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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Community Calendar


Hamilton Senior Center activities

Monday - noon lunch, cloggers at 1:30 p.m.; bingo on 1st & 3rd weeks, pinochle on 2nd week, 7 p.m.
Tuesday - line dancing at 9 a.m., cloggers at 3 p.m.
Wednesday - noon lunch, bridge at 1 p.m., cloggers at 5:30 p.m.
Thursday - exercise at 9 a.m.; pinochle on 3rd week, 1 p.m.
Friday - line dancing at 9:30 a.m., noon lunch
Saturday - pancake breakfast on 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 8-10 a.m.
Sunday – bridge, 1 p.m.

Stevi Senior Center activities

Monday-Friday - Lunch, 11:30 a.m.
Monday – Bridge and Special Music, noon.
Monday & Saturday - Pinochle, 7 p.m.
Tuesday - Exercise class, 10-11 a.m.
2nd Tuesday - Quilters, 6:30 p.m.
Every Other Wednesday – Fiddlers at Lunch
3rd Wednesday – Special Birthday Dinner, noon, with music. Blood pressures taken.
Thursday – Exercise class, 10-11 a.m.
1st & 3rd Thursday – American Legion Bingo, 7 p.m.
For more information call the Center at 777-5681 04 777-5707.

Victor Senior Center activities

Sundays - AA meeting, 7 p.m.
Monday-Thursday - Men's Coffee, 8:30-10 a.m.
Mondays & Wednesdays - Exercise, 10-11 a.m.
Monday-Friday - Lunch, 11:30 a.m. Includes salad bar, main course, dessert. Seniors $3.25, under 60 years $5.75. (RSVP 642-3320)
Tuesdays - Bingo, 7 p.m.
Wednesdays - Pinochle, 7 p.m.
Fridays - Ladies' Coffee, 10-11 a.m.


The Stevensville Al-Anon Group meets each Thursday from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at the North Valley Public Library. Anyone who is affected by the compulsive drinking of a relative or friend is invited. For more information call 375-9996.

Gamblers Anonymous

Gamblers Anonymous classes are held at Community Baptist Church, 409 Buck St., Stevensville, on Mondays and Thursdays from 7 to 8 p.m.

Ask yourself these questions:

1) Have you ever felt remorse after gambling?
2) Do you often gamble until your last dollar is gone?
3) After you have won did you have a strong urge to return and win more?
If you answered yes to any of these questions this class might be good for you. For more information call 777-3897.

Narcotics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous meets every Monday at 6:45 p.m. in the basement of Florence-Carlton Community Church and every Thursday at 7 p.m. at First Baptist Church, corner of 4th and Church in Stevensville. For more information call 529-4542.

TOPS meeting

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter 343, meets every Thursday morning at 9 a.m. in the Community Baptist Church, 409 Buck St., Stevensville. TOPS is a non profit weight loss support group Guests and new members are welcome. For more information call Jerry Sue at 777-5355.

VFW meetings

VFW Post 1430 meets the first Monday of every month at 8 p.m. at the American Legion Hall in Hamilton. Starting in November, the Women's Auxiliary will meet the first Monday of every month at 7 p.m. at 649 Grantsdale Road. For more information call 363-3889.

Overeaters Anonymous

Overeaters Anonymous is a Twelve Step program that deals with eating behaviors. Is one of your goals to reach a healthy weight? This program offers a solution within reach of all those who want to find relief from an obsession with food. It meets weekly on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, 203 Main Street, Stevensville, as well as on Saturdays at 10 a.m. at the First Presbyterian Church, 1220 W. Main St., Hamilton. For information, call 777-7160.

Golden Agers

The Golden Age group meets every Friday from 8 to 10:30 p.m. at 727 S. 5th in Hamilton. If you are a senior citizen and are bored, looking for fun or just want something new to experience, attend and enjoy good food, live music, dancing and fellowship. Cost is $5. Snacks are potluck. The Valley Rhythm Boys will play December 26 and Dick Reinbold’s Band on January 2. Exercise classes are held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 a.m. The next business meeting is January 7, following a 12:30 potluck dinner.

Florence American Legion

The Florence American Legion Post 134 meetings are held the second Thursday of each month at the IOOF hall in Florence at 7 p.m.

Stevensville American Legion

The Stevensville American Legion Post 94 meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the Post Home on Middle Burnt Fork Road. For more information contact Jerry Esmay, 777-5517.

Waldorf Play Group

The Waldorf Play Group meets every Tuesday at Common Ground in Hamilton, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. with snack provided. Parents are encouraged to attend with their young children (ages 1 to 5) to explore imagination play, with fairy tales, songs, and seasonal creative activities. All are welcome. Contact Kim Delvo at 369-0213 for more information.

Suicide Loss Support

Suicide Loss Support holds informal meetings the second Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at the community room of the North Valley Public Library, 208 Main and the fourth Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at Aspen Hospice, 230 Marcus St. in Hamilton.

When you suffer a loss due to suicide the grief is overwhelming. Most people don't know "just how you feel." What you can expect from SLS is someone who has experienced a loss from suicide to listen to you privately, or in a group setting. You may choose to be present but it is ok not to speak if you are not ready. SLS cares. Your loss matters and your grief is very real. SLS will support you in every way possible. Contact Brian Cherry, Ravalli County Youth Suicide Prevention Coordinator, 360-2708.

SAFE support groups

SAFE, Supporters of Abuse Free Environments, hosts weekly ongoing support groups for women and children. Women’s groups focus on healing from domestic and sexual violence, building self-esteem, inner reflection, creative expression and other topics of interest to women. Come as often or as little as you want. Groups are held weekly on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Children’s Groups are held on Tuesday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Children work on self-exploration, boundaries, and conflict resolution. This group is for ages 5 to 12. Teen Group is held every Thursday from 4 to 5:30 p.m. This group is for ages 13-18 and focuses on teen issues, dating and healthy relationships. Groups are held at SAFE in the Community Resource Building, 150 Morning Star Way, Hamilton. Free childcare is available. For more information contact SAFE, 363-2793.

Caregiver coffee break

Are you one of the millions of Americans who help someone else by providing companionship, preparing meals, running errands, driving to doctors appointments or by simply doing whatever needs to be done to assist someone who is ill or homebound? Aspen Hospice recognizes the complexity of caregiving and offers a time of respite. Whether or not the person you care for receives services from Aspen Hospice, you, as a caregiver, can find encouragement, support and information at the Caregiver Coffee Break every Wednesday from 9 to 11:30 a.m. at 230 Marcus Street in Hamilton. Stop in anytime and stay as long as you like. Reservations are not required and coffee breaks are provided at no charge. For additional information, contact Elizabeth at 777-5009.

Singing Lilies group

Any women who enjoy singing two- and three-part harmony to a wide variety of piano-accompanied music are invited to join Lilies of the Valley singing group. No auditions are required for participation. Have fun sharing your time and talent under the direction of Thelma Laws. The group meets Thursdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at 211 N. 6th in Hamilton. For more information call Lola, 363-4633.

WIC clinics

A WIC clinic is offered the first through the fourth Wednesdays of each month at the United Methodist Church in Stevensville, the second Monday of each month at the Church of the Nazarene in Victor, and the third Monday of each month at the Darby Clubhouse. WIC eligibility guidelines are: yearly gross of $19,240 for family of 1 (including unborn child; $25,900 for 2; $32,560 for 3; $39,220 for 4: $45,880 for 5; $52,540 for 6. For each additional member add $6,660.

Sapphire Quilt Club

The Sapphire Quilt Club meets monthly on the second Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Stevensville Senior Center, 100 Mission Street. Teaching of short cuts and easy techniques begin at 6:30 p.m. Join this fun group of people to learn about quilting. For information, contact Linda Powell at 777-1070.

Men’s Bereavement Support Breakfast

For men dealing with the death of a loved one, Marcus Daly Hospice offers a men’s breakfast support group. The Men’s Bereavement Support Breakfast meets at 9 a.m. every second and fourth Friday of the month in the Marcus Daly Hospice dining room. Breakfast is provided for a $3 donation per person. For more information or to reserve your spot, call Cathy at 375-4752.

Grief Support Group

You are invited to learn how to deal with the grief you feel for the loss of a loved one. Marcus Daly Hospice offers a free Grief Support Group every Tuesday from 2 to 3:30 p.m., meeting in Hospice’s comfortable living room. The group is open to anyone in the community. For more information, call Cathy at 375-4752.

Dancercize classes

“Dancercize Around the World” is a fun, low impact class designed for adults of all ages and abilities to strengthen, tone, stretch and improve breathing while moving in a variety of music and dance styles including Latin, African, Renaissance, Modern, Improvisation and American Jazz/Bop. Classes are held Mondays and Thursdays from 10-11 a.m. For more information call Elenita Brown, 777-5956.

Library Storytimes

The North Valley Public Library in Stevensville offers story times for children ages seven and under on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. No registration is required. For more information call the library at 777-5061.

Stevensville Awana

Awana meets every Tuesday from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the First Baptist Church, 402 Church in Stevensville. Children from the ages of 3 years through 6th grade come together for a fun time of games, Bible lessons, and reciting Bible verses to earn awards. A healthy snack is provided for those coming directly from school. Awana is an international kids’ club open to any child. For more information call 777-5677.

Lone Rock Awana

Lone Rock Bible Church, 1142 Three Mile Creek Rd., Stevensville, invites all children from preschool (age 4) through sixth grade to come to Awana Club every Wednesday from 2:45 to 4:30 p.m. at the church. Awana is one of the largest nondenominational children's and youth ministries in the world, focused on spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through the local church. Each week the boys and girls will learn Bible verses, have a Bible story time and play organized games. For more information call the church office, 777-2592.

Dance classes

Big Sky International Dancers offer a free dance class every Sunday from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Masonic Temple, 115 S. 3rd in Hamilton. Learn the two-step, swing and waltz. This is an ever-expanding group of singles and couples. The program is sponsored by the Hamilton Rainbow Girls. Additional free personal dance instruction is available in Corvallis. For more information call Glory Corbett, 961-8866.


Soroptimist International of Hamilton meets the first and third Thursdays of each month at noon and the second Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at BJ’s Restaurant. Soroptimist is a worldwide organization for women in management and professions working through service projects to advance human rights and the status of women. All interested business women are encouraged to attend.

Spanish conversation group

Habla Espanol? Do you travel? Do you work with Latinos? Do you just want to keep your mind sharp? If you are a beginner or just a bit rusty, join the Stevi Spanish Conversation Group at the North Valley Public Library Wednesdays from 6 to 7 pm to brush up on your Spanish language skills. This is not a class to learn to speak Spanish. It will be an informal, weekly gathering to practice speaking the Spanish language. The focus will be role playing for situations experienced during travel and everyday life. For more information, call the library at 777-5061.

Work support group

Laid off? Looking for work? Join a new Work Support Group for networking and information exchange Tuesday mornings at 10 a.m. at the Olde Coffee Mill on Main Street in Stevensville. For more information, call 360-7002.

PFLAG Chapter

Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG meets every fourth Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, in the basement, 600 S. 3rd St., Hamilton. The building is handicap accessible from DeSmet Street through the back door of the church. For more information contact Terry Moran, 363-7656.

Divorce support group

Free DivorceCare seminar/support group meets every Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. at Canyon View Church, 195 Skalkaho Hwy. in Hamilton to help separated and divorced people through the grief that comes with divorce. Call 363-0875 or 363-4244 for more information.

New Thought service

Join others for New Thought service each Sunday from 9 to 10 a.m. via the internet at the Carriage House, 310 N. 4th Street, Hamilton, to watch Rev. Kathianne Lewis's message from the Center for Spiritual Living in Seattle, Washington. This is a Science of Mind community. Call Barb for more information, 375-9996.

Women’s writing group

A collaborative writing group focusing on women's issues is now being organized at SAFE in the Bitterroot, 150 Morning Star Way, Hamilton. The group meets Thursdays at 4 p.m. For more information call Theresa Rivera, advocate, at 363-2793, ext 12.   

80+ Simple Yoga Club

Free gentle chair yoga for those 80+ years old is held Tuesdays from 11 to 11:30 a.m. at Simple Yoga, 220 W. Main, Hamilton. Learn to use your breath to reduce tension and learn gentle movements to relieve your joints, allow greater range of motion, improve strength, balance, and flexibility, Particular attention is paid to alignment for safety, with lots of personal attention, fun and laughter. Call 544-2101 for more information or simply show up Tuesday at 11 a.m.

Hamilton Rotary Club

The Hamilton Rotary Club meets Mondays, 12 noon, at “Papa Bear’s Den” on the east side of The Three Bears Creamery Cottage, 1659 N. 1st Street, Hamilton. For information about Rotary, call 363-2960.

American Legion bingo

B-I-N-G-O! Join American Legion Fort Owen Post 94, in Stevensville, for free popcorn and an entertaining evening of bingo. The action starts at 7 p.m. at the Senior Center in Stevensville on the first and third Thursdays of the month. In August, play will be on August 6 and August 20. Bring the whole family. All prizes are cash and proceeds go to support American Legion Fort Owen Post 94 community activities.

Cancer Support Group

A Cancer Support Group is held each Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at the North Valley Public Library Community Room. The group is for cancer patients, cancer survivors and family and/or caregivers. For more information contact Diane Howard at 777-2385 or 363-8543.

Hamilton Farmers Market

The Hamilton Farmers Market, located on Bedford and Third Streets by the Museum, opens at 9 a.m. on Saturdays with the ringing of the old Darby School House bell. If you would like to sell at Hamilton Farmers Market and you live in Ravalli County and 50% of the value of your product is made in Montana, call Market Manager Laura Craig at 961-0004 for more information. Come enjoy the fruits of our labor from the farm, studio and kitchen - fresh locally grown produce and locally handmade arts, crafts, furniture and more.

Feldenkrais classes

Does your body hurt? For injury repair, illness, body awareness, try this ongoing Feldenkrais class offered by Kimberlee Carlson Wednesday mornings at 9 a.m. at Yoga in the Root in Stevensville, 4071 Eastside Highway, Suite A. Call 777-7011 for information.


Daly Mansion tours

As the summer season starts to wind down, the historic Daly Mansion wants to remind the public that the Mansion and the Margaret Daly Arboretum and Botanical Gardens are open for tours through October 18. Tours of the Mansion are guided and are available on the hour every day of the week from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour prices are $8.00 for adults, $7.00 for seniors, $5.00 for children, and children under six are admitted free. The grounds are open until 5pm daily. The A.J. Gibson Exhibit, featuring the architect of the Daly Mansion, continues on the third floor through the end of the tour season. The Daly Mansion is located off of Eastside Hwy. between Hamilton and Corvallis and is operated by the non-profit organization, the Daly Mansion Preservation Trust. For more information, call 363-6004.

German music lingua class

German Music Lingua for Kids age 0-8 will be held Mondays at 4 p.m. from September 21 through Dec. 7 at Evergreen Kids Corner, 201 S. 8th, Hamilton. The 45-minute classes include music, storytelling, drama, and art, with take home material for home study. Contact Elke West 375-9243 for information, costs and sign up or visit

Children’s theater classes

The Hamilton Players theater classes will include kids from grade school through high school with different age groups on different nights of the week. The classes will run about an hour starting at 4:15 p.m., and students will learn all aspects of theater - from acting to stagecraft. Bus transportation is available in Hamilton. Classes start Monday Sept 14, but registration will continue through the first two weeks of classes. Get your kids involved in theater! It pays off in so many ways. Contact the Hamilton Playhouse for pricing and more information.  

After-School Program

Two Creeks School, located at 258 Roosevelt Lane in Hamilton, is offering an after-school program Monday-Thursday from 3 to 5:30 p.m. for public, private, and home schooled students in grades K-8.  

Students in the Two Creeks Bridges after-school program will have access to the Two Creeks School library, learning resources, art supplies and play materials as well as a large outdoor play area, nutritious snacks, and help with homework. The Two Creeks Bridges after-school program allows students to transition from a busy school day to home in a positive, stress-free environment. Students who ride the school bus are met by a Two Creeks School staff member at the bus stop each day. For registration contact Two Creeks Community School 363-4740 or e-mail Steve Archibald at

Hamilton Elks dinner

The Hamilton Elks host a dinner open to the public every Wednesday night the Hamilton Elks lodge, 203 State Street. The menu is different each week and the cost is $8.00. This week’s menu features fish and chips, coleslaw, dessert and coffee. Serving begins at 6 p.m. All proceeds benefit the Elks scholarship fund.

Suppertime at SVCFC

Suppertime@SVCFC is a free community dinner for families and those needing a good, nutritious meal. Meals are served on Tuesday and Thursday from 6 to 7 p.m. at South Valley Child and Family Center, 515 Madison in Hamilton, starting September 3. All meals are prepared in a professional kitchen by volunteers. The program is funded by contributions, donations and grants. Any help is appreciated. If you or your group would like to volunteer or donate, call SVCFC at 363-3450.

Driver services curtailed

There will be no drive test the week of Sept. 14-18 and the week of Sept. 28-Oct. 2 due to staff attending training. In addition, the office will be closed from 12 to 1 p.m. during those weeks.

Awana kids’ club

Awana kids’ club is set to begin again! Awana is a program for children ages 3 years - 6th grade at First Baptist Church. It meets on Tuesdays after school from 4 to 5:30 p.m. during the school year. There are games, Bible stories, snacks and age appropriate curriculum. Awana is an international kid's club open to any child. Awana is kicking off the new year with a Fun Fair on Tuesday Sept. 22 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. after early out. All families are welcome and there is no cost. Join in the fun at 402 Church Street, Stevensville. For more information call Lynn Baker at 531-2684.

Darby food collection

The Darby Bread Box, a local food bank in Darby, will be opening soon. During September and October, organizers are collecting soup and tomato sauce. Drop off donations at People’s Market or Bitterroot Community Credit Union. Any donations would be appreciated.

Hispanic Heritage events

As part of the Spanish Language Outreach program and in conjunction with “Hispanic Heritage Month”, the North Valley Public Library will host presentations about the history and cultures of seven Latin American countries that celebrate their independence in September: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Chile. Wednesday, September 16, 11 am to noon, will feature a bi-lingual story time presented by Mexican native, Ana Wagner. Also, Wednesday, September 16, from 6 to 7:30 pm, will feature a travelogue on Chile, presented by Chilean native, Erika Schumann. Other activities throughout the month will include another travelogue on Costa Rica and a presentation by Chef Jorge Morales of Cafe Mundo in Missoula. For more information, call Amy at 777-5061. The North Valley Public Library is located at 208 Main Street in Stevensville.

Hamilton Players production

“Copenhagen,” a 3-person play starring George Gulli, Brad Hathaway and Debbie Weiser as Niels and Margrethe Bohr and Werner Heisenberg, is an examination of a mysterious World War II meeting between two atomic scientists on opposite sides of the war.

A highly acclaimed script, directed in Hamilton by David Anderson, "Copenhagen" has won numerous awards and is known for its ethereal setting. It's a fictional postmortem conversation between the players about their 1941 meeting, and ponders why we do the things we do.

The show will be on stage at the Hamilton Playhouse on Ricketts Road Sept 24-26. Tickets are $14 for adults and $8 for children.

"Copenhagen" was written by Michael Frayn and produced by special arrangement with Samuel French Inc. Call the Playhouse for more information at 375-9050.

Scarecrow contest

Scarecrow builders! This Friday is the deadline! The Stevensville Art and Sculpture Society is once again “cawing” for artists to submit their applications to enter the 4th Annual Stevensville Scarecrow Festival which will be held on First Friday, October 2. The generosity of sponsors and participant entry fees will provide the cash prizes, to be determined by popular vote. The most popular scarecrows will receive by balloted voting: 1st place - $300.00, 2nd Place - $200.00, and 3rd place - $100.00. In addition, two artistic merit awards of $50.00 each will be given by the decision of a three-member jury of SASS artists. Performance artists, musicians and living sculpture entries are welcome, also, and will be eligible for artistic merit awards, but not for popular vote prize monies. Entry forms are available at the Bitterroot Star office in Stevensville, the Paper Clip in Hamilton or online at "". Deadline for entries is by the end of the business day or a postmark on this Friday, Sept. 25.

Montana Rep production

The Great Depression dropped onto America in 1929 with the fall of Wall Street. By 1933, over 15 million people were unemployed ... approximately one-quarter of America's workforce. 1934 brought some of the most violent labor struggles America had seen: strikes flared in Minneapolis, San Francisco, South Carolina, and Rhode Island; they required intervention by the police, National Guard and even the Army.

Also in 1934, playwright Clifford Odets (“Awake and Sing!”) wrote his second play, “Waiting for Lefty,” in three days, basing it on a real cab-driver strike that took place earlier that year in New York City. Opening night was met with an hour-long audience reaction of cheering and chanting; members of the Longshoreman's Union who were in attendance spontaneously declared themselves on strike. Famed director (and actor in the original production) Elia Kazan said, "It was the most overwhelming reception I've ever heard in the theatre."

Montana Rep Missoula is proud to present Odet's desperate call to action. Don't miss your opportunity to see the classic drama that had profound resonance with the working class in 1934 and still has that power in today's world. “Waiting for Lefty” is directed by MRM alumnus Chris Evans; it runs at the Crystal from September 22-26 and September 29-October 3 at 7:30 p.m. Call 243-4581 for tickets, or visit to order them online.

Reverse mortgage workshops

Farmers State Bank will present three free workshops for homeowners and their families who want to learn more about the benefits of a Reverse Mortgage. Farmers State Bank now offers FHA Insured Reverse Mortgages, a way for homeowners to borrow against the equity in their home. In many cases, homeowners are able to structure the mortgage to provide the income they need to stay in their home longer. Reverse Mortgages are only available to homeowners age 62 or older who reside in a home that they either own outright, or have a small mortgage balance on.

Carol Holman, Manager, Farmers State Bank Mortgage Services, will present the information at three free workshops: Wednesday, September 23 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Victor School Auditorium, 425 4th Street, Victor; Friday, September 25 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Hamilton Senior Center, 820 N. 4th, Hamilton, and on Tuesday, September 29 from 9:30 to11:30 a.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn and Conference Center, 3720 N. Reserve, Missoula. There will be ample time to answer your questions.

There is no charge to attend, and no obligation to enroll in the program. Seating is limited at some locations and preregistration is recommended to ensure there are enough materials on hand. Call Tricia Kiefer, Farmers State Bank, at 642-2288, at least three days prior to the workshop you would like to attend.

Stevensville School Board work session

There will be a Stevensville School Board work session on Wednesday, September 23 at 3 p.m. in the Superintendent’s Office regarding the New Building Project.

Book discussion

A “Brown Bag It!” book discussion group will meet Thursday, September 24 from noon to 1 p.m. in the west meeting room of the Bitterroot Public Library, 306 State Street, Hamilton. “The Ginseng Hunter,” a novel by Jeff Talarigo, will be the topic. For more information call the library at 363-1670.

Special Stevensville School Board meeting

The Stevensville School Board of Trustees will hold a special meeting on Thursday, September 24 at 6 p.m. in the Stevensville High School Learning Center to consider formal complaints concerning the Stevensville School Board.

Montana Men's Retreat

The Montana Men’s Foundation annual fall gathering will be at held Thursday-Sunday, September 24-27 at Camp Mimanagish on the Boulder River in the heart of the Abasaroka-Beartooth Wilderness, 40 miles south of Big Timber. Men from all over Montana share life experiences, reconnect with nature, experience a supportive community of men, and authentically explore what it means to be a man in today's world. Group activities include rhythm and song, yoga and movement, art making, simple rituals, heart-to-heart discussions, self-awareness exercises, time on the land, and more.

The Retreat will be led by Matthew and Patrick Marsolek. Participants will be lodged in comfortable but rustic cabins and chef Darry Stearns will provide hearty, gourmet meals. The cost is $350 and includes all housing, food, and activities. Partial scholarships may be available for younger men and those with financial hardship. For more information and to register, visit

Florence Clean-Up Day

There will be a highway clean-up project in Florence on Thursday, September 24 at 9 a.m., sponsored by the Florence Civic Club. This clean-up will focus on the planting areas and medians along US93. Highway crews will provide highway safety. Anyone interested is invited to attend, and participants will be treated to ice cream or soda at Caffé Firenze after the clean-up, which will end by 12 or 1 p.m. depending on the weather. Volunteers should bring gloves and meet near the coffee kiosk in the Town Pump parking lot at 9 a.m. to pick up bags. Call 396-7300 with questions.

Founder’s Day gathering

The very beginnings of the town of Stevensville were formed on September 24, 1841. On the 168th anniversary, Thursday, September 24, at 5 p.m. the Stevensville Civic Club invites everyone to gather on the grounds at Historic St. Mary's Mission. In recognition of the historical day the Mission bell will be rung. For more information call the Mission at 777-5734.

Paper drive

The Hamilton Garden Club will hold a paper drive on Friday, September 25 from 9:30 to 2:30 p.m. in the Safeway parking lot.

Raptor migration workshop/field trip

Bitterroot Audubon will sponsor a Raptor Migration workshop and field trip the fourth weekend in September. The leader for both these events will be nationally known raptor expert Steve Hoffman, Director of Montana Audubon and former director of Hawk Watch International. Steve will describe and illustrate raptor identification techniques during the workshop on Friday, September 25 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Bitterroot National Forest Headquarters on Highway 93 on the north edge of Hamilton. Steve will then lead participants on a field trip to Sula Peak (you can drive to the top) on Saturday, September 26 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to watch and identify migrating raptors. Observers at this site in the past have recorded large numbers of raptors, including Red-tailed Hawks, Golden Eagles, Northern Goshawks, Cooper’s Hawks and Sharp-shinned Hawks.

The cost of the workshop and the field trip is $20. A few spaces will be available at $10 for those wishing to attend just the field trip. Spaces in both workshop and field trip are limited, so advanced registration is recommended. Contact Kay Fulton at 642-3794 at for more information and to register for these events.

National Hunting and Fishing Day celebration

Free activities, exhibits and attractions for the whole family will highlight a public celebration of National Hunting and Fishing Day on Saturday, September 26 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation’s Elk Country Visitor Center on Grant Creek Road in Missoula.

The Elk Foundation, Boone and Crockett Club and KYSS-FM are hosting the event.

“Congress formalized National Hunting and Fishing Day in 1972 as an annual reminder that conservation in America succeeds only because of hunters and anglers. Through licenses and special taxes, hunters and anglers generate $100,000 every 30 minutes for fish, wildlife and habitat programs. No one does more for conservation. That’s a proud legacy worth sharing and celebrating with everyone in western Montana,” said Tony Schoonen, chief of staff for the Boone and Crockett Club.

For more information about NHF Day, visit

Do-it-Yourself Home Energy Expo

NorthWestern Energy invites all of its customers in the Missoula area to attend its Home Energy Makeover Expo this Saturday, September 26 at the Missoula Fairgrounds Home Arts Building, 1101 South Avenue West from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Expo, which will be held in conjunction with another round of weatherization kit giveaways, will include activities such as pictures with Louie and Sniffy, balloons and giveaways for the kids, free refreshments, safety education and E+ how-to demonstrations. This year, the company also will distribute free carbon monoxide detectors to residential gas customers (limit one per household and while supplies last) and we’ve invited a variety of vendors to provide information, displays and demonstrations to compliment NorthWestern’s E+ rebate programs. The National Weather Service is hosting a booth this year and the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will provide information on state and federal tax incentives for implementing energy efficiency measures. In addition, NorthWestern Energy customers can register to win an extreme home energy makeover by registering for the Home Energy Makeover contest at the Saturday event.

Local Living Family Center open house

The Local Living Family Center is a program of the Women's Opportunity and Resource Development Center in Missoula. An Open House will be held Saturday, September 26 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 5501 N. Hwy. 93, Suite 3, Florence. There will be many fun activities including Pony-Petting with Parson's Ponies and building scarecrows! This event will be free of charge and will offer free food from local vendors. Join the staff in its mission to create a sustainable environment for family health and development. For more information contact Jacqueline Kakos at 369-2635.


The annual Oktoberfest will be held Saturday, September 26 at 4 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church, 275 Hattie Lane, Hamilton. There will be a bratwurst feast and huckleberry cream pie, as well as a silent auction, live music and games. The proceeds of the free will offering will be matched by Thrivent to help three local families with unexpected hospital costs. For more information call 363-1924.

Library book sale

Attention all bibliophiles! The 2009 Annual Friends of the Bitterroot Public Library Used Book Sale is coming September 29th through October 3rd to the downstairs Community Room in the Bitterroot Public Library at 306 State St. in Hamilton. The sale will be Tuesday, September 29 and Wednesday, September 30 from 6 to 9 pm, Thursday, October 1 and Friday. October 2 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday, October 3 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. On Tuesday evening only there will be a $2.00 admission for adults. The price for all items is $1.00 per inch thick. Saturday all day will be the ever-popular Bag Sale when all the items that can be stuffed in a grocery bag are $2.00 per bag - bring you own bags if possible. Another popular feature of the book sale is free books all week long on the sidewalk. On Saturday after 2 p.m. there will be a Truckload Sale - $15.00 per load! Bring your own truck and load it up! Starting on Tuesday at 6 p.m. and ending at 2 p.m. on Saturday there will be a silent auction of special books.

Volunteers are needed to help set up and sort books as well as during the sale. Set-up times are Saturday, September 26 and Sunday, September 27 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A sign-up schedule is posted on the Friends of the Library bulletin board in the library.

Donations to the book sale may be brought to the Bitterroot Public Library during regular open hours. Do not put donated materials in the book return boxes. All proceeds from the book sale go to benefit the Bitterroot Public Library.

For information contact the Bitterroot Public Library 363-1670.

Missionary to speak 

Farayi Tiriwepi, a missionary in the Congo, will be at the Stevensville United Methodist Church, 216 College Street, on September 27. There will be a light supper at 5 p.m. followed by Farayi telling about her work as a United Methodist Missionary.

Farayi has been the Area Financial Executive in the Central Congo Episcopal area since October 2006. In this job she is responsible for receiving funds from the GBGM (General Board of Global Ministries), donor churches and other Advance programs. These funds are disbursed to the various programs/projects such as medical programs, orphan programs, and constructions. She has some very poignant and personal stories to tell.

MAPS benefit

A benefit for the MAPS Media Institute (MMI) will be held Sunday, September 27 from 2 to 8 p.m. at the Bitter Root Brewery, 101 Marcus in Hamilton. Tom Catmull and Free Range will provide live music and there will be door prizes and raffles. Commemorative MMI glasses will be available. All proceeds will go towards MMI scholarships for Ravalli County youth. For more information call Laura at 381-7230.

Five Valley Accordion Dance

Five Valley Accordion Club will hold a dance on Sunday, September 27 from 1 to 4 p.m. at High Spirits in Florence. Tickets are $3.00 for members and $4.00 for non-members. There will be accordions, guitars and banjos to dance and listen to.

Bitterroot Valley Chorus

The Bitterroot Valley Chorus will begin its 37th season with an initial rehearsal in the Choir Room, Hamilton High School, on Monday, September 28. Although most rehearsals will begin at 7 p.m., singers are requested to arrive at this first meeting no later than 6:30 p.m. to allow time for sign-ups, distribution of music, and payment of a membership fee of $20 for the season. Under the artistic direction of Peggy Leonardi, the Bitterroot Valley Chorus will present two concerts of seasonal music for the community on December 12th and 13th. Those who have never before sung with the chorus may telephone 360-7362 or 363-4738 for further information.

Daly Hospital ‘Report to the Community’

The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) invites you to the 1st Annual Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital Community Benefit forum. These hospital forums are an opportunity for you to learn more about your local medical facilities. The information shared will include the people behind the hospital asset, patient satisfaction scores, services available, hospital finances, and the economic impacts on the Bitterroot Valley. During the forum, you will have an opportunity to meet some of the hospital staff, share comments, ask questions and get answers. The forums are hosted by the Community Advisory Committee. The final hospital forum will be held Tuesday, September 29 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Hamilton Performing Arts Center, 327 Fairgrounds Road. For more information visit or call Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital at 363-2211.

Metcalf Refuge planning meetings

Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge (refuge) is hosting two public meetings to provide an opportunity to learn and comment on the upcoming 15-year Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP). This plan will affect everything the refuge manages from wildlife and habitat to public use activities.

The first meeting will be held on September 29, at the refuge office located at 4567 Wildfowl Lane in Stevensville. The second meeting will be on October 1 at the Missoula Public Library located on 301 E. Main in downtown Missoula. Each meeting will start at 7 p.m. and end by 9 p.m. The public will not only learn about the planning process but, more importantly, have an opportunity to provide their comments about what they enjoy about the refuge and what changes they would like to see take place over the next 15 years. If you are unable to attend this meeting, you may still comment in writing by email at or mail to: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Attn: Laura King, 58355 Bison Range Road, Moiese MT 59824. All written comments must be emailed or postmarked by October 15, 2009 to be considered by the planning team. It is estimated that a draft plan will be available for public review by Spring 2011. To learn more about Lee Metcalf National Wildlife, visit the Web at

For more information, contact the refuge at 777-5552.

Catholic inquiry class

A series of classes on the Catholic faith will begin September 29 at 7 p.m. at the Bitterroot Valley Living Center. For more information call Dave Weisbeck at 777-6991.

Stevensville School Board work session

There will be a Stevensville School Board work session on Wednesday, September 30 at 3 p.m. in the Superintendent’s Office regarding the New Building Project.

Call for volunteers

McIntosh Apple Day will be held Saturday, October 10. Volunteers are needed for the following activities:

Thursday, October 1 - Pie making – Bring your rolling pin!

Wednesday, October 7 - Apple peeling and baking prep

Thursday, October 8 - Apple pie assembly, baking and moving pies

Saturday, October 10 - Apple day booths

The museum is also in need of pint size, commercial mason jars with lids that are in good condition. To donate or volunteer, or for more information, call the Ravalli County Museum at 363-3338.

Compassionate Communication class

Everyone is invited to attend an energizing, skill-building evening learning a powerful process proven in daily life around the globe. Compassionate Communication empowers people to resolve conflicts and inspire cooperation at home and at work by providing a framework which fosters deep understanding, empathy and respect. Join the thousands of people worldwide who have improved their relationships and their lives with this simple yet revolutionary approach to “conscious communication.” A free introductory class will be held Friday, October 2 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. at First Christian Church meeting room, 328 Fairgrounds Road, Hamilton (across from the high school).

A 10-week class will begin Monday, October 5 from 7 to 9 p.m. A donation of $150 is requested plus two texts required. No one will be turned away for inability to pay the full amount. Call to work out a fee that meets everyone’s needs. Partial Bitterroot hours accepted. To register or for more information contact Veronica Lassen, 363-3076 or Veronica is a Relationship Skills Coach and has been teaching classes and workshops for nine years.

IWW anniversary celebration

On Friday, October 2, the Two Rivers Chapter of the IWW will celebrate the 100 year anniversary of one of Missoula's most important historical events, the Wobblies first successful struggle to exercise their right to free speech. In 1909 the City began enforcing an ordinance preventing organizers from speaking out on street corners. As Elizabeth Gurley Flynn describes in her book "Rebel Girl", "We sent out a call to all foot-loose rebels to come at once - to defend the Bill of Rights".

The "rebels" filled the jails of Missoula and "disrupted the citizenry with their ruckus" until the city capitulated. Following this victory Flynn and her fellow agitators took the fight to Spokane, Kansas City, Aberdeen, WA and Fresno, CA.

The Two Rivers chapter will present a re-enactment of this historical struggle beginning with an open soapbox for any and all speakers beginning at 5 p.m. on the corner of Front and Higgins. The re-enactment begins at 6 p.m. and will be followed by a showing of the documentary film "Jailed for Their Words" beginning at 7 p.m. upstairs at the Union Hall on E. Main in Missoula. Following the screening there will be a short discussion on the current work of the IWW. The public is invited to participate. For more information contact Dave Jones at 363-5292 or email

Heart Walk

The annual Heart Walk, a fundraiser for the American Heart Association, will take place Saturday, October 3 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the University of Montana.

Teams are forming now and are soliciting donations to support the education and research efforts of the American Heart Association, a nonprofit that raises awareness of cardiovascular disease and promotes heart-healthy lifestyles. This year’s goal is to raise $175,000. No fundraising minimum is required to take part in the Heart Walk. Registration is open until the day of the event.

The Heart Walk will begin at 10 a.m. on the Oval with a ceremony to introduce heart disease survivors and remember those who have passed away because of heart disease.

Participants then will walk a three-mile, noncompetitive course around the UM campus. Awards and a closing ceremony will follow.

The event also will feature kids’ activities, refreshments and information on healthy lifestyles. Grizzly athletes, the dance team and Monte, UM’s mascot, also will be on hand to share in the festivities.

For more information or to register, call the American Heart Association at 406-829-3377, e-mail or visit

Moonwalk Series

The Forest Service “Moonwalk Series” continues on Saturday, October 3 with the Ghost Moon at Larry Creek Group Camp at 7 p.m. Gather around a campfire to hear ghosts of the Bitterroot Valley "past" share stories of their lives and untimely deaths. You may hear about the Magruder massacre, listen to a forest lookout, hear from a trapper who met an untimely death, and be entertained by other terrifyingly true tales! The program will last for about one hour. Participants may want to bring a lawn chair and flashlight. Also anticipate the weather and dress accordingly.

Directions to Larry Creek Group Camp: From U.S. Highway 93, turn west onto Bass Creek Road (3.6 miles north of the Stevensville “Y” light, and 4.1 miles south of the Florence light). Continue on Bass Creek Road for approximately 2 miles until you come to an intersection with Charles Waters Campground on the left. Turn right onto Forest Road 1316 and follow the signs to the Larry Creek Group Camp.  For additional information go to: or call Julie Schreck at 375-2606 for more information, or visit the Bitterroot National Forest at 1801 North 1st Street, Hamilton.

Bitterroot Harvest Festival

Mark your calendars for the Bitterroot Harvest Festival to be held Saturday, October 3 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the First Interstate Center in Hamilton. There will be a great selection of wines, meads, brews and hors d'oeuvres. Music will be provided. You will have a chance to win a trip to Chico Hot Springs with your ticket purchase. Tickets are $35 or 2 for $60 and are available at all Farmer State Bank locations, Mikesell's Fine Jewelry, Caffe Firenze, and the Chamber of Commerce office. For more information call 363-2400.

Corvallis Methodist dinner

The Corvallis United Methodist Church will hold its annual Harvest Dinner and dessert auction (silent and open) on Monday, October 5 from 5 to 7 p.m. Admission is $6 for adults, $3.50 for under 12, and free for under 5. The church is located at the corner of Eastside Hwy and Cemetery Road, one mile south of the Woodside Cutoff.

MBN Bitterroot Empowerment Sub-network

Women in the Bitterroot are invited to presentations and discussion designed to enhance women's sense of power and authority and to develop coping skills in an environment of network support. The MBN Bitterroot Empowerment Sub-Network will meet the first Wednesday of the month at 12 noon at Perkins Restaurant in Hamilton. Guests are always welcome. The first meeting will be Wednesday, October 7 with local motivational speaker Kim Gibbs giving insights from a Montana perspective. For more information contact Jane Foster, 777-2104 or Barb Lucas, 531-5699.

McIntosh Apple Day 

Don’t miss the 30th Annual McIntosh Apple Day held on the grounds of the Ravalli County Museum in Hamilton. The event recalls the era when the Bitter Root Valley boasted "the largest apple orchards in the world!"  

On October 10, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., step back in history and watch fresh apple juice being squeezed from an old-fashioned hand press, apple butter bubbling, caramel apples, a day filled with live local music and raffle, as well as a silent auction.

Kids games hosted by Kids First, a giant farmers market of fall delicacies, amazing arts and crafts, and a huge assortment of vendors will all be part of the festivities at the Ravalli County Museum on S. 3rd and Bedford Streets.

Groups are encouraged to car pool in vans and busses. Come early, dress in layers, and bring your appetite.  

Vendor booths still available. For more information call or e-mail the Ravalli County Museum at or 363-3338.

Coats for Kids

Free coats for kids will be distributed at First Baptist Church, 402 Church Street, Stevensville on Wednesday, October 14 from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Saturday, October 17 from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., and Tuesday, October 20 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Accepting donations of coats, blankets, hats, mittens, boots at Stevensville banks; additional donations will be given to Clothes Closet.

Youth mentoring group

The Stevensville Horizons program is creating a youth mentoring group. The first event will be a Halloween party followed by a teen dance. Horizons is looking for organizations and people who would like to volunteer. Contact Sarah Armijo at 406-396-0453 or attend the next meeting, October 13 at 7 p.m. at the Frontier Cafe.

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