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Volume XXIII, Number 14

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Local group organizes to change federal fire management practices

By Michael Howell

A newly formed group called the Big Sky Coalition (BSC) drew a large crowd recently at its first organizational meeting held on Sunday, November 4, at the Hamilton Fairground Event Center. Over 500 people showed up to listen to a panel of speakers present information on historical changes in the vegetative landscape of the Bitterroot Valley, the last fifty years of fire management by the U.S. Forest Service, the effects (mostly financial) that this management has on our county, and the health-related effects of wildfire smoke. More...

A planned burn along the Bitterroot mountain face sends an umbrella of smoke skyward. Michael Howell photo.

Tom and Charlotte Robak, founders of the Big Sky Coalition, a new organization opposed to the forest Service "let it burn" policy and aimed at changing Forest Service manangement policies in favor of more thinning and logging. Michael Howell photo.

Stevi considers annexation request

By Michael Howell

The Town of Stevensville is considering a request to annex 42 acres of land into the city that would be subdivided into 118 city lots. The proposal by John Anderson, called Twin Creeks Subdivision, would go in on land south of Middle Burnt Fork Road. The hearing concerning annexation of the property was held on October 30, and no decision was made. Anderson agreed to a 30-day extension of the deadline for processing the annexation request and the matter will be taken up again at the Town Council meeting on November 13. More...

Middle Burnt Fork Road done for now

By Michael Howell

The Ravalli County Road and Bridge Department put down a layer of asphalt on both sides of Middle Burnt Fork Road this summer to reduce the radical crown of the roadway and beef up the edges of the road that had disintegrated. Through letters, phone calls and walk-ins at the Bitterroot Star office asking about the project, it became evident that some members of the public do not believe that the job was completed and are wondering what is going on. More...

What's up with Wal-Mart?

By Michael Howell

Speculation about Wal-Mart's plans to potentially locate a Super Center in the Bitterroot Valley are a hot topic lately, but Wal-Mart is remaining mum on the subject for the time being. More...


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