Bitterroot Star Masthead

Volume XIX, Number 41

Wednesday, May 5, 2004

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Losing our land, way of life

Hamilton Parks Board celebrates Arbor Day

Corvallis softball team tops Stevi

Hamilton High School Drama Department presents "Wild Oats"

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Bitterroot Valley Chamber of

The Bitterroot River Protection Association received a special award from the Montana Wildlife Federation for its continuing efforts to protect Mitchell Slough as a valuable public resource. Pictured, l to r: BRPA vice-chairman Greg Pape, BRPA chairman Ira Holt, BRPA board member Ray Karr, and BRPA founding member Jim Shockley.

Locals bring home MWF awards

Two Bitterroot Valley residents and a Bitterroot citizens group were among those honored by the Montana Wildlife Federation at its annual convention. Celebrating 69 years of wildlife conservation efforts, the Montana Wildlife Federation held its annual three-day convention April 23-24. More...

Final EIS endorses upgrade at RML

By Michael Howell

Public comment is now being accepted on the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) released by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for the Rocky Mountain Laboratory (RML) Integrated Research Facility. The FEIS endorses the proposed expansion of the facility to include a Biosafety Level-4 (BL-4) laboratory. RML is part of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a component of NIH in Bethesda, Maryland. More...

Trouble snowballs for Darby School Board

By Michael Howell

By the time you read this, the showdown over the controversial "Objective Origins" policy, adopted on first reading by the Darby School Board on a 3 to 2 vote last winter, will have come to a head in the school board elections on Tuesday. With two seats open on the Board and four candidates, two on each side of the issue, the Darby public will have a chance to register its opinion on the matter at the polls. More...

Race is on for Senate District 45

By Michael Howell

Republican State Representative Jim Shockley has turned his eyes on the Senate and announced his candidacy for Senate District 45. Shockley has served in the legislature since being elected to the House of Representatives in 1999. Shockley will face Democrat Kerry Wall-MacLane in the Senate race. More...


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