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Volume XXII, Number 40

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Race still on for District 5 Commission seat

By Michael Howell

The race for a seat representing District 5 on the newly expanded Board of County Commissioners is still on. Recently elected Commissioner Howard Lyons, only six months after taking office will have to defend his seat against Independent candidate Carlotta Grandstaff in the June 5 election. Judge John Larson of Missoula District Court ruled to that effect, without any additional hearings, last Friday, May 4, when he denied a request for a Temporary Restraining Order and a Preliminary Injunction which would have halted the election in District 5. More...

Gracious losers. Yes, that is Dan Severson in a poodle skirt, fulfilling the requirements of a losing wager. Valley Drug & Variety and Farmers State Bank in Stevensville challenged each other to see which business could best develop a 1950's theme. The losing owner/manager - either Dan Severson or Mike Ensler - would have to don a poodle skirt and serve cake to the public on First Friday. Both businesses gave it their all, with appropriate clothing, music and props. The judges had a difficult time, but in the end Farmers State Bank was victorious. Dan made the best of the situation, and surrounded by his loyal crew, graciously (and stylishly?) served cake to the masses who turned out to see this once-in-a-lifetime (we hope!) sight. Michael Howell photo.

Condo lawsuits may be consolidated, legal issues clarified

By Michael Howell

Three lawsuits filed against the Ravalli County Clerk and Recorder for failing to register some recent condominium declarations may be consolidated and amended to seek a Declaratory Judgment from the court on several legal issues that the cases all share. More...

Family transfers growing trend in county

By Michael Howell

Since the passage of the Interim Zoning Regulations and the current limitation on subdivisions to a one dwelling per two-acre density, a lot of attention has been focused on the county's subdivision review process. It is the process by which the county governs the subdivision of land in order to ensure that it meets certain criteria designed to protect the general public interest. But there is a way to subdivide land that does not have to meet this criteria or undergo the subdivision review process. That is when a property owner gifts or sells a portion of a previously unsubdivided parcel of land to a spouse, a parent or a child. It is called a "family transfer."


Hamilton imposes impact fees

By Michael Howell

The City of Hamilton has adopted impact fees that will be assessed on new development to recover some of the cost of capital improvement projects required to meet the needs of new growth. Hamilton is one of the first municipalities in the state to adopt such fees based on the authority granted by the legislature a few years ago, according to Hamilton Mayor Jessica Randazzo. In mid-April the council adopted water and sewer impact fees as well as impact fees aimed at funding the additional service capacity required of the city's Fire and Police Departments. More...


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