Terry Nelson is Chairman of the Republican Central Committee. He provided a sample ballot at the Republican Women’s Apple Days booth and on the internet. Sample ballot was drafted and […]
Support for Schneider
Our stunning valley is putting on her best show these days with glorious colors and premium weather. People talk about it happily everywhere I go. What few are talking about […]
Support for West
Our home is in Ravalli County and I would like to comment on the signs that litter the valley prior to an election. Those who are running for office should […]
Eastside Hwy should reflect sense of place
Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) proposes rebuilding 5.8 miles of MT 203 Eastside Highway from Hidden Valley Road south to Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge at an estimated $7.1 million […]
Support for Ray
When long time Ravalli County Justice of the Peace Nancy Sabo resigned to handle some out-of-state personal issues, the late Jerry Williams and I were asked by the County […]
Support for Pearson
Since the primary which took place in June of this year, I have had the opportunity to get to know Mr. Pearson. He is a candidate for the […]
Support for Curtis
Amanda Curtis is running for the US Senate against Steve Daines. She came to the campaign late, replacing John Walsh (boring, boring, boring!), but I think that may have […]
Vote for good policy makers
I won’t be around in 2050. But my grandchildren and great grandchildren will be, God willing. Hopefully by then they’ll have grandchildren of their own. But what kind of […]
Support for Schneider
Recently I have been reviewing Ron Ehli’s (HD86) voting record, and I’d like to bring a few items to the attention of my neighbors who apparently voted him into […]
Open primaries are the Montana way
By Jim Shockley, Victor A few Republican Central Committees have sued the state asking that the Republican primary be closed to all but registered Republicans. The suit is based on […]
Support for Ray
I have written this letter to support the candidacy of Jennifer Bedey Ray, who is seeking to become the next Department 1 Justice of the Peace in Ravalli County. […]
Down on Daines
Some time ago Representative Daines wrote a column to explain why we must repeal the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obama Care. The ACA requires all Americans to […]
Rebuttal to Baty
I do agree with Don Baty that the fire department, park, school and irrigation district are a vital part of our small community. I disagree about the interlocking […]
‘Oliver’ recommended
What a treat to see the Stevensville Playhouse production of “Oliver!” Everything from the singing, costuming, stage-setting, to superb acting made this a wonderful night out – right here […]
Rationale for Fairgrounds levy ballot measure
By Fairgrounds Levy Committee: RAN Pigman, Quinn Kirkland, Jenna Hendrickson, Margaret Andersen, Margaret Yuhas, Linda Stoll, Deborah Rogala, Rod Freeman, Jeff Carter For over 120 years, the Ravalli County Fairgrounds […]
Closed primary bad idea
The Ravalli County Republican Central Committee has become part of a lawsuit to “close” the Republican primary; i.e., exclude voters who are not Republicans. This disenfranchises independents and others […]
Forest Service cutting
The U.S.F.S. is planning to log 5,711 acres between Como and Lost Horse. This area was logged about 40 years ago and the young trees will just now be […]
Three Mile group not representative of public
An interlocking group of people has board members on four of the five taxing districts specific to the Three Mile area. Those four taxing districts are embroiled in controversy […]
Guardians of our past
During the three and one half years I served on the Board of Directors of the Bitter Root Valley Historical Society, I often asked myself: Who are the Guardians […]
Troubling letter
We read the anonymous letter in your paper of Sept. 24th written by a parent concerning what had happened to their child many years ago. We are two retired […]