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Volume XXI, Number 42

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Ravalli County to join lawsuit over Middle East Fork Project

By Michael Howell

Ravalli County Commissioners voted last Wednesday to join as Intervenors in the federal lawsuit over the Bitterroot National Forest's Middle East Fork Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project. The project, approved by Bitterroot National Forest Supervisor Dave Bull last March 21, 2006, is the first in the state to be done under Bush's Healthy Forest Restoration Act (HFRA). It involves treating about 5,000 acres of national forest land near Sula with prescribed fire, thinning, slash removal, and commercial timber harvests. More...

Members of the Stevensville Garden Club and American Legion Post 94 dedicated the new Blue Star Memorial at Veterens Park in Stevensville on Armed Forces Day, May 20. Blue Star Memorials honor all men and women who have served, are serving, or will serve in the Armed Forces of the United States. Jean and Bob Thomas are seen here placing a wreath in front of the memorial, with the help of Boy Scouts Nolan Baldwin and Andy Guthrie. JoAnn Notti was the Garden Club's Blue Star Memorial Chairman and served as Master of Ceremonies at the dedication. Trey Anthony photo.

Revised interim zoning petition approved for circulation

By Michael Howell

As of May 19, Bitterrooters for Planning has gained approval from County Attorney George Corn to circulate a petition for Interim Zoning. The Interim Zoning Petition, if signed by enough voters, would place an initiative on the ballot requiring the Commissioners to undertake the formulation and adoption of a countywide zoning ordinance. It stipulates further that, until the requirement of adopting a comprehensive zoning ordinance is completed, all new developments will be limited to one dwelling per two acres. More...

Stevi High School evacuated due to gas leak

By Michael Howell

The Stevensville High School building was evacuated Wednesday afternoon, May 17, following detection of a gas leak on the school grounds close to the building. Police, ambulance and firefighters responded to the scene. More...

This photo by Kathy Zadlock was the winner in the Adult Professional category of Valley Drug's monthly First Friday photo contest. Other winners in May were Sharon Teichroeb, Adult Amateur; and Aubrey Owen, Youth. Each month the contest entries are displayed in the soda fountain area of Valley Drug where the public can vote for their favorite on First Friday. Entries (no larger than 5x7) can be submitted to the photo lab in Valley Drug by noon on the Thursday before First Friday. A $10 gift certificate is awarded to the winner in each category. June's subject is "My Favorite Flowers."

Victor votes again for four-day school week

By Jean Schurman

On May 16, the Victor School Board met once again to hear residents express their concerns regarding the proposed four-day school week. This was the second time the board had voted on the proposal. After voting unanimously on April 17 for the proposal, the board had to rescind the vote May 9th after an attorney from the Montana School Boards Association clarified a possible problem. The board had not noticed the item regarding the four-day week properly on the agenda and had possibly opened themselves up for a lawsuit. More...


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