Bitterroot Star Masthead
The Bitterroot Valley's only locally owned newspaper

Volume XIX, Number 47

Weekly Classifieds

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

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Business Opportunities

MAKE $5000+ monthly at home locating closeout merchandise for my company. Free Info kit. Write: ZAKEN, Dept. 23474Y, 20700 Plummer Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311.

Farm & Garden

HUGE SELECTION OF HANGING BASKETS starting at $9.95; 8-inch geraniums, $5.95; 4-inch geraniums, $1.50; flower and vegetable plants - 4 paks - 99˘, tomatoes, 4-in. pots, 99˘, peppers, 2-1/2 in. pots - 79˘, fruit trees, shade trees and shrubs. Wine barrel planters - $16.95. MOELLERıS NURSERY, 3/4 mile south of Corvallis on Eastside Hwy. 961-3389. Open 9-6 daily.

CLEAN TOPSOIL for sale. Delivered in 10-yard loads only, Victor/Stevi/Florence area. 777-3052.

For Rent

STEVENSVILLE - one large bedroom, sits on 5 acres. $500/mo. plus deposit. 363-7487.

Need a place for a party? St. Mary's Family Center now available. Call 777-5574 for details.

FOR RENT - Well-kept townhouse. Convenient Stevi location. Mountain view. Small garden patio, 2-bedroom, washer/dryer, city utilities, included. $395/mo. Contact 777-2654 or Cardinal Properties, 363-4430.

For Sale

FOR SALE: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1977 doublewide on 4.39 acres. Shop, tack room, storage shed. $144,000. Call JoyceAnne, Eickert Realty, 239-5726.

MONTANA GENESIS (Stevensville history) for sale at Silver Dollar Antiques, 217 Main.

Help Wanted

WAITRESS/WAITER, part-time. Good pay for the right person. 777-3681 for appointment.

THINKING ABOUT A NEW CAREER? The University of Montana College of Technology Future Focus Program lets you train for a new career or promotion through evening and online courses! Evening Course in Hamilton: Introduction to Computers, Wed 6-9 pm - Hamilton High School. Get started on your online program by learning how to use computers and the online courseware. Online Program: Get your Customer Relations Certificate or choose from other online courses. Call now! For a complete list of courses contact the UM-MCOT Outreach Department at 243-7812 or


CLAY CLASSES - Potterıs Wheel, Hand-building & Sculpture. Myra, 273-0988.

Lost & Found

LOST: JUNE 6, near Lee Metcalf Refuge, north of Stevi. Large German shepherd, red collar. 777-3863.

LOST: German Shepherd, Sunset Bench area, east of Stevi. Black and brown, 6 mos. old, red collar. Answers to "Lincoln." 777-5188 (eves), 777-5582 (wk).

MISSING - Calico cat named Patty - from Stevi River Rd. 3-year-old, small, beautiful, missing 2-1/2 weeks. Reward. Call Celia please, 777-1169.

Vacation Rentals

VACATION ON THE RIVER! Fully furnished home on 11 acres across from wildlife refuge - 4 bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, sleeps 7+. Foosball, horseshoes, barbecue, water, water, water. Call 777-1169. $2000/week, one week minimum.


WANTED TO BUY! Have cash - will buy anything that doesnıt eat! Hamilton. 363-3568.

WANTED TO BUY - Direct TV & Dish Network Receivers and Dishes. Hamilton. 363-3568.

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