known nationwide […]
SAFE thank you
by Marisa Neyenhuis and the Staff and Board of SAFE in the Bitterroot The SAFE pie breakfast was a big success. Thank you to everyone who made the first annual […]
Free dumb isn’t free
by Wanda LaCroix, Missoula Montana’s so-called “Freedom Caucus” would be more aptly called “Free Dumb Caucus” because they hand out dumb like it has no price. Their anti-freedom policies, rhetoric, book […]
Ranked choice voting? Ditch it! Dump it! Destroy it!
by Helen Sabin, Corvallis I keep getting asked to explain what ranked choice voting is and why it is NOT good for Montana. Here is its history on how it […]
Governor ignores Montana’s people
by Archie L. Thomas, Merry E. Schrumpf, Corvallis Governor Greg Gianforte vetoed Senate Bill 442. He ignored 137 legislators, county commissions, local governments, farmers and ranchers, hunters, veterans, EMTs, plus thousands of […]
Open letter to Montana GOP
by Doug Bohn, Republican Central Committee Captain, Victor Montana Republican Party, in 2022 you approached a crossroads. Signs were everywhere. One unmistakable sign was the 2016 sweeping win of “outsider” Donald J. […]
by Mary Fahnestock-Thomas, Hamilton Regarding Terri Lackey’s letter of 5/10//23, surely to all or most living creatures, motherhood is about protecting our young from physical danger until they are able to […]
About Zooey Zephyr
by Blaine Billman, Stevensville There have been some letters recently bemoaning the treatment of representative Zooey Zephyr by the Montana legislature. According to these writers she was silenced for voicing her […]