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Volume XXIV, Number 5

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Florence mill destroyed by fire

By Michael Howell

J & R Planing, a specialty lumber business located near Florence, was completely destroyed by fire last week. Owner of the plant, Stevensville resident Jim Edinger, said that the building was a total loss and damages are estimated at about $1.5 million. More...

Colorful and clever. Wednesday’s parade on Main Street in downtown Hamilton marked the start of the Ravalli County Fair that drew thousands to the annual event which continued through Saturday. The fair also marked the unofficial end of summer, as valley youth were all back in school by this Tuesday. Michael Howell photo.

Draft C zoning regs released

By Michael Howell

The latest draft of proposed Ravalli County Zoning Regulations, Draft C, was released by the Planning Department for public review on August 28. The previous version, Draft B, produced by Clarion Associates, a Denver based company hired by the county to help formulate zoning regulations, drew a lot of significant criticism from the public and from the County Commissioners upon review. As a result some major changes were made to the document. This time, it underwent a line by line review by the Commissioners before being made generally available to the public, although the public was allowed to participate in the Commissioners’ review as well. More...

Just like Michael Phelps, Chris Zier of Stevensville has a bunch of medals. These are the seven he won last February at the Montana State Special Olympics. He will be one of four Olympians to represent Montana at the Winter World Special Olympics in Boise, Idaho in February 2009. Come and meet Chris at Valley Drug during First Friday. Jean Schurman photo.

Stevi athlete to attend World Special Olympics

By Jean Schurman

Stevensville’s own Chris Zier has been selected to represent Montana at the Winter World Special Olympics next February in Boise. The event is expected to have about 3,000 athletes competing in seven Olympic-type sports. These sports are cross-country skiing, figure skating, floor hockey, snowboarding, snowshoe racing, speed skating, and Chris’ event – alpine skiing. More...


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