Every hunter dreams of bagging a monster mule deer. We salivate over photos of bucks in the velvet before archery season opens. We spend countless hours, days and weeks […]
Kudos to democracy
By Mary Fahnestock-Thomas, Hamilton What a great experience! Last night I attended the public meeting and hearing with the Montana Department of Environmental Equality (DEQ) on the proposed wastewater […]
War is not the answer
The problem with having such a grossly oversized military is that it comes with a grossly oversized pressure to use it. I had high hopes that President Obama could […]
Beware corporate ‘Right to Farm’
On August 5th, Missourians voted on an ill-conceived “Right to Farm” constitutional amendment supported by a coalition of major corporate farming interests, which spent over $1 million to secure […]
Women manage money well, need confidence
Women are great money managers, but their confidence regarding financial decisions is a bit lacking. Researchers say that while many women are terrific budgeters, savers and entrepreneurs, they […]