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Volume XXI, Number 34

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Roths wins Best of Show in Junior Duck Stamp Contest

By Michael Howell

For the third time in her short career, and for the second year in a row, eighteen-year-old Stevensville resident Tanna Roths has won "Best of Show" in the annual Montana Junior Duck Stamp Contest sponsored by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This year, in a blind judging process in which judges remain ignorant of the artist's identity, Roths' rendition of a pair of Steller's Eiders entitled "Lost at Sea" rose to the top out of a total number of 514 entries from throughout the state. More...

Tanna Roths, daughter of Mike and Jo Roths of Stevensville, won the 2006 Montana Junior Duck Stamp Competition "Best of Show" award with her entry "Lost at Sea," a picture of a pair of Steller's Eiders on a rock by the sea. This is the second year in a row that Roths has won Best of Show. Eighteen-year-old Roths is home schooled and scheduled to earn her G.E.D. this spring. Last year 15 percent of the winners in the state contest were home schooled.

Pictured at right, l to r, this year's judges in the Junior Duck Stamp Contest: Kimberly Hurtle, Hadley Fergeson, Peggy Woods, Steve Sherman, and Desera Towle, with this year's top entry, a color pencil rendition of two Steller's Eiders by Tanna Roths. Michael Howell photo.

Hamilton Council nixes Neighborhood Plan

By Michael Howell

The Old Corvallis Road Neighborhood Plan, commissioned jointly by the County Commissioners and the City of Hamilton, was soundly rejected by the Hamilton City Council at their meeting on March 21, 2006. Councilman Jerry Steele was the only councilor to vote in favor of adopting the proposed plan. More...

Hamilton Local Government Study Commission makes final recommendations

By Michael Howell

The Hamilton Local Government Study Commission, which began its review of Hamilton city government in 2004, presented three substantive changes to city government that were placed on the November ballot last year. The only proposed change to get voter approval concerned supervision of personnel and states that, "The Executive/Mayor may appoint and remove, with the consent of a majority of the Commission/Council, all employees of the local government." Now the Study Commission has released a supplementary report making its final recommendations for changes after considering virtually every aspect of the city government. More...

Coalition for Better Government files civil suit against Commissioner Betty Lund

By Michael Howell

Unable to get the County Attorney to press charges against County Commissioner Betty Lund for what it perceives as a violation of the laws governing conflict of interest, the Ravalli County Coalition for Better Government has filed a complaint in District Court in Missoula asking that a civil fine be levied against Lund for her actions. More...

Denial of request for school bus route extension upheld

By Michael Howell

Winding its way through the appeals process, a decision by the Stevensville School Board to deny a request to extend an existing bus route into the Hidden Valley subdivision off of El Capitan Loop northeast of Stevensville was upheld on appeal to the Ravalli County Transportation Committee. The committee is made up of three valley school district superintendents and some school board trustees and transportation supervisors as well as one County Commissioner, Greg Chilcott. County School Superintendent Ernie Jean is committee chairman. More...


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