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Volume XXV, Number 7

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Kootenai Creek Fire Update

9/11 memorial held in Stevensville

By Michael Howell

For the second year in a row a memorial service was held in Stevensville’s Veterans Park to honor the 403 firefighters, police and port authority officers who lost their lives while responding to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York City. More...

Stevensville firemen Brad Lord and Jeff Motley read the names of those who died in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks at a memorial service held in Stevensville last Friday. Michael Howell photo.

County considers requiring public record of private burials

By Michael Howell

A majority of county commissioners expressed agreement last week about the need for some “minimal” public record documenting burials on private land. Right now, according to Deputy County Attorney Dan Browder, no one has to file anything with the county if they bury a person on private property. More...

River Park bathroom dedicated

By Michael Howell

It took five long years, but it finally arrived. A bathroom at River Park.

Hamilton City Councilor Mike LaSalle, who was instrumental in finally guiding the project to completion on behalf of the city, said that if there was ever a true “community project” this was one. More...

Community members gathered last week to celebrate the opening of the new public restroom facility at River Park. Mayor Jerry Steele officiated at the opening celebration. Many local businesses donated materials and services to the project.

The new public restroom facility at River Park sits atop a hill at the parking lot overlooking the three "landscaped" acres at the north end of the Park. The children's swing sets and play equipment is located nearby, as well as a few acres of open lawn. Councilor Mike LaSalle said the hill presented a perfect sledding opportunity and combined with the new restroom facility, which will be heated, made a perfect place for kids living in town to come and sled.

Just a few hundred feet from the three landscaped acres, Bruce the Moose, could be seen browsing in the 30 "natural" acres that stretch to the south in River Park. Hikers use the river trail system through the southern portion of the park all winter and will no doubt find the heated restroom at the parking lot an exceptionally convenient development.

Stevi School considers bond proposal

By Michael Howell

Stevensville School District Superintendent Kent Kultgen told the Bitterroot Star that he would be presenting the School District Board of Trustees with a building bond proposal at a special meeting on Tuesday, September 15. More...

Hospital holds community benefit forums

By Michael Howell

The Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is holding a series of Community Benefit Forums across the valley this month. These hospital forums are an opportunity for community members to learn more about what Marcus Daly Hospital has to offer in terms of services, how it has been rated for patient satisfaction, how its finances work and the economic impacts of the business on the Bitterroot Valley. More...

John Bartos, Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital CEO, discusses the financial impact of the hospital on the valley's economy. Michael Howell photo.

Sun shines on Northwest Honeyfest

The sun poured down like honey on the first annual NorthWest HoneyFest, held at Lewis and Clark Park in Stevensville last Saturday. Honey, of course, was a hot item at the celebration, and honey tasting was by far the most popular event, as festival attendees got a chance to taste honey made from Buckwheat, Sweet Clover, Orange/Avocado, Organic Wild Flower, Knapweed, and other flowery flavors. Demonstrations were also held on how to build a beehive, how to extract honey from the hives, and how to make beer and mead. Pictured above are the event's chairpersons Marcia Diamond (center left) and Deby Lackas (center right) of the Stevensville Main Street Association along with representatives from the University of Montana Culinary Arts Program. Michael Howell photo.


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