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Volume XXIII, Number 4

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

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Hometown Queen of the Clydes: Christina Crockett

By Gretchen L. Langton

If Budweiser is the "King of Beers," Christina Crockett gets to be the Queen of the Clydesdales, at least in her own hometown. This young Bitterroot native has been traveling with the West Coast Budweiser team for the last year and a half. More...

Christina Crockett, Bitterroot native, makes her living traveling with the West Coast team of Budweiser Clydesdale horses.
Jean Schurman photos.

Hamilton City Council addresses global warming

By Michael Howell

The Hamilton City Council decided unanimously at its last meeting to refer a potential resolution to address the problem of global warming to the Parks and Recreation Committee. That committee handles environmental issues. A possible resolution to address global warming was introduced by Councilor Bob Scott who called it "a major problem." More...

Stevi focuses on water and sewer issues

By Michael Howell

The Stevensville Town Council decided, at its August 27 meeting, to hire HDR Engineering of Missoula to work on an assessment for possible improvements to the city's waste water treatment plant. Mayor Bill Meisner said that the firm specialized in water and sewer engineering. He said that the company had done work in Hamilton, Columbia Falls, and Glacier Park and had a superb reputation. More...

Town of Stevi adding art to its parks

By Michael Howell

The Stevensville Art and Sculpture Society (SASS) is working hard to promote the appreciation, creation and display of public art for the community and the Stevensville Town Council has given the group the go ahead to place a sculpture in Lange Park, located in the middle of town on Main Street. More...

Sewage sludge inadvertently dumped on Hwy. 93

By Michael Howell

Disaster and Emergency Services coordinator Ron Nicholas told the Ravalli County Commissioners on Monday that a truck carrying sewage sludge from the Hamilton City sewage treatment plant accidentally dropped some of its load along Highway 93 near Woodside. He said that it was not an emergency, however, since the sewage was not toxic. He recommended that lime simply be poured on it. More...


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