by Bill Cavanaugh, Corvallis On 12/24, Mark Snider dared us to “Fact Check This.” I know this is an Opinion page, but fact checking these lies and innuendo is like shooting […]
Which guy are you?
by Archie L Thomas & Merry Schrumpf, Corvallis Decades ago I saw this business slogan. “We cheat the other guy and pass the savings on to you.” It is funny in […]
Trump is a convicted criminal
by Mark Snider, Hamilton “NEW YORK (AP) —Donald Trump became the first former American president to be convicted of felony crimes Thursday as a New York jury found him guilty […]
Thank you from Santa’s Secret Shop
by Melora Neaves, Stevensville They say it takes a village, and on December 22, we saw it. I had posted on FB’s Moving Stevensville Forward page about wanting help finding somewhere […]
To: Lone Rock School, Stevensville community
by Robert DoBell, Superintendent, Lone Rock School I wanted to take some time today to express my sincere gratitude, respect, thanks, support, and prayers that all of you have shown me […]
Modest proposal
by Bill LaCroix, Victor Just an observation: Seems the “pro-trapping” letter writers here (as well as far-right, anti-wolf extremist, Jeff Burrows, inscrutably-occupying a powerful seat on a public-lands board) have “come […]
Response to Tschida
by Rep. David Bedey, HD 86, Hamilton In a recent letter, Missoula’s Brad Tschida accused me of failing to protect female legislators from “physical and mental abuse and anguish.” At […]
American Hercules? Or Caesar?
by Roger Mitchell, Stevensville Be careful what you wish for. You might get it. Love him adoringly or hate him vehemently, in just a few days, Donald J. Trump will become […]
Modern day mafia
by Jerry Esmay, Stevensville Time to express my opinion again on what is happening in our country. Based upon some of the recent letters from other members of our community, it […]
An unfortunate turn of events
by Tom Tunny, Hamilton Our Republican friends voted for Donald Trump to be President for the next four years. He promised great things like getting rid of the migrants (illegal and […]
Fack check this
by Mark Snider, Hamilton After the January 6th attack on our nation’s capitol, the United States House Select Committee headed by a conservative Republican, was formed to investigate the insurrection. They […]
No setbacks? No sense
by Peg Brownlee, Florence Once again, the Fish and Wildlife Committee has kowtowed to the small minority of trappers in Montana and is allowing for no setbacks of traps on closed […]
Trapping setbacks
by Brad Davis, Hamilton Finally someone has taken a stand against the anti-trappers by issuing the correct decision to do away with setbacks on closed Forest Service roads in Ravalli County. […]
Bedey puts women at risk
by Brad Tschida, Missoula The MT House Rules Committee met on 12/3/2024 to determine if men should be allowed to use women’s bathrooms at the Montana State Capitol. At issue is […]
Trapping regs: harmful shell game for wolves, grizzlies, public
by KC York, President, Trap Free Montana Peering through Montana’s wildlife management smoke and mirrors. A bear shadow was cast as Governor Gianforte’s priority to delist grizzlies was the marker for […]
Apology demand is ridiculous
by Bill Jones, Stevensville Perhaps the poster boy example of the restricted source information gathering practiced by so many voters nowadays could be the Nov. 20 LTE titled “Will Tester apologize.” […]
Worse than King George
by Mark Snider, Hamilton Our founding fathers, like John Hancock, Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Robert Paine, John Penn and Benjamin Franklin, wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence due to the […]
Real Montana values
by Archie L Thomas, Corvallis There was a time when Montana and the nation had a Republican and a Democratic party that was fiscally conservative, socially responsible and dealt with public […]
Let’s go!
by Bill Cavanaugh, Corvallis Why is it that every time there is a drawn-out election count, the Republican is ahead but the Democrat somehow after 30-40 days wins? Happened in 2020, […]
Volunteerism in Stevensville
by Gretchen Spiess, Stevensville What’s happened to Stevensville? Now with social media, people are willing to complain about something they don’t like, but not willing to help. For instance, the Scarecrow […]