Bitterroot Star Masthead
The Bitterroot Valley's only locally owned newspaper

Volume XXI, Number 22

Community Calendar

Wednesday, January 5, 2006

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Democratic Women's Parade Committee

The Democratic Women's Parade Float Committee will meet on Thursday, January 12 at the Bitterroot Library in Hamilton from 1 to 3 p.m. Come and share your creative ideas for the four parades in which the club plans to participate this year. It should certainly be an enjoyable project, and if you wish to help in any way, attend the meeting.

MSU prospective student program

Montana State University will open its campus, classrooms and activities to potential students on MSU Friday, MSU's campus visitation program, set for Friday, January 27.

Among the many MSU Friday activities are campus tours, sample classes taught by some of MSUšs best professors, meetings with academic departments and a display of organizations and special services. There will also be presentations about special programs, scholarships and financing a college education. Panels for parents are also scheduled.

Cost for the one-day event is $15 per person, which includes lunch and activities. Students and family members attending MSU Friday will have the opportunity to ski at a discounted rate on Saturday, January 28 and/or Sunday, January 29 at Bridger Bowl and Moonlight Basin ski areas.

Students wishing to spend a night on campus with a current student, sample food and experience campus life after hours may contact the MSU Residence Life Office (406) 994-2661 to learn more about its host program. The cost of the program is $50 a night. For further information about MSU Friday, contact the MSU Office of Admissions at (1-888) MSU-CATS, or (406) 994-2452.

Clean energy conference

Rural landowners and communities from throughout Montana can learn how to make renewable energy like wind, biofuels and solar into profitable new crops at a conference February 27-28, in Spokane, at the Red Lion Hotel at the Park.

"Harvesting Clean Energy" is the Northwest's premiere event, bringing together agriculture and energy industries to participate in clean energy production and other bio-product markets. Now in its sixth year, this conference will feature experts and farmers with direct experience in successful clean energy projects. Speakers will walk through renewable energy feasibility and economic assessments, technical and financial resources, and finding markets.

Sessions will explore how rural landowners can benefit by hosting or banding together to own wind farms and grow new crops to support biodiesel and ethanol production. Panel discussions will focus on assembling public and private financing for projects and fueling rural prosperity through state and federal policy leadership.

The conference is designed for rural landowners and professionals from agriculture organizations, rural utilities, tribes, economic development agencies, lending institutions, energy developers and consultants, research institutions, and federal, state and local governments. Technologies to be included are utility-scale wind power, biofuels, biopower, geothermal resources, and farm-scale renewable power technologies to enhance profitability. Discussions will focus on the practical steps to successful project development, financing and marketing.

Registration for the conference is affordable. Farmers, ranchers and other private individuals can register by February 6 for just $50, professionals for $100. Register on-line at or call 360-943-4241 for more information. You can also contact Kathi Montgomery at the Montana DEQ at 406-841-5243 for more information.

The conference is being organized by MT Department of Environmental Quality, WA State Farm Bureau, WA State Association of Wheat Growers, WA State Department of Agriculture, USDA Rural Development; WA State Department of Community, Trade & Economic Development, ID Energy Office, OR Department of Energy, Bonneville Power Administration, US Department of Energy, WA State University, Northwest SEED, Energy Northwest, Climate Solutions, Spokane County Conservation District, and several other leading regional organizations. The conference is scheduled to be in Boise in 2007.

Ag Study Phase II meeting

The next ag study core group meeting will be held Monday, January 16 at 7 p.m. at the Corvallis Grange Hall, located at Woodside. At the Woodside stoplight, turn west onto Dutch Hill Road and look for the sign on the right less than a half mile from the intersection, turn right at the sign the hall is a at the end of the short road. Randy Carpenter from the Sonoran Institute and Tim Davis from the Montana Smart Growth Coalition will be discussing tools used in other areas.

Kids First brown bag

Kids First Family Resource Center is hosting a free informational speech on Attachment and Bonding, by Dr. Favara on Tuesday, January 10 from noon to 1 p.m. at 103 S. 9th St., Hamilton. Bring your lunch and take in some great information. To find out more information, call Jodi at Kids First, 375-9588.

Collectors' Resale Exhibition

Have you run out of wall space? Have your tastes in art changed? Consider placing your artwork in the Dana Gallery's juried 3rd Annual Collectors' Resale Exhibition to be held February 3-24. Ten percent of the proceeds from the sale of art during the exhibition will go to the Missoula Art Museum. If you are interested in consigning your artwork to the Dana Gallery for the 3rd Annual Collectors' Resale Exhibition, bring it to the gallery to be juried by January 25. Art will be sold in a silent auction format that will last the duration of the exhibition. Bidding will begin Friday, February 3 in conjunction with the First Friday Art Walk from 5 to 8 p.m. The closing of the auction will take place during a special reception the evening of February 24 from 6 to 8 p.m.

AARP meeting

The AARP bimonthly meeting will be held Thursday, January 12 at 12 noon at the Hamilton Senior Center, 820 N. 4th. The event will start with a potluck; bring a dish to share and our own place setting. Following a short meeting there will be a taped interview between AARP President Marshal Spencer and Marine Corporal Mathew Martindell who is preparing for his second tour of duty in Iraq. He will talk about their daily living conditions, what they encountered on their patrols and the people of Iraq. Also there will be a photos of the country and its people. This will be an interesting program. Everyone is welcome. For more information call 961-3241 or 375-8255.

Avalanche Awareness Seminar

An Avalanche Awareness Seminar will be held Tuesday, January 17 from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Bitterroot National Forest Supervisor's Office, 1801 N. First Street, Hamilton. Chris Utzinger, Ravalli County Search and Rescue, will be the presenter. This presentation is open to the public and free of charge.

More and more people are discovering the beauty and joy of recreating in the backcountry on skis, snowshoes or snowmobiles. The serenity of the mountains can be deceptive, though, for there is often a danger of avalanches. When and where do avalanches occur? How can you avoid them? What precautions should you take in avalanche terrain? What should you do in an avalanche accident?

The Bitterroot National Forest and the West Central Montana Avalanche Center would like to invite you to an Avalanche Awareness Talk. Chris Utzinger, avalanche instructor with the National Ski Patrol and Ravalli County Search and Rescue, will share thoughts on safe travel in the winter mountains.

Hypnobirthing classes

Hypnobirthing childbirth classes will be offered in the Bitterroot beginning January 15. Hypnobirthing relaxation and self-hypnosis techniques enable mothers to eliminate the fear and tension that cause long labor and pain, replacing them with confidence, calm and comfort. Hypnobirthing eliminates or greatly reduces the need for chemical painkillers and creates a more integral role for the birth partner, usually the husband or a trusted friend or relative. Preregistration is required. For more information contact Kathie at 303-684-6674 or visit

Family communication classes

A series of classes on family communication will be held January 17 to April 4. The classes are sponsored by St. Paul's Church, 600 S. 3rd St, Hamilton. There will be two different times: Tuesdays from 5 to 6:30 p.m. or Wednesdays from 9:30 to 11 a.m. The themes are communication, developing and maintaining a caring spirit, and commitment to faith building.

There will be 12 weekly sessions with the following topics: family conversation, listening skills, listening to nonverbal communication, building a healthy self-worth, the training that strengthens, communication with sensitivity, dealing with anger, sharing faith together, parents conveying values, parental guidance in decision-making, structured faith sharing in the home, doing the word.

Teaching communication skills in our families is very important. The National Association of Colleges and Employers ranked communication skills as the most sought after personal characteristic in potential employees.

The program is facilitated by Terry Moran, RN, MS. She has a Masters of Science in Community Health and is in the second year of a two-year program for lay ministers sponsored by the Montana Association of Churches. Childcare may be available for a fee. Class size is limited. For more information or to register call 363-7656.

Stevensville Civic Club

The Stevensville Civic Club will be holding its regular monthly luncheon meeting on Thursday, January 12 at 12 noon at the St. Mary's Mission meeting room. Lunch will be provided by the St. Mary's Mission Auxiliary and the cost is $5.00. Election of officers will be held. Come and find out how you can become involved in the Civic Club and the community. The Civic Club meets the second Thursday of each month, and guests are welcome. For more information contact Tim Schreiber of Marcia Babowicz at 777-7210.

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