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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Community Calendar


Hamilton Senior Center activities

Monday – 11:45 lunch, cloggers at 1:30 p.m.; bingo on 1st & 3rd weeks, pinochle on 2nd week, 7 p.m.
Tuesday - line dancing at 9:30 a.m., cloggers at 3 p.m.
Wednesday – 11:45 lunch, bridge at 1 p.m., cloggers at 5:30 p.m.
Thursday - exercise at 9 a.m.; pinochle on 3rd week, 1 p.m.
Friday - line dancing at 9:30 a.m., 11:45 lunch
Saturday - pancake breakfast on 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 8-10 a.m.
Sunday - bridge, 1 p.m.

Stevi Senior Center activities

Monday-Friday - Lunch, 11:30 a.m.
Monday - Bridge and Special Music, noon.
Monday & Saturday - Pinochle, 7 p.m.
Tuesday - Exercise class, 10-11 a.m.
2nd Tuesday - Quilters, 6:30 p.m.
Every Other Wednesday - Fiddlers at Lunch
3rd Wednesday - Special Birthday Dinner, noon, with music. Blood pressures taken.
Thursday - Exercise class, 10-11 a.m.
1st & 3rd Thursday – American Legion Bingo, 7 p.m.
For more information call the Center at 777-5681 04 777-5707.

Victor Senior Center activities

Sundays - AA meeting, 7 p.m.
Monday-Thursday - Men's Coffee, 8:30-10 a.m.
Monday-Friday - Lunch, 11:30 a.m. Includes main course, salad bar, beverage, dessert. Seniors $3.25, under 60 years $5.75. (RSVP 642-3320)
Tuesdays - Bingo, 7 p.m.
Wednesdays - Pinochle, 7 p.m.
Fridays - Ladies' Coffee, 10-11 a.m.


The Stevensville Al-Anon Group meets each Thursday from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at the North Valley Public Library. Anyone who is affected by the compulsive drinking of a relative or friend is invited. For more information call 375-9996.

Gamblers Anonymous

Gamblers Anonymous classes are held at Community Baptist Church, 409 Buck St., Stevensville, on Mondays and Thursdays from 7 to 8 p.m.

Ask yourself these questions:

1) Have you ever felt remorse after gambling?
2) Do you often gamble until your last dollar is gone?
3) After you have won did you have a strong urge to return and win more?

If you answered yes to any of these questions this class might be good for you. For more information call 777-3897.

VFW meetings

VFW Post 1430 meets the first Monday of every month at 8 p.m. at the American Legion Hall in Hamilton. The Women's Auxiliary meets the first Monday of every month at 7 p.m. at 649 Grantsdale Road. For more information call 363-3889.

Overeaters Anonymous

Overeaters Anonymous is a Twelve Step program that deals with compulsive eating behaviors. It offers a solution within reach of all those who want to find relief from the obsession with food. It meets weekly on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. at St Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 203 Main Street, Stevensville, and on Saturdays at 10 a.m. at the First Presbyterian Church, 1220 W. Main St., Hamilton. For information, call 777-7160.

Golden Agers

The Golden Age group meets every Friday from 7:30 to 10 p.m. at 727 S. 5th in Hamilton. If you are a senior citizen and are bored, looking for fun or just want something new to experience, attend and enjoy good food, live music, dancing and fellowship. Cost is $5. Snacks are potluck. Exercise classes are held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 a.m. Blood pressure is checked every first Wednesday of the month.

Florence American Legion

The Florence American Legion Post 134 meets the second Sunday of the month at Glen's Cafe in Florence. Meetings begin at 1 p.m. For further information contact Post Commander Claude Nichols at 273-3051.

Stevensville American Legion

The Stevensville American Legion Post 94 meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the Post Home on Middle Burnt Fork Road. For more information contact Jerry Esmay, 777-5517.

Corvallis American Legion

The Corvallis American Legion Post 91 meets the third Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in the Corvallis High School library. For further information contact Post Commander Alex Ivanoff at 961-8997 or Post Adjutant Roy Meyer, 961-4272.

Lilies of the Valley singing group

The Lilies of the Valley Ladies Ensemble welcomes you to share your time, talent, wit and humor in the joy of singing together, short programs to share with others. No auditions to participate, only your love of the language of music and the desire to sing it in melody and harmony. Come and relax Thursday evenings, 7 to 9 p.m., at 211 N. 6th St., Hamilton. For more information call Thelma, 363- 1598, or Lola, 363-4633.

WIC clinics

A WIC clinic is offered the first through the fourth Wednesdays of each month at the United Methodist Church in Stevensville, the second Monday of each month at the Church of the Nazarene in Victor, and the third Monday of each month at the Darby Clubhouse.

Sapphire Quilt Club

The Sapphire Quilt Club meets monthly on the second Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Stevensville Senior Center, 100 Mission Street. Teaching of short cuts and easy techniques begin at 6:30 p.m. Join this fun group of people to learn about quilting. For information, contact Linda Powell at 777-1070.

Grief Support Groups

When you grieve the death of a loved one, you sometimes hide it so others think you’re over your sorrow and loss. Marcus Daly Hospice offers an opportunity to share grieving experiences and grow from them.

For the men in our community dealing with the death of a loved one, Marcus Daly Hospice offers a men’s breakfast support group. The Men’s Bereavement Support Breakfast meets at 9 a.m. every second and fourth Friday of the month in the Marcus Daly Hospice dining room. Breakfast is provided for a $3 donation per person. Call 375-4752 to reserve your spot.

For anyone in our community dealing with the loss of a loved one, Tuesday afternoons from 2-3:30 p.m. a bereavement support group meets in the Marcus Daly Hospice Center living room. All are welcome.

For more information, call Cathy Palmer, LCPC, Bereavement Coordinator, at 375-4752.

Library Storytimes

The North Valley Public Library in Stevensville offers story times for children ages seven and under on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. No registration is required. For more information call the library at 777-5061.

Preschool story time

Preschool story time is held every Wednesday from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the Children’s Corner of the Bitterroot Public Library in Hamilton. For more information call the library at 363-1670.

Toddler story time

Toddler Story time is held every Friday from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. in the downstairs meeting room at the Bitterroot Public Library in Hamilton.

Spanish conversation group

Habla Espanol? Do you travel? Do you work with Latinos? Do you just want to keep your mind sharp? If you are a beginner or just a bit rusty, join the Stevi Spanish Conversation Group at the North Valley Public Library Wednesdays from 6 to 7 pm to brush up on your Spanish language skills. This is not a class to learn to speak Spanish. It will be an informal, weekly gathering to practice speaking the Spanish language. The focus will be role playing for situations experienced during travel and everyday life. For more information, call the library at 777-5061.


Soroptimist International of Hamilton meets the first and third Thursdays of each month at noon at BJ’s Restaurant and the second Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at the Forest Service building. Soroptimist is a worldwide organization for women in management and professions working through service projects to advance human rights and the status of women. All interested business women are encouraged to attend.

Rotary Club

The Hamilton Rotary Club meets Mondays, 12 noon, at “Papa Bear’s Den” on the east side of The Three Bears Creamery Cottage, 1659 N. 1st Street, Hamilton. For information about Rotary, call 363-2960.

PFLAG Chapter

Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) meets every fourth Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, in the basement, 600 S. 3rd St., Hamilton. The building is handicap accessible from DeSmet Street through the back door of the church. For more information contact Terry Moran, 363-7656.

‘Science of Mind’ fellowship

Science of Mind fellowship gathers every Sunday at 10 a.m. at the Carriage House in Hamilton to watch a downloaded message from Seattle's Center For Spiritual Living. Join like-minded metaphysicians in spiritual community. For info call Barb Lucas, 375-9996.

Women’s writing group

The Women's Collaborative Writing Group, focusing on women's issues, meets at SAFE in the Bitterroot, 150 Morning Star Way, Hamilton, on Tuesdays at 4 p.m. For more information call Theresa Rivera, advocate, at 363-2793, ext 12.   

Legion bingo

B-I-N-G-O! Join American Legion Fort Owen Post 94, in Stevensville, for free popcorn and an entertaining evening of bingo. The action starts at 7 p.m. at the Senior Center in Stevensville on the first and third Thursdays of the month. Bring the entire family. All prizes are cash and proceeds go to support American Legion youth activities.

Cancer Support Group

A Cancer Support Group is held each Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at the North Valley Public Library Community Room. The group is for cancer patients, cancer survivors and family and/or caregivers. For more information contact Diane Howard at 777-2385 or 363-8543.

Hamilton Garden Club

The Hamilton Garden Club meets the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at a member’s home. For more information call 961-1678 or Linda at 961-0209.

Veteran-to-Veteran (V2V) meetings

The V2V outreach group meets every Friday morning at 8 a.m. in the backroom at BJ’s Restaurant in Hamilton. These informal meetings are for all veterans from the Boxer Rebellion to the present. Many veterans have both unresolved and resolved issues from their experiences in the military that impact their lives today. At the meetings veterans can discuss whatever they want and the outreach group gives veterans an opportunity to get together to share information and talk about issues. For further information contact Dan Mayer (961-1577) from the Bitterroot Chapter of the Vietnam Veterans of America.

Vietnam Veterans of America

The Bitterroot Chapter #938 of the Vietnam Veterans of America meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Human Resources Building, 316 North 3rd Street, Hamilton. Enter through the north door. Vietnam era veterans often need assistance with problems and issues and many have similar stories. The Bitterroot Chapter VVA is your organization to provide the opportunity to obtain and share information, to organize grass root activities, lend a helping hand, and offer assistance to all veterans in dealing with the Veterans Administration. Also, through the National VVA organization, the local chapter supplies input to state and federal government legislators on issues important to veterans. For more information contact Bill Decker at 369-0544.

Library Tot Time

A weekly Tot Time program for parents and children not yet in school is held every Tuesday from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at the Darby Community Public. Enjoy reading, art, music and snack. The program is free. For more information call the library at 821-4771.

Darby food collection

The Darby Bread Box, a local food bank in Darby, will be opening January 4, 2010. During November and December, organizers are collecting canned fruits and vegetables and peanut butter. Drop off donations at People’s Market or Bitterroot Community Credit Union. Any kind of donation would be appreciated.

Kiwanis seeking donations

The Bitterroot Valley Kiwanis Club is once again filling food baskets for families in need in the Bitterroot Valley. For over 30 Bitterroot Valley Kiwanis has provided between 280-320 baskets to families for the holiday season. These baskets include food and essentials items for families. The club is seeking donations of food items or money to help this year’s program. If you are interested, send a donation to Bitterroot Valley Kiwanis, 610 N 1st St, Suite 5, PMB 5, Hamilton MT 59840. You can also call Tyler Claxton at 370-6208.

Hamilton Elks dinner

The Hamilton Elks host a dinner open to the public every Wednesday night at the Hamilton Elks Lodge, 203 State Street. The menu is different each week and the cost is $8.00. Serving begins at 6 p.m. All proceeds benefit the Elks scholarship fund.

Suppertime at SVCFC 

Suppertime@SVCFC is a free community dinner for families and those needing a good, nutritious meal. Meals are served on Tuesday and Thursday from 6 to 7 p.m. at South Valley Child and Family Center, 515 Madison in Hamilton. All meals are prepared in a professional kitchen by volunteers. The program is funded by contributions, donations and grants. Any help is appreciated. If you or your group would like to volunteer or donate, call SVCFC at 363-3450.

Stevensville Awana

Awana kids’ club is a program for children ages 3 years-6th grade at First Baptist Church, 402 Church, Stevensville. It meets on Tuesdays after school from 4 to 5:30 p.m. during the school year. There are games, Bible stories, snacks and age appropriate curriculum. Awana is an international kid's club open to any child. For more information call Lynn Baker at 531-2684.

Lone Rock Awana

Lone Rock Bible Church, 1142 Three Mile Creek Rd., Stevensville, invites all children from preschool (age 4) through sixth grade to come to Awana Club, every Wednesday through March 24, from 2:45 to 4:30 p.m. at the church. Awana is one of the largest nondenominational children's and youth ministries in the world, focused on spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through the local church. Each week the boys and girls will learn Bible verses, have a Bible story time, and play organized games. For more information call the church office at 777-2592.

MAC High School Youth Group

Six MAC (Montana Association of Churches) churches including Faith Lutheran, First Presbyterian, Corvallis United Methodist, United Methodist-American Baptist Federated, First Christian and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church are sponsoring a community youth program for all high school students. The MAC youth group meets on Monday nights from 6 to 8:15 p.m. at the Carriage House located at 310 N. 4th Street, Hamilton. Dinner will be provided by the churches at 6:30 p.m. Music will start at 7 p.m. followed by a short message given by the ministers of the above churches, an activity, fellowship and more music will follow. All community high school students are welcome. Call 363-7656 for more information.

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Group

For over 35 years, MOPS has been creating authentic communities where young moms gather to experience encouragement, support and hope. But, it doesn’t stop there. Through training and development customized to women in this stage of life, and through do-able service opportunities, MOPS grows moms to make a better world.

Although mothering preschoolers is at times a lonely challenge, MOPS is providing a welcome break for moms; a chance for moms to make new friends, enjoy a relevant speaker, discussion time and snacks, and most importantly, an opportunity for moms to know they are not alone in the struggles and joys of raising young children.

The new Bitterroot MOPS group meets at Lone Rock Bible Church, around the corner from Lone Rock School, just off Eastside Hwy, down Three Mile Creek Road, between Stevensville and Florence. The group meets every other Tuesday, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Age-appropriate childcare including snacks, stories and activities, is available for children up through age five.

For more information about Bitterroot MOPS, contact Jeannie Tischler at 777-0506.

IDEA MT meeting

Idea Development Entrepreneurial Association, Montana (IDEA MT), a network referral group dedicated to the advancement of small business in the Bitterroot, meets the first and third Wednesdays at 7 a.m. in Stevensville. The group is open to all local entrepreneurs or want-to-be entrepreneurs who are interested in developing or growing a small business. For more information contact Sue at 240-7862 or Jane at 531-9556.

Waldorf Playgroup

Waldorf Playgroup, Parent/Child Classes meet Tuesdays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Bitterroot Public Library in Hamilton, and Daly Mansion Children's Garden. Welcoming parents, expecting parents, and children birth to 6 years for creative play, songs, stories, baking, crafts and gardening in a homelike setting. For more information contact Kim at 369-0213 or Elissia at 381-1981. Waldorf Playgroup, Parent/Child Class is sponsored by the Bitterroot School. More information about the Bitterroot School and Waldorf education can be found at and

Veterans affairs clinics

Andrea Montee, Service Officer for the Montana Veterans Affairs Division in Missoula, will be available to veterans and their dependents that have questions or need to file a claim with the Dept. of Veterans Affairs on the second Tuesday of every month from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at the Stevensville Town Council Chambers and from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Hamilton Job Service office. She will also be at the Job Service office every fourth Wednesday of the month from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. For more information call 542-2501.

Tot Time Tuesdays

Tot Time Tuesdays are held every Tuesday from 1 to 2 p.m. at the Local Living Family Center, 5501 N. Hwy. 93 in Florence (behind Town Pump).

Pre-school children and their caregivers are welcome. Meet other parents in your community and have fun with your kids. Toys and activities are provided. Tot Time is hosted by Laura Pickett, Early Childhood Development Educator. Drop-ins are welcome. Call for info, 273-0142.

Hamilton Trap Club

The Hamilton Trap Club is open every Wednesday and Sunday from 12 noon until dusk unless people get done shooting trap before dusk. For more information contact Dick or Cheryl Wallis at 546-3856. The Trap Club is located at the Hamilton Airport.

Darby Library Story Time

Story times are held at the Darby Library every Wednesday at 10 a.m. for children ages 3 and younger and 11 a.m. for children 3 to 6. Children can enjoy hearing books read aloud, dancing, singing and making a fun craft. For more information contact Trista Smith, Librarian, 821-4771.

After School Games

After School Games are held Tuesdays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at the Local Living Family Center, 5501 N. Hwy. 93, Florence. Come in out of the cold and socialize. Parents’ permission required, parent volunteers appreciated! Call for info, 273-0142.

Shamanic Journey Circle

The Blue Eagle Woman Shamanic Journey Circle meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. at 504 Main St. (Active Care Family Chiropractic building) in Stevensville. The event is free and open to anyone who would like to participate in shamanic drumming and healing work. For more information, contact Marge Hulburt at 241-7260.

Bitterroot College student orientations

Have you been thinking about going to college? Attend a Bitterroot College Program New Student Orientation every first and third Thursday of the month through August 2010 and get your questions answered! Learn how to apply to college, what college will cost, how Financial Aid works, what placement tests are needed, and how to choose a major. Orientations are held at the Bitterroot College Program's new location at the Ravalli Entrepreneurship Center, 274 Old Corvallis Road, Hamilton. For more information, call 375-0100 or e-mail HYPERLINK "" or go to HYPERLINK ""


Lutheran preschool registration

Grace Lutheran Learning Center is now registering for Fall 2010 Preschool. Enroll your child today and give them a great academic start. Morning and afternoon preschool is available for ages 2-5, Monday through Friday. Come meet the teachers and take a tour of the facility and get your child signed up. Space is limited. Call 363-1924 for more information.

Grace Lutheran summer program

Are you looking for something positive, productive and pleasurable for your child to do this summer? Grace Lutheran Learning Center is now enrolling for its Summer Program. Each week your child can enjoy a new theme full of exciting crafts, science projects, field trips and activities. Space is limited. Call 363-1924 for more information.


Want a great way to start off the summer? Come and enjoy Summertime@SVCFC, a summer camp for kids June 14-July 30 for kids 6-11 years old. We offer six weeks of fun, education, fun and exploration! Take one week or more and have a great time exploring our valley, swimming, bowling, acting, crafting, and much more. Registration starts April 15 and registration forms will be available at the following sites: local elementary schools, many downtown Hamilton businesses, the Bitterroot Public Library and at SVCFC, 515 Madison in Hamilton. Ccall for further info at 363-3450.

Evergreen Kids Corner day camps

Evergreen Kids Corner Preschool is now enrolling for 2010 Summer Explorers day camps. Camp flyers and registration forms can be picked up at the school, 201 S. Eighth Street in Hamilton. These themed camps offer a variety of fun and educational experiences for children ages 2 to 8. This year’s offerings include Rhythm Camp, Art Camp, Cooking Camp, Herbal Kids Camp, Leave No Trace Camp, Spanish Camp, and many more. Camps range from $20 to $55. Space is limited. Evergreen Kids Corner is also offering a summer session of pre-school for children ages 2 to 4. The pre-school session will take place on Tuesday and Thursday mornings in July. The session is a great opportunity to experience EKC’s cooperative and nurturing learning environment. Evergreen Kids Corner is a non-profit parent cooperative, offering pre-school for 2- to 5-year-olds. To join or learn more about this community of parents, educators and children, call 363-1688 or visit

Bitterroot Youth Home benefit

Give that man a haircut! Give that man a shave! Purchase a raffle ticket and you could win the chance to cut the hair of Discovery Care Centre's Activity Director, Dominic Farrenkopf, or shave the beard of Discovery Care Centre's Director of Nursing, Rick Bucheit, any way you want! Tickets are only $5, and all proceeds benefit the Bitterroot Youth Home. The winner will be drawn June 1, and the haircut and shave will be given on Saturday, June 5 at South Valley Child and Family Center in Hamilton. Call 363-0619 to buy a ticket or for more information.

Military ‘care’ package donation collection 

The American Legion Auxiliary, Fort Owen Post #94, is collecting items to send care packages to our local service personnel who are currently overseas. Also, the Auxiliary is updating its list of APO and FPO addresses. Items and addresses may be left with Margi at Valley Drug, Main St, Stevensville by May 31st. Lists of needed items are available at Valley Drug, Bitterroot Star, and the North Valley Library.

Golf for Sight

Have fun playing golf and help provide eye care for those in need in Ravalli County. Sign up now for the 16th annual Lions Club golf tournament ‘Golf for Sight’ to be held Saturday, May 29 at the Hamilton Golf Club. Participants in the golf tournament have a chance to win a hole-in-one prize for a 2010 GMC pickup sponsored by Mildenberger Motors, Big Sky Eye Care, and Bitterroot Drug. Shotgun start at 9 a.m. Lunch is provided. Cost is $65 per person or $300 per team. Space is limited; call Kyle Alexander at 363-2400 to register, or for more information. Proceeds will benefit the Hamilton Lions Club and the Bitterroot Valley Chamber of Commerce.

Farmers Union summer camps

Montana Farmers Union's (MFU) 2010 camp season is almost here and offers lots of fun and lasting memories for youth across the state.

"Leading by Serving" is the theme for this year, and all activities and workshops will focus on those opportunities. The camps also provide plenty of time for campfires, dances, art and crafts, laughter, team building nature hikes, and sports. Cooperative teamwork and leadership skills influence all camp activities.

Two overnight camps will be offered this summer at MFU's Arrowpeak Camp, located in the Highwood Mountains approximately 40 miles east of Great Falls. A third camp is coordinated by the Hill County Farmers Union and is held at the Kiwanis Camp south of Havre.

The camp schedule is:

Senior Camp - June 11-15 at Arrowpeak (grades 8-12, ages 14-19). Cost is $60 for MFU members and $115 for non-members.

Junior Camp - June 26-30 at Arrowpeak (grades 3-7, ages 8-13). Cost is $60 for MFU members and $115 for non-members.

Hill County Farmers Union Camp - June 10-13, at Camp Kiwanis (for ages 9-14). Cost is $75.

Call 1-800-234-4071 or visit for more information.

Stevensville Playhouse Children’s Workshop

Signups are now underway for the Stevensville Playhouse Children’s Workshop to be held July 26 through Aug 7 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. each day. Workshop participants will give two performances: Friday, August 6 at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, August 7 at 2 p.m. Fifteen students, ages 7-17, will be accepted for the workshop. Students learn skills in acting, set design, costuming, and all other aspects of a theatre performance. For more information call the Stevensville Playhouse at 777-2722 or Kori at 360-6905.

Darby Library teen photo contest

The Darby Library will sponsor a teen photo contest. Teens between the ages of 13 and 18 can submit a photo that explores the theme "Make Waves" to The photos will be posted on the library's Facebook page and the photo with the most “likes” will win two lift tickets to Lost Trail Mountain. The photos cannot contain any people and must be an original creation by the submitter. For more information call 821-4771.

Wednesday, May 26

Hamilton Elks dinner

The Hamilton Elks host a dinner open to the public every Wednesday night at the Hamilton Elks Lodge, 203 State Street. The May 26 menu will be ham and scalloped potatoes, coleslaw, dessert and coffee. The menu is different each week and the cost is $8.00. Serving begins at 6 p.m. All proceeds benefit the Elks scholarship fund.

Thursday, May 27

Stevi school facility committee

The Stevensville School Board Facility Committee will meet Thursday, May 27 at 12 noon in the superintendent’s office.

Employers’ legal seminar

Every state has its own employment laws that work in conjunction with the federal laws of the United States to try to provide safe, fair working environments for employees. Montana is unique in that it has several laws that are very different from the majority of the rest of the U.S. and these differences can cause problems for employers if they are unaware of them. Learn what’s different in Montana and how to make Montana Employment Laws work for you by attending the upcoming seminar sponsored by the Missoula Job Service Employers' Council (JSEC). Protect yourself and your business by learning how Montana Employment Law is different in regards to: drug testing, wrongful discharge, Montana Human Rights Act, and pregnancy discrimination. The seminar will be held Thursday, May 27, from 1 to 4:30 p.m. at the Doubletree Hotel, 100 Madison, Missoula. Cost is $40.00 per person. Contact Deborah Gass at 542-5751 or to register.

Speaker to discuss death penalty

Fifteen years ago, Bud Welch’s life was changed forever when his daughter, Julie, and 167 others were killed in the bomb blast that destroyed the Murrah building in Oklahoma City. While Bud struggled with a desire for vengeance, his journey led him to realize that the death penalty is not the answer.

The public is invited to hear Welch share his amazing story

Thursday, May 27 at 7 p.m. at the St. Francis Parish Center,

411 S. 5th St. in Hamilton. The talk is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

For more information, visit Sponsors are Montana Catholic Conference, Montana Association of Churches and St. Francis Parish.

Friday, May 28

Toddler story time

It’s never too early to introduce your baby or toddler to the wonderful world of books and reading. Together you will discover the joy of songs, finger plays, simple books and bouncing rhymes. Toddler story time for babies through age 2 will meet Friday, May 28 at 10:30 a.m. in the downstairs meeting room of the Bitterroot Public Library. Toddler story time lasts approximately 45 minutes. For more information, call Sally at 363-1670.

South Valley Pachyderm Club

Four Republican primary election legislative candidates will be the guest speakers for the next meeting of the South Valley Pachyderm Club on Friday, May 28 at 12 noon at The Root Deli conference room (formerly Papa Bear’s Den), 1659 N. 1st, Hamilton. There will be ample opportunity for questions and further discussion. The South Valley Pachyderm Club, which meets on the second and fourth Fridays of the month, is an officially recognized allied organization of the Republican Party. Members of the public are welcome.

Golden Age senior prom

The Golden Age Club annual Senior Prom will be held Friday, May 28 at 7:30 p.m. at the hall, 727 S. Fifth in Hamilton. Dick Reinbold’s band plays for the dancing that evening. There is a dance every Friday night with music by the Valley Rhythm Boys, the New Bitterroot Five, and Reinbolds, in turn. The next business meeting is June 2, after the 12:30 potluck dinner.

World music events 

On Friday and Saturday, May 28 and 29, Matthew and Michael Marsolek of the Drum Brothers will be presenting two world music events at Simple Yoga, 220 W. Main in downtown Hamilton. Friday night they’ll be presenting an evening of Sanskrit and World Chant and on Saturday morning, Matthew will teach a West African hand drumming workshop. Space is limited. To register or for more information, contact Drum Brothers at 406-726-4445 or

Saturday, May 29

‘Successful artist’ workshop

The Ravalli County Museum presents a “Successful Artist Workshop” with Douglas Taylor on Saturday, May 29 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. In this first in a series you will learn how to define your own success, develop a vision and plan of action, learn how to write a mission statement and individual plan of action, how to establish value and pricing for your artwork, the best way to market your artwork and how to approach a gallery, museum or display venue. Upon registration you will receive a packet of information on How to Write a Mission Statement and Plan of Action.  Also you may submit three specific questions that you would like addressed in this workshop. It is to your benefit that you complete these projects before the actual workshop so that the instructor can prepare individual feedback for your statements and questions. Price is $90.00. Enrollment is limited. To register call the Ravalli County Museum at 363-3338, drop on in at: 205 Bedford Hamilton, or email at: 

Monday, May 31

North Valley Chess Club

The North Valley Library Chess Club will hold its monthly play on Monday, May 31 at 7 p.m. at the North Valley Public Library community room on Main Street in Stevensville. All levels of play are welcome. For more information call Mel Leonard at 777-3851 or the Library at 777-5061.

CNA courses

The University of Montana College of Technology will offer two courses this summer in Stevensville for those who would like to become a Certified Nursing Assistant.

The training, which will take place during June and August at the Bitterroot Valley Living Center, prepares students for careers in health care under the supervision of a licensed nurse. The center is located at 63 Main St. in Stevensville.

Curriculum includes first aid and CPR training in providing or assisting in client care, use of equipment, documenting and reporting. Theory and clinical study will provide necessary information and skills needed in long-term, home-care and acute-care settings. Students also will prepare for and complete the Montana Department of Health State Competency CNA Evaluation Examination.

The first course begins Tuesday, June 1, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Students are asked to bring a sack lunch that day. Classes will continue from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. weekdays through June 18, with Saturday classes from 6 a.m. to noon June 5, 12 and 19.

The second course begins Monday, Aug. 2, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Students are asked to bring a sack lunch that day. Classes will continue from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. weekdays through Aug. 20, with Saturday classes from 6 a.m. to noon Aug. 7 and 14.

The course costs $800, which includes the textbook, CPR/first aid fee, supplies and the state examination fee. No previous academic experience is required. Complete details about course requirements and additional costs are online at HYPERLINK "" under “Relevant Links.”

Training costs will be reimbursed for those who successfully complete the training and the state competency evaluation examination and are hired by a Medicare/Medicaid-approved facility within one year.

Space is limited. To register, call Mary Opitz of the COT Outreach Program at 243-7812 or e-mail HYPERLINK ""

‘Celebrating Conservatism’ Meeting

Presidential candidate and constitutional scholar, Michael Badnarik, will be the guest speaker at the Celebrating Conservatism meeting on Tuesday, June 1 at 6 p.m. at the First Interstate building at the Ravalli County Fairgrounds. He will discuss individual rights we had and have prior to being stated in the U.S. Constitution There will be food and beverages available and everyone is welcome.

Stevi school board special meeting

The Stevensville School Board of Trustees will hold a special board meeting on Tuesday, June 1, at 7 p.m. in the Stevensville High School Learning Center to approve bids for Phase 1, Grades 4-8 Construction Project and approve revised 2010-11 School Calendar.

Wednesday, June 2

Bitterroot Library June events

June 2

• Preschool Story Time, 10:30-11:15 a.m., Children’s Corner, “It’s Summertime!” with storyteller Jennifer Crawford

• Teen Advisory Board Meeting, 4-5:30 p.m., in the downstairs meeting room

June 4

• Toddler Story Time 10:30-11:15 a.m., west meeting room

June 9

• Preschool Story Time, 10:30-11:15 a.m., Children’s Corner, “Fishing” with storyteller Karen Fields

June 11

* Toddler Story Time, 10:30-11:15 a.m., west meeting room

June 14

• Summer Family Reading Program begins. Help your kids succeed in school! When children read what they enjoy, they learn to love reading and become better readers. Sign up at the Information Desk

June 16

• Preschool Story Time, 10:30-11:15 a.m., Children’s Corner, “Mr. Brown can Moo” with storyteller Ollie Johnson

June 18

• Toddler Story Time, 10:30-11:15 a.m., west meeting room of library

June 23

• Preschool Story Time, 10:30-11:15 a.m., Children’s Corner, “Animals of the Night” with storyteller Sally Blevins

June 24

“This Thursday” presentation on the west lawn at 1:30 p.m. Splash into Reading with puppets, books, and Dixie Stark!

June 25

• Toddler Story Time, 10:30-11:15 a.m., west meeting room of library

June 30

• Preschool Story Time, 10:30-11:15 a.m., Children’s Corner, “Water Wonders” with storytellers Sally Blevins and Jennifer Crawford

• Water Wonders Program for Grades 2-5, 2-3:30 p.m.

Small business workshop

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) will be hosting a small business workshop titled “The Economy, Financing & Your Business” on Wednesday, June 2, at the Gallatin Gateway Inn located at 76405 Gallatin Gateway Inn, Gallatin Gateway. The workshop is scheduled from 8:30 to 11:15 a.m.

A cast of presenters including local and state-wide lenders and technical resource partners will discuss and present on the economic conditions of Montana as well as giving you tools and resources to help your business succeed. The workshop is held in conjunction with the SBA’s annual Small Business Week awards ceremony, which will be immediately following the workshop at noon. The cost of the workshop is $45/person and includes admittance to the luncheon as well. To register, contact Alyssa Patton, Prospera Business Network, at 406-587-3113. For more information on either program, visit or call 406-441-1081.   

Thursday, June 3

Stevi school facility committee

The Stevensville School Board Facility Committee will meet Thursday, June 3 at 12 noon in the superintendent’s office.

Hellgate Corvette Club

Hellgate Corvette Club will meet Thursday, June 3 at the Edge Restaurant in Hamilton. Dinner and meeting will start about 7 p.m. For more information call Mike, 406-788-4204.

Property rights barn meeting

There will be a barn meeting, sponsored by Citizens for Property Rights (CPR) on, Thursday, June 3 at 7 p.m. at the Diamond A Arena, Eastside Hwy, Victor. The subject will be Economics in the Bitterroot. Jerry Ehmann of Sula will be speaking about ranching in the Valley, and Scott Boulanger, an outfitter, will speak on the impact wolves are having on that industry, and some of the steps being taken to turn those situations around. Ryan and Robin Conner, from R&R Aviation, will report on the timber industry in the Bitterroot, and where it is today, and what the plan is for the future. Hear about the construction industry from Chip Pigman, looking at today and the future.

A wrap up on the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) will be presented, based on the final decisions the county commissioners make. These are important issues with a huge impact on the fiscal future of the Bitterroot, and on county government. South valley residents are especially encouraged to attend.

‘Suds ‘n Suds’ to benefit pool

A portion of the proceeds from the production of "Suds ‘n Suds,” the latest musical from Take Two Productions which will be presented at the Stevensville Playhouse in June, will go towards the renovation of the public swimming pool in Lewis & Clark Park. The show stars Beth Schreiber and Cara Ayres. Show dates are June 3-6 and 10-13. Tickets are $20 and are available at Valley Drug and the Playhouse box office.

Friday, June 4

Operation Christmas Child presentation

Mary Damron (“Mama Gump”), national spokesperson for Operation Christmas Child, the world’s largest Christmas project, will speak at Clark Fork City Church, 2811 Latimer Street in Missoula on Friday, June 4 at noon. A project of international relief organization Samaritan’s Purse, Operation Christmas Child hand-delivers shoebox gifts filled with hygiene items, school supplies, toys and candy to suffering children across the globe. For more information contact the area coordinator, Greg Reinhardt, at 360-4253.

Art opening

Pastel landscapes and florals by Florence artist Elloie Jeter will be showing from June 4 through August 4 at the Frame Shop & Gallery in downtown Hamilton. An artist’s reception will be held on First Friday, June 4 from 6 to 8 p.m.

Saturday, June 5

Operation Medicine Cabinet

On Saturday, June 5, Operation Medicine Cabinet will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Ravalli County Fairgrounds in Hamilton and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Valley Drug in Stevensville. This is a great opportunity to rid the community of the threat of old, unused medication lying around your house and stored in your medicine cabinet. Bring your old, unused prescription drugs for disposal by local law enforcement officers. Valley Drug is a Takeaway Environmental Return Project member. Can’t get that medication to a disposal site? The best home disposal method is to liquefy the drug in water, pour it into a plastic bag containing kitty litter or coffee grounds and then throw it in the trash. This home method, while not ideal, is the least impacting on the environment and the community. The best disposal method is to take it to the professionals! Participants include the Hamilton Police Dept., Stevensville Police Department, Ravalli County Sheriff and Highway Patrol, and the Ravalli County Prevention Coalition.

Monday, June 7

Homebuyer education class

The Bitter Root Resource Conservation & Development Area, Inc. (RC&D) is holding a nationally certified homebuyer education class June 7-9 from 6 to 9 p.m. (each night) at the Human Resource Council Building, 316 N. Third St., Hamilton. Attendance on all three nights is required for certification. The charge is $20 to cover the cost of reference materials. (If you are buying your home as a couple, one household, you both need to attend the class.) The class is especially beneficial to first-time homebuyers with below median incomes, but any potential homebuyer will benefit from the class. Anyone who has not owned a home for 3 or more years is considered a first-time homebuyer and may be able to purchase a home for monthly payments comparable to what they are paying in rent. Homebuyer education classes are brought to you by the Bitter Root RC&D in partnership with NeighborWorks of Montana, the Montana Board of Housing, and the Human Resources Council. Completion of this class is required in order to qualify for some of the special homebuyer assistance programs. Call the Bitter Root RC&D office at 363-1444, ext. 5, to reserve a space.

Tuesday, June 8

Veterans affairs clinics

Andrea Montee, Service Officer for the Montana Veterans Affairs Division in Missoula, is available to veterans and their dependents that have questions or need to file a claim with the Dept. of Veterans Affairs on the second Tuesday and the fourth Wednesday of every month in the Bitterroot. On June 8, she will be at the Stevensville Town Council Chambers from 9 to 10:30 a.m. and at the Hamilton Job Service office from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. On June 22, she will be at the Hamilton Job Service office from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. For more information, call 542-2501.

Wednesday, June 9

Book reading

A book reading/signing with Karen Buley, author of “Nurses on the Run: Why They Come, Why They Stay,” will be held on Wednesday, June 9 at 6 p.m. at Chapter One Book Store, Hamilton.

Thursday, June 10

Stockgrowers meeting

The Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) will hold its Mid-Year meeting, June 10-12 in Dillon. Mid-Year is one of the two major meetings MSGA holds each year. MSGA will be looking “Beyond the Barbwire” as it meets to discuss the issues facing Montana ranching families and set interim policy to guide the association through the rest of the year. MSGA will also celebrate ranching in Montana with a parade, ranch tour and its popular Cow Pasture Golf Scramble.

This year, Mid-Year will kick off on Thursday, June 10 with meetings of the MSGA Board of Directors, the Montana Grass Conservation Commission, the Montana Public Lands Council and Montana Association of State Grazing Districts Joint Directors, and MSGA’s Research, Education and Endowment Foundation. Thursday night will feature a Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) Twilight Training Session at the Beaverhead County Fairgrounds with a stockmanship clinic presented by Ed and David Fryer from the Castle Mountain Ranch, chute-side demonstrations, BQA certification, and dinner sponsored by Northwest Farm Credit Services. This event is free and open to the public. The Young Stockgrowers will hold their meeting with a free dinner and drinks Thursday night at the Barrett’s Park Pavilion south of Dillon.

For more information regarding the Mid-Year meeting, visit or contact the MSGA office at (406) 442-3420.

Friday, June 11

Art show

The Montana Professional Artists Association Show and Sale will be June 11-13 at the Bitterroot River Inn and Conference Center, Hamilton. This is the sixth annual all-member show with a gala reception opening on Friday, June 11 at 6 p.m. Show hours are Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Guest artist is Mary Ann Cherry from Idaho Falls. Admission is free.

Monday, June 14

Junior Golf Seminar

A Junior Golf Seminar will be held June 14-16 from 9:30 to 11 a.m. each day at Whitetail Golf Course in Stevensville. Golf professional Ann Loughlin, LPGA/PGA, will instruct three days of golf. Loughlin owns Loughlin Golf and teaches golf full-time. She has won numerous teaching awards and teaches in Missoula at the University of Montana Golf Course and Canyon River Golf Course. Instruction will cover putting, chipping, pitching, full swing irons and woods and some on-course play. Cost is $90 and includes range balls, clubs, six hours of instruction and on-course play. Contact Ann Loughlin, 728-4676, to sing up. Deadline is June 11.

Tuesday, June 15

Victor volleyball camp

Members of the University of Montana Lady Grizzlies Volleyball Team will coach players at a camp hosted by the Victor Lady Pirates and held from Tuesday, June 15 through Thursday, June 17. The camp, taking place at the Victor School Gym, is open to both high school and middle school volleyball players. Camp time for middle school players (incoming grades 6-8) is 9 a.m. to noon each day. Camp time for high school players (grades 9-12) is from 1:30 to 4:30 and 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Cost is $45 for middle school and $90 for high school camp. Camp application and medical forms are available online at the Victor School website ( The deadline to apply is Wednesday, June 9, and camp is limited to the first 36 campers in each session. Contact Karen Philips at 369-0725 or for more information.

Saturday, June 19

Summer Reading Kickoff Carnival

The Darby Library will hold a Summer Reading Kickoff Carnival on Saturday, June 19 from 1 to 3 p.m. There will be lots of games and great prizes and a magic show at 2 p.m.! All ages are welcome. The Summer Reading Program for children, teens and adults starts on June 19th also. Stop by the library and get a reading log and earn great prizes for reading this summer. For more information call 821-4771.

Sunday, June 20

MSU Peaks & Potentials youth camp

Registration is now open for Montana State University’s Peaks and Potentials program, a week-long enrichment camp for middle school-aged students offered June 20-25 on the MSU campus. Peaks and Potentials is designed to give high-ability/high-potential students who will be entering grades 5-7 in the fall the opportunity to explore special topics of interest and work with experts in various subject areas. A recommendation from an appropriate school official is necessary for the student's acceptance. Sessions for this summer's camp include a variety of topics in the sciences, arts and humanities. Topics include metalworking, Yellowstone ecology, creative writing, and biology. Evening activities include swimming, volleyball, soccer and more. Instructors are MSU faculty, graduate students and experienced professionals from the area. University students and professionals act as director and counselors throughout the week. All classes emphasize personal instruction and small group interaction as well as a "hands-on" approach. Academic, recreational and social activities offer students a chance to interact with their peers and sample campus life. Students have the option of staying on campus or commuting to and from camp each day. Enrollment is limited, and the camp generally fills to capacity. Registrations are available through local schools and online at: HYPERLINK "" The camp is sponsored by MSU Extended University. For more information, contact Susan Byorth at or (406) 994-6683.

BEAR Yellowstone field trip

Attention area youth: BEAR (Bitterroot Ecological Awareness Resource) is guiding a trip to Yellowstone National Park, June 20-25. This trip is open to adventurous youth, ages 11-17. You’ll learn about the flora and fauna, the geysers, and the amazing wildlife. You’ll also be looping back through Grand Teton National Park to hike into the Grand Teton Range. Visit to view the schedule and print out a registration packet, or call trip leader, Tina, at 375-9110.

Saturday, June 26

FS Interpretive series

The Bitterroot National Forest invites you to join interpreters and naturalists for its 5-month evening interpretive series starting in June and going through October. Presentations will begin at 7 or 7:30 p.m. on the night of the full moon and last approximately 1-1/2 hours. This year prior to three of the evening programs there will also be a short walk. Featured topic for June: Saturday, June 26th – Surveyor Moon presentation at Charles Waters Campground, Bitterroot National Forest at 7:30 p.m.; guided hike at 6:30 p.m. Learn from professional surveyors about the history of surveying in the Bitterroot Valley; come and observe old and new survey methods and techniques. For additional information call 363-7100.

Tuesday, June 29

Darby Library Creation Stations

The Darby Library will hold Creation Stations on Tuesdays, June 29, July 13, and July 27 from 2 to 4 p.m. Come to the library and make a splash with these fun craft creations. Three different art activities will explore various materials; do just one or do them all! These activities are designed for children grades kindergarten and up, so if you have younger children, make sure someone comes along who can help them with the crafts. For more information call 821-4771.

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