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Volume XXV, Number 26

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

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Darby helps its hungry…

Darby food bank up and running

By Michael Howell

The most recent food bank to be established in the Bitterroot Valley, the Darby Bread Box, has been open for business since January 4th. It is the fruition of a year-long effort by a core group of volunteers first mustered as part of the Horizon workshops held in Darby. As a part of the Horizons process, following a series of public meetings and polls, certain needs of the community were identified and prioritized. One of the prime needs identified was the need for a food bank to serve the south valley. A group of volunteers took up the challenge and after meeting, sometimes weekly, sometimes monthly, a year later, the Darby Bread Box opened its doors. More...

Mary Lockwood of the Darby Bread Box, a newly opened food bank in Darby, says, “the shelves are well stocked, the freezers and refrigerators are full and the doors are open.” Michael Howell photo.

Noel Lockwood, one of the many volunteers helping repair, remodel and install shelving at the new Darby Bread Box located at 206 E. Tanner Street, in Darby. Michael Howell photo.

Citizens critical of septage dump plan

DEQ presents sewage dump site info to packed house

By Michael Howell

Supervisor of the Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) Solid Waste Section, Rick Thompson, and Renai Hill from the agency’s Septic Pumper program addressed about 90 concerned citizens at St. Mary’s Family Center in Stevensville last Wednesday night about the septage dump site proposed on land northwest of Stevensville. More...

County urged to establish rental assistance fund

Gary Locke, a social worker for the Salvation Army in Hamilton, urged the County Commissioners last week to establish a Rental Assistance Fund. More...

Ravalli Entrepreneurship Center holds grand opening

By Michael Howell

Although the doors of the Ravalli Entrepreneurship Center have been open for a while a grand opening ceremony was held last week to celebrate the new facility. More...

President of the Ravalli County Economic Development Authority Monte Drake (center) cut the ribbon last week at the grand opening of the Ravalli Entrepreneurship Center.

“I see great things coming out of this project,” said John Rogers, representative of the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Agency, at the opening dedication of the Ravalli Entrepreneurship Center in Hamilton. He called it an effective use of taxpayer dollars for economic development.

County Commission Chairman Greg Chilcott hands an award plaque to Randy and Bonnie Jones of Bitterroot Tool & Machine LLC, congratulating them for recently obtaining their International Standards Organization 9000 Certification. BTM manufactures aircraft parts for a company that sells to impressive multi-national customers and needed the certification to meet customer requirements. Chilcott called the certification award, “the realization of a dream.”

Star awarded county legal contract

The Ravalli County Commissioners awarded the contract for printing legal notices for the 2010 year to the Bitterroot Star newspaper, located in Stevensville. More...

Sheriff responds to developments in murder case

By Michael Howell

Ravalli County Sheriff Chris Hoffman and Undersheriff Perry Johnson responded recently to the news of a federal prosecutor’s motion, in United States District Court in Missoula, to dismiss the murder charges pending against Brian Weber relating to the Florence homicides of November 6, 2001, by stating that they remain committed to the ongoing investigation into these heinous crimes. More...


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