A group of motivated individuals have come together to form the Bitterroot Valley Community College Foundation, adding a second pillar to one of valley’s the newest institutions. Ravalli County voters […]
Some good news on water pollution in Bitterrooot River
DEQ releases draft Bitterroot River Nutrient Protection Plan The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has released a draft Bitterroot River Nutrient Protection Plan which indicates the river is not impaired. […]
Tracking fish populations and recreational use on the Bitterroot River
by Michael Howell The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) tracks both the number of fish of different species in each stretch of the river and the number […]
Contaminated groundwater plume near Victor shrinking
Some restrictions on shallow well use may be lifted The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has issued an Amendment to the Record of Decision (ROD) for the Bitterroot Valley Sanitary […]
County budget on track
Halfway through fiscal year, county budget looking good Halfway through the budget year, the county’s performance is looking pretty good, according to Ravalli County CFO Klarryse Murphy. She led the commissioners […]
DUI Task Force, MAPS to partner on prevention video
Last week the Ravalli County Commissioners approved adoption of a memorandum of understanding with the Ravalli County DUI Task Force and MAPS Media Institute to produce a video designed to […]
Bitter Root Humane Association celebrates new shelter, 50th anniversary
An open house celebration was held last week at the Bitter Root Humane Association’s (BRHA) new animal shelter located on Fairgrounds Road in Hamilton. The event served a double purpose. […]
Raptor reckoning
Wintertime is one of the best times to watch large raptors, like hawks and eagles, in the Bitterroot valley. One reason is the big increase in numbers over the winter […]
Hughes Creek gate gone, road still obstructed
Another gate blocking public access up Hughes Creek Road was removed by a Ravalli County Road crew just before Christmas. The pile of downed timber blocking the roadway just past […]
Bids to be let for sewer lines to serve TEDD
by Michael Howell An addition to the City of Hamilton’s sewer system that will serve the county’s Targeted Economic Development District northeast of town is about to go out to […]
County offices being reorganized
The Ravalli County Commissioners have approved a resolution of intent to realign the structure of local government offices by repealing the consolidation of the County Auditor’s office with the County […]
County approves match for Corvallis sewer grant
The Ravalli County Commissioners last week approved allocation of up to $1.077 million to be used as matching funds in a grant application by the Corvallis Sewer District under the […]
Big sky and open space – Bitter Root Land Trust key to preserving it
The Bitter Root Land Trust has made a lot of headway since it opened its doors in 1996 and set out on a mission to conserve open lands and working […]
Yoder Angus Ranch under conservation easement
After working with their neighbors and the Bitterroot Land Trust for a couple of years, Jake and Fannie Yoder were able to realize a deal that would not only ensure […]
SAFE gets $1 million expansion grant
A multi-million-dollar expansion and renovation project planned by Supporters of Abuse Free Environments (SAFE) was recently given a big boost as they are the recent beneficiaries of a $1 million […]
Affordable housing assessment: ‘We are in a crisis’
Last week the Bitterroot Affordable Housing Coalition presented the Ravalli County Commissioners an update on their 2019 assessment of the county’s needs with respect to homelessness and housing insecurity that […]
Disbarred attorney sentenced for fraud, tax evasion
Former Stevensville attorney Ronald Dean Lords, who last July admitted to defrauding investors and to evading income taxes in a real estate investment scheme in which he lost more than […]
Western Ag Research Center fund drive starts
The Western Agricultural Research Center (WARC), located in Corvallis, is standing in the doorway to one of the most significant transformations in its history as it transitions from doing research […]
Town of Darby, former mayor sued
A complaint and demand for a jury trial has been filed in Ravalli County District Court by former Darby Public Works Director Terry Linton against the Town of Darby and […]
Darby disc golf course removed from ‘no man’s land’ for now
Last week a Supervisor for the Bitterroot Conservation District (BCD) and associates, along with a Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) biologist, a Ravalli County Flood Plain Administrator, a couple of […]