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Volume XXII, Number 32

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Hamilton City Council

Council moves to adopt impact fees

By Michael Howell

At its March 6 meeting, the Hamilton City Council unanimously approved, upon first reading, an ordinance establishing the procedure for adoption of impact fees. The motion to approve it was amended to include a review of the ordnance by the Finance Committee before the second reading. According to the city's administrative officer, Dennis Stranger, the process would require a Resolution of Intent to actually adopt the impacts fees. This is scheduled for March 20. A public hearing is scheduled for April 17, for the council to hear public comment on proposed water and sewer rate hikes as well as establishing impact fees for water, sewer, police and fire services. Stranger said that work on proposed transportation impact fees was still incomplete. He said that the target date for implementation of the new rates and impact fees was May 1, 2007. More...

This team of Corvallis elementary-aged students, participated in the Destination Imagination competition at Victor School. Their challenge: to design and construct one or more aircraft that would fly to specified landing zones. Team members are: back, Brian Healy; front, l to r, Luke Vaughn, Griffin Arnlund, Joel Haas, Eric Healy, Alex Healy. Coaches (not pictured) are Patti Healy and Holly Arnlund.

Commissioners cut department budgets to meet cost of voter mandated changes

By Michael Howell

Internal Auditor for the county, Klaryse Murphy, explained to Ravalli County Department heads last Friday exactly what kind of bullet they were going to have to bite in order to meet the unbudgeted costs associated with the results of the November election in which voters mandated a five-member county commission. More...

First countywide zoning meeting held in Florence

By Michael Howell

In its fledgling efforts at trying to involve the public in the voter-mandated development of a countywide zoning ordinance, the Ravalli County Planning Department sponsored the first of three planned public meetings to introduce the public to the concept of countywide zoning, and solicit members of the public to participate on local committees involved in the process. More...

Bipartisan CQL endorses candidates

By Michael Howell

Citizen volunteers of the recently organized Bipartisan Campaign for Quality of Life (BCQL) held a press conference last week to announce the candidates that they have chosen to endorse following systematic interviews with and evaluations of almost everyone in the running. More...


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