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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Community Calendar

VFW meetings

VFW Post 1430 meets the first Monday of every month at 8 p.m. at the American Legion Hall in Hamilton the Woman's Auxiliary meets at 7 pm.

Healthy living workshops

Free workshops on healthy living are held every monday night at 6:15 p.m. at Active Care Family Chiropractic on Main Street in Stevensville. Are you looking for better health, increased vitality and energy, injury prevention, and longevity? Dr. Kimberly Maxwell may have the answers you've been looking for. Call for weekly topics and reservations, 777-1048.

Yoga in the Root

Yoga in the Root offers hatha yoga on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9 to 10:15 a.m. in Stevensville at Active Care Chiropractic at 504 W. Main St, and vigorous ashtanga yoga on Wednesday nights from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Hamilton Carriage House at 310 N. Fourth St. in the main floor conference room. For more information, call Jill at 370-9252 or e-mail

La Leche League

La Leche League is an international mother-to-mother network for moms who want to breastfeed their babies. Bitterroot LLL chapter meets in the North Valley Public Library community room the third Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m. Mothers and children and pregnant women are welcome. Call 239-5039 for more information.

Great Freedom meetings

Great Freedom offers a free open meeting each Tuesday evening from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Hamilton Carriage House at 310 N. Fourth St. The meeting introduces a way of living as complete rest and ease in every moment. For more information, call Jill at 370-9252 or go to

Toastmasters Club

Toastmasters Club #347 meets every Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the Duran Learning Center, St. Patrick Hospital, Missoula. Visitors and new members are welcome to attend this premier communication and leadership organization. For more information call Jim Mickelson, 728-9117.

5 Valley Arabian Horse Assn.

The 5 Valley Arabian Horse Association's monthly meeting is on the first Thursday of every month. The group meets at various locations in the Bitterroot. For more information call Shelagh at 273-4317. If you love Arabians, come join!

Life drawing sessions

Artists are invited to an open Life Drawing Session every Wednesday from 9:45 to 11:45 a.m. at Common Ground Center, 258 Roosevelt Lane, Hamilton. Fee is $9 per session or 3 sessions for $25. RSVP to Laura, 363-4198 or Toddy, 961-4959.

Adult Dancercize

Adult Dancercize with Elenita Brown is held on Mondays and Thursdays. Stretch, strengthen and express, using a variety of styles and music. For more information call 777-5956.

Bereavement Support Group

Marcus Daly Hospice is offering a Support Group for grieving family members and friends who have lost a loved one to any cause. The group meets every Tuesday, from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m. in the Hospice Center living room. The purpose of the support group is to share grieving experiences and to learn how to heal and grow from ongoing bereavement stages. You will receive printed information to review and keep for your ongoing use. For information and registration, contact Cathy Palmer, Marcus Daly Hospice Bereavement Coordinator, at 375-4752.

Overeaters Anonymous

Overeaters Anonymous is a Twelve Step program that deals with eating behaviors. Is one of your goals to reach a healthy weight? This program offers a solution within reach of all those who want to find relief from an obsession with food. It meets weekly on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, 203 Main Street, Stevensville, as well as on Saturdays at 10 a.m. at the First Presbyterian Church, 1220 W. Main St., Hamilton. For information, call 777-7160.

Suicide Loss Support

When you suffer a loss due to suicide the grief is overwhelming. Most people don't know "just how you feel." What you can expect from SLS is someone who has experienced a loss from suicide to listen to you privately, or in a group setting. You may choose to be present but it is ok not to speak if you are not ready. SLS cares. Your loss matters and your grief is very real. SLS will support you in every way possible. Contact Shaun or Barbara Jo DesJardins, 777-3853.

Dances of Universal Peace

The Dances of Universal Peace are held every fourth Saturday evening from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Join this celebration in dance and song to honor world spiritual traditions. Families are welcome, no experience is necessary. Help create peace on the planet through gentle movement and live music. Call Star at 363-4026 for more information.

Lilies of the Valley

An ensemble of female voices under the direction of Thelma Laws join together every Thursday evening, 7 to 9 p.m. at the Memorial Room of the United Methodist American Baptist Church, 611 N. 6th in Hamilton. You're invited to share your time, talents and fun in singing many categories of choral music: show tunes, Broadway, standard pops, spirituals, folk tunes, to name a few. The group strives toward seasonal programs for spring, fall and Christmas. Membership is always open to additional singers (no auditions!) or, if you're not a singer, you might consider assisting as an alternate piano accompanist. For more information call Donna, 363-1742, or Lola, 363-4633.

Driver Services hours

Current hours for the Stevensville Driver Services office are Mondays, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 to 4:30 p.m., and Thursday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 to 4:30 p.m. Starting March 19, the office will be open Mondays, 9 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. and Tuesday, 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. For more information call 777-4388.

Weekend hours for Lee Metcalf NWR Visitor Center

The Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center will be closed on weekends starting March 10. There is no change in Visitor Center hours during the week (open business hours 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday). The Visitor Center will reopen weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) starting April 7. For more information, call Bob Danley, 777-5552, ext. 203.

Lent at Our Savior Lutheran

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of a period of spiritual preparations prior to the joy of Easter. Our Savior Lutheran Church's Lenten services will be held each Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. through March 28, for all who wish to prepare with the congregation. Pastor Ray Larson's messages during this year's Lenten season will focus on the exoduses of Scripture. Free suppers, prepared by the women of Our Savior, will be served in the fellowship hall each Wednesday until Holy Week, from 6 to 7 p.m. Potluck donations are always welcome. Our Savior is located at 184 Pine Hollow Road, southeast of Stevensville off the Eastside Hwy.

Tax return preparation help available

Now through April 11, AARP Tax-Aide volunteers will be available at the Hamilton Senior Center to assist moderate to low income taxpayers of all ages with the preparation of their federal and Montana tax returns. Special attention will be afforded to seniors 62 years of age and older.

As in past years, appointments are encouraged and, while walk-ins will be accepted, they are discouraged due to the long waiting time involved. Volunteers will be available at the Hamilton Senior Center from 1 to 4 p.m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Call 363-5181 for an appointment.

Volunteers will also be at the Stevensville Senior Center on Thursdays from 1 to 4 p.m. Appointments may be made by calling the Center at 777-5681.

Volunteers will be required to see an original or copy of your Social Security card and a photo ID before preparing your tax return. You should also bring with you last year's tax return and anything you have received in the mail concerning 2006 taxes.

Seniors who do not have to file federal and state income tax forms but are eligible for the Montana Elderly Homeowner/Renter Credit will receive special attention this year. Assistance in preparing this form will be provided at the Hamilton Senior Center every Tuesday from 1 to 3 p.m. No appointments are required. Service will be provided on a first come, first served basis. Call the center at 363-5181 for additional details.

See's candy sales

Soroptimists of Hamilton is selling See's Candy at its booth in the Citizens State Bank parking lot in Hamilton from March 19 through Easter, or until the candy sells out. Hours are Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Proceeds support the many programs that Soroptimists support, such as Bitterroot Literacy, Bitterroot Attention Home, Genesis House, library reading programs, Relay for Life, SAFE and many more.

Chapter One Book Store events

On Sunday, March 25, 7 p.m., at Hamilton City Hall, 205 Bedford, author Bill McKibben will read and discuss his new book, "Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future." A book signing will follow. This event is held in conjunction with the Bitterroot Good Neighbors Coalition, and Sustainable Living Systems.

On Wednesday, March 29, at 7 p.m., the "Open Mind" book group will discuss "The End of Faith" by Sam Harris. The discussion will be led by Rod Miner, and will be held at Chapter One. Open to all. Chapter One Book Store is located at 252 Main Street in Hamilton.

Victor Student Gala

Victor School will hold a Student Gala on Wednesday, March 21 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. This is an evening/afternoon of Art/Science projects where students will be displaying completed works complete with hors d'oeuvres and punch. Students will be displaying a wide variety of accomplishments from poetry books to medicine shields. The event is open to the public.

UM Dance Showcase

The UM Department of Drama/Dance presents the Spring Dance Showcase in the Open Space of the PAR/TV Center on the UM campus. Program I will be presented Tuesday, March 20, Thursday, March 22 and Saturday, March 24 at 7:30 p.m. Program II will be presented Wednesday, March 21 and Friday, March 23 at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, March 24 at 2 p.m. The showcase provides an eclectic blend of intense, emotional, funny, and beautiful dance that includes a wide variety of dance styles. Tickets are $7 and are available by calling 243-4581 or in person one hour before the performance.

Stevensville School Board meeting

There will be a special meeting of the Stevensville School Board of Trustees on Tuesday, March 20 at 6 p.m. in the Stevensville High School learning center for a budget work session.

Spring Lifelong Learning courses

Community members 55 and older can explore subjects from history to music and ethics to writing during courses offered this spring by the Montana Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. The courses, taught by dynamic University of Montana and community educators, begin in April and are held one day each week.

Classes at UM will take place six Fridays beginning April 6.

Two of the institute's courses this spring will be held at the Daly Mansion in Hamilton on the five Mondays in April. An open house will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 20, at the mansion for those who want to learn more about MOLLI and its course. The event is free and open to the public.

Registration is now open for all spring courses. Fees start at $50 for MOLLI members and $65 for nonmembers to register for one course.

The following courses will be held on the UM campus on Fridays, April 6­May 11:
• The Big Sky Country: Some Favorite Montana Memories and Reflections. Instructor: Hal Stearns, former teacher at Sentinel High School and UM educator.
• Where Do Words Come From? An Introduction to Etymology. Instructor: Gary Bevington, UM adjunct visiting professor.
• Islam and the West. Instructor: Professor Mehrdad Kia, director, UM International Programs.
• Thirsting for a Draught of Spirit: Poets and Spiritual Longing. Instructor: Gary Hawk, UM adjunct assistant professor, Davidson Honors College.
• Classical Mythology: Stories That Frame Us. Instructor: Professor Linda Gillison, UM Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures.
• Social Change and the Quest for Community. Instructor: Paul Miller, UM sociology professor emeritus.
• The Romantic Piano: Music's Golden Era. Instructor: UM music Professor Steve Hesla.
• Confronting Evil. Instructor: Dane Scott, director, UM Center for Ethics.
• Women Writers: A Sampling: Instructor: Lois Welch, retired UM English and creative writing professor.
• Of Plants and People. Instructor: UM pharmaceutical sciences Professor Rustem Medora.
• America's Democracy: A Grand Experiment. Instructor: Ron Perrin, UM professor emeritus of philosophy and political theory.
• Contemporary Montana, 1965-2007. Instructor: UM history Professor Harry Fritz.

The two courses that will be offered in Hamilton on Mondays in April are:
• A.J. Gibson: Montana Architect. Instructor: Professor Rafael Chacon, UM Department of Art.
• Hollywood Musicals and the Great Depression. Instructor: Esther England, professor emerita, UM Department of Music.

A full description of all courses, class times and a registration form are online at Registration and course information also is available by calling UM Continuing Education at 243-2905 or by visiting its campus office, located on the second floor of the James E. Todd Building. The office is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Girl Scout Summer Camps

Girl Scouts of Big Sky Council's summer camp registration begins on March 21. For camp brochures visit or call 1-800-823-4475. 

The Girl Scout summer camps are active, fun and full of excitement in a supervised, positive environment where girls learn and grow. When your girl goes to camp, she will build her self-confidence and know her voice counts. She will live and participate in a community that values differences. She will also discover the power of being a girl. All this and much more comes wrapped in a package of adventure, challenge, friendship, and fun when girls camp with Girl Scouts of Big Sky Council.

Girl Scouts of Big Sky Council follows all safety and risk management guidelines set by Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. GSBSC is proud of its diverse, well-trained staff members who are carefully selected based on their experience with children.

Girl Scouts of Big Sky Council's summer camps are open to girls whether they are Girl Scouts or not. For more information about the summer camps call Mark Herndon at 1-800-823-4475 or, or visit the website at

3 Mile/BRID meeting

The Bitter Root Irrigation District will hold an informational meeting for users of the 3 Mile Gravity Irrigation System on Wednesday, March 21 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Lone Rock School.

Town Hall meeting

"The Truth About Wal-Mart, Mega-developments and the Future of the Bitterroot Valley" is the topic of a town hall meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 21 at the Hamilton Bedford Building auditorium at 7 pm. The Bedford Building is located at Hamilton City Hall, 223 S. 2nd Street.

All valley residents are invited, especially Hamilton registered voters. Three short films, including the documentary "The High Cost of Low Price," will be shown and a number of guest speakers will be presenting important information, so that the citizens of the entire valley, including municipal voters disenfranchised from voting last November, have a say in the future of their communities.

A number of citizen petitions concerning annexation proposals will be available for signature by Hamilton registered voters and there will be a discussion of strategies for affecting the final decisions related to Wal-Mart, as well as mega-developments, currently being moved towards approval in county and city government. For more information go to or call Chris at 239-6791.

Lolo Watershed Group

On Wednesday, March 21, at 7 p.m., the Lolo Watershed Group will host a slide show presentation and discussion by Steve Arno and Clint Carlson titled, "What's So Special About the Carlton Ridge Research Natural Area."

"Guaranteed to be informative, hearing straightforward information from the professionals who discovered the area is an excellent way to learn why this area received such a special designation," says Michele Landquist, Interim Executive Director for the Lolo Watershed Group. "Learning more about this area is the least anyone living here can do, you won't be disappointed."

This is event is free and open to the public and will be held at the Lolo Community Center on Lolo's south side, to the west of Highway 93. Refreshments will be available.

Hospice teleconference

Marcus Daly Hospice will host the Hospice Foundation of America's Annual Teleconference, "Living With Grief: Before and After the Death," at Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital, 1200 Westwood Drive, Hamilton, on Thursday, March 22 from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Conference Room C.

The teleconference, via webcast, will explore the most current theoretical perspectives on loss and grief as experienced by persons throughout a life-limiting illness and by survivors after the death. A particular focus will be paid to areas where understandings of grief have been challenged. The program will be useful to a range of professionals who counsel persons who are bereaved, including psychologists, counselors, clergy, social workers, nurses and other health care workers, and funeral directors, educators, teachers, and school-based personnel. The information will also be helpful to individuals who offer education on loss, grief, dying or death. A teleconference companion book is available online at or may be purchased at the conference for $14 plus shipping and handling.

A panel of experts will examine and discuss the following topics: anticipatory grief and anticipatory mourning, strategies and interventional approaches that professional caregivers can use to help survivors cope with loss, how changes in understanding grief have influenced practice, the current debate over DSM diagnostic category for complicated grief, and the current research and theory on grief reactions of professional caregivers.

The teleconference is free and everyone is welcome to attend. Continuing education hours (CEs) will be available though the Hospice Foundation of America for nurses, social workers, counselors, funeral directors, clergy, psychologists, EMS personnel, EAPs and nursing home administrators. CEs are available online for $25 or via mail for $35.

Hunter Education Classes

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) will offer two spring hunter education classes in Missoula beginning April 2.

The first class session will be held Monday and Wednesday evenings from April 2 through April 23, 7 to 9:30 p.m. The second class is scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday evenings, April 3 through April 24, 7 to 9:30 p.m. The field course for both classes is set for Saturday, April 21 at Deer Creek Shooting Range, near East Missoula.

Registration for both classes is March 20, 7-8:30 p.m. at the Missoula FWP office, 3201 Spurgin Road. A parent or guardian must accompany students under 18 to registration. All classes are held at Big Sky High School in Missoula. There is a $3.00 fee per student to cover building rental costs.

By state law, anyone born after January 1, 1985 must present a hunter education certificate in order to purchase hunting licenses in Montana. The minimum age for hunting in Montana is 12, and students must be at least 11 years old to take the hunter education course. For more information or to request a copy of this schedule, contact the Missoula FWP office at 542-5500 or visit and follow links to "Education" and then "Hunter Education."

Water Forum presentation

The Bitterroot Water Forum is sponsoring a Public Educational Presentation on Thursday, March 22 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Bitterroot Public Library downstairs meeting room. The presentation is entitled "Why We Need a Local Water Quality District" and is being given by Theresa Blazicevich, owner, Log Cabin Environmental Consulting LLC, and former Ravalli County Environmental Health Director. This topic is of importance to valley residents because it will be on the ballot in the June election. Last December, Ravalli County Commissioners chose not to implement a local water quality district that was supported by the County Planning Office. Many groups are now working hard to assure that voters understand the strong need for a local water quality district. For more information contact Laurie Riley, 375-2272.

MSU prospective student program

Montana State University will open its campus, classrooms and activities to potential students during MSU Friday, the university's campus visitation program, set for Friday, March 23. Among the many MSU Friday activities are campus tours, sample classes taught by some of MSU's best professors, meetings with academic departments and a display of organizations and special services. There will also be presentations about special programs, scholarships and financing a college education. Panels for parents are also scheduled.

Cost for the one-day event is $15 per person, which includes lunch and activities. Students and family members attending the program will have the opportunity to check out Bridger Bowl, Big Sky and/or Moonlight Basin Ski areas at a discounted rate on Saturday, March 24 and/or Sunday, March 25.

Students wishing to spend a night on campus with a current student, sample food and experience campus life after hours, may contact the Residence Life Office at (406) 994-2661 to find out more about its Host Program. The cost of the program is $50 per night. For more information about MSU Friday, contact the MSU Office of Admissions at (1-888) MSU-CATS, or (406) 994-2452.

Helena Quilt Show

The Helena Quilt Show will be held Saturday March 24, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, March 25, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Helena Civic Center. Over 200 quilts will be on display, and there will be a quilt raffle, door prizes, venders, and demonstrations. Admission is $2.

Donkey Basketball

Donkey Basketball is coming back to Stevensville on Wednesday, March 28 at 7 p.m. Last year's event was wild, crazy and left everyone begging for a rematch. The Community Team won the event by a few slight points with the Teachers Team right behind them! The adults decided they had the edge because they have so much more experience dealing with stubbornness!

This year's rematch will feature one team of Community members, one team of Teachers and two teams of Students. Dan Severson will once again serve as Captain of the Community Team and has offered Valley Drug as the "Command Center" for ticket sales. If you would like to be on the Community Team, contact Dan at 777-5591, ext. 112. If you would like to be on the Teacher Team, call Peggy Mullin, Student Council Advisor, at 777 5481, ext. 126.

Ticket prices are set by the Donkey Sport Company with advance sale prices being Adult - $6.00, Student (7-12) $5.00, children (K-6) - $4.00. Sales at the door are $1.00 more for each ticket. Advance sale tickets will go on sale the middle of March at Valley Drug. Any family or student who would like to attend but cannot afford it can contact Ms. Mullin to be on the volunteer crew. The game this year is a fundraiser for Student Council which will use the money to help students attend state convention and put on activities during the year. A half-time auction will benefit "Fund for All" which supports low-income students' participation in extra-curricular activities.

FWP peregrine falcon open house

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks will hold a series of public open houses to discuss a proposal allowing limited take of young peregrine falcons for use in falconry.

FWP is seeking additional public input to help clarify issues associated with this proposal. Action by the Montana Fish, Wildlife & parks Commission at an October 2006 meeting directed FWP to move forward with the development of an Administrative Rule of Montana (ARM) and dependent upon that outcome, subsequent Annual Rules governing the take of wild peregrine falcons by licensed Montana falconers. An Environmental Assessment would be prepared in conjunction with the ARM rule. FWP completed initial scoping on January 15th, 2007. Arnie Dood, Endangered Species biologist, suggested during the Feb. 5th 2007 meeting that comments on this issue would still be received by FWP.

An open house to discuss the current status of peregrine falcons and further identify issues and concerns will be held Thursday, March 29 from 7 to 9 p.m. in Missoula at the FWP Region 2 Office, 3201 Spurgin Road. For more information contact your regional FWP office, or Arnold Dood, Endangered species biologist, Region 3, at 406-994-6433.

Sapphire Arabian Horse Club

In keeping with its reaffirmed mission to promote the purebred and partbred Arabian horse breeds, the Sapphire Arabian Horse Club, formerly known as the Five Valley Arabian Horse Association, has recently reincorporated and revised its bylaws. The club is affiliated with the Arabian Horse Association that regulates and promotes the breeds in the United States. An all-breed horse expo will be held at the Sapphire Arena, March 30-April 1. To find out more about the world's oldest purebred horse and to experience the intelligence and people-oriented disposition the breed is known for, stop by the booth at the Sapphire Horse Expo the weekend of March 30-April 1 and meet an Arabian horse up close and personal. Members will be happy to visit with you and talk horses. The Sapphire Arabian Horse Club has monthly meetings on the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. For more information or the location of the April meeting, contact Shelagh Fox at 273-4317 or Wendy Hauser at 642-9640. The club welcomes new members.

Farmers Market Annual Meeting

The Hamilton Farmers Market evolved into a Cooperative this past winter and will be holding its Annual Vendors Meeting on Saturday, March 31, at the Corvallis Grange Hall on Dutch Hill Road at 1 p.m.

The new market name is Valley Farmers Market Cooperative. You do not have to be a member to sell at the market, though co-op members will enjoy lower booth rates. At the annual meeting co-op membership shares will be available for sale, new Co-op bylaws will be approved, election of a new Board of Directors will be held, and booth fees will be taken for those wanting to reserve a spot for this year.

If you would like to receive a vendor's information packet before the meeting, or run for the Board of Directors, call Laura Craig at 961-0004 and leave your mailing address, if she is not available. The first Valley Farmers Market of the 2007 season will be Saturday, May 5, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Bedford and Third St. in Hamilton.

Art show

Birth Mama will hold a Motherhood and Birth Art Show and reception on Friday, April 6 from 5 to 9 p.m. at the Gold Dust Gallery, 330 N. 1st, Missoula (by the Orange Street overpass). Eat, drink and listen to live music of Helmet Tag and Tom and Tomatoes while sharing creative, intimate and inspirational works of local mamas and artists that celebrate the beauty, wonder and emotion of pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood. This is a child-friendly event. For more information call 546-6452.

MSU All-School Rodeo Reunion

Montana State University's All-School Rodeo Reunion is set to coincide with the MSU Spring Rodeo April 6-7, 2007. "All past rodeo athletes and supporters are invited to attend and help spread the word," said Lana Tibbetts, a member of the reunion organizing committee. The reunion will be one of several planned for all varsity athletic programs as the Worthington Arena and the Brick Breeden Fieldhouse turn 50 years old. Rodeo reunion headquarters will be the Holiday Inn with a social scheduled for Friday night and banquet/style show on Saturday afternoon. For more information and to provide the reunion committee with information on how to contact you, contact Tibbetts at (406) 485-2997, Mike Germann at or (406) 580-4842, or Peggy Lucas (406) 570-8264.

Easter egg hunt

A free Easter egg hunt will be held at Qwivals Fun Center on Saturday, April 7 at 12 noon. All ages are welcome. Visit for more information.

Teen Challenge Spring Banquet

Montana Teen Challenge will hold its Spring Banquet on Saturday, April 21 at the Missoula Doubletree Inn. Nicky Cruz, author of "Run Baby Run," will be the guest speaker. Tickets are $25 each, tables for 12 are $300, or sit with Nicky for $300 which includes a signed book and autographed photo. Registration is at 5:30 p.m. with dinner at 6:30 p.m. Montana is #2 in the nation for illicit drug use, and #4 for alcohol consumption. Crime rates are high and the prisons and jails are full. Teen Challenge Montana Outreach is a solution for the state's drug and alcohol epidemic. Teen Challenge has an 80-92% success rate for those wanting freedom from addiction. Contact Judy Adamski at 544-2361 for more information.

Gem & Mineral Show

A Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show will be held at the Hamilton Senior Center, 820 N. 4th, on April 28-29. There will be vendors with rocks, gems and minerals and there will be food vendors as well. Admission is $2. Children under 10 are free with an adult. For more information call 363-1590.

'World's largest garage sale'

A University of Montana parking structure will be a bargain hunter's paradise Saturday, April 28, when it transforms into the "World's Largest Garage Sale." The sale runs from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the first and second levels of the parking garage on Campus Drive next to the Mansfield Library. The "world's largest" claim, which has been used for years to tout the sale, was acknowledged in a story in the New York Times travel section last summer. The writer of the article attributed the "largest" claim to "the size of its garage."

The 18th semi-annual event is a fundraiser for UM Advocates, a campus service organization of more than 100 members who provide volunteer services for many campus functions. Previous sales have drawn nearly 100 sellers and thousands of shoppers. For $20 vendors are assigned two parking spaces, each 9 feet by 18 feet. Additional spaces are available for $10 each. Vendor set-up begins at 7:30 a.m. For more information call 243-5874 or e-mail

Bitterroot Birding and Nature Festival

Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge, in concert with 70 Bitterroot Valley partner businesses, organizations and individuals, has announced that public registration for field trips and workshops is now open for the 2007 Bitterroot Birding and Nature Festival (Festival) in Stevensville. This can be accomplished by visiting the Festival web site at Be aware that the Festival operates by donation only, so this is a real value for attendees. There are over 48 activities planned during the June 22-24 dates. Numerous field trip opportunities to find birds, butterflies, wildflowers, stars and bats are the Festival's core programming. All family members should find activities suited to their needs, especially kids. This is highlighted by the 2007 Jr. Duck Stamp Award Ceremony, 3rd annual Adventure BioThon, Tee Off With A Birdie Golf Tournament, juried Art Show (featuring artists such as Monte Dolack), and a Kite and Birdhouse building contest.

Art & craft show

The first annual "Made in the Shade" Art & Craft Show will present artists and crafters on Saturday, May 12, Mother's Day weekend, rain or shine, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the lawn of Towle House Realty, 515 Main Street, Stevensville. Applications can be found online at and at Towle House Realty, 515 Main St., Stevensville. Application deadline is April 15. For further information, contact Kiana Fecteau, 777-1160, or Betty Mayes, 777-3919. The "Made in the Shade" Art & Craft Show is cosponsored by Towle House Realty and by Stevensville Art & Sculpture Society (SASS).

Stevensville Leadership date change

Stevensville Main Street Association will be hosting "Stevensville Leadership 2007" classes on September 18, October 9, and November 13. The all-day classes (9 a.m.-4 p.m.) will focus on the town of Stevensville, town government, businesses and economics, education and local organizations. They will be held at the Main Street office in Stevensville. More information will be provided in the following months. Class space is limited and registration is required. The fee is $180.00 which includes lunch and all materials. Payment options are available. Call Joan at 777-3773 for more information.

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