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Volume XXVI, Number 15

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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Planning Board seeks legal opinion

By Michael Howell

The Ravalli County Planning Board has asked the County Commissioners to seek a legal opinion concerning the board’s failure to meet in October. More...

Members of the Bitterroot Valley Draft Horse and Mule Club gathered last weekend for their semi-annual Progressive Farm Days event at Kent and MaryLou Connor Ranch in Corvallis. Members are dedicated to teaching and preserving the history and tradition of farming with draft horses and mules. This year members harnessed their horses and mules to a variety of antique manure spreaders and spread it the old fashioned way. Membership is open to all who have an interest in farming or recreational driving with equines in harness. Pictured from left are: Claudia Hrebicek and Nicole Smart (barely visible), Alan and Christine Waltz, Scott and Diane Hackett, maryLou Connor, Dick Clemow and Kern Mattei. Photo courtesy of Kern A. Mattei.

Hamilton sewer plant improvements near completion

By Michael Howell

Except for one minor problem with the belts that drive the new air blower on the compost system, the multi-million dollar Hamilton Wastewater Treatment Improvement Project is substantially complete, according to Dan Harmon of HDR Engineering, the company contracted to make the improvements. More...

Town Pump to raise $2 million for food banks

As the number of Montanans going hungry continues to grow in a tough economy, the Town Pump Charitable Foundation seeks to raise a record $2 million this year during its ninth annual fundraising campaign for Montana food banks, including the Haven House in Hamilton, Pantry Partners in Stevensville, and the Darby Bread Box. More...

Food giveaway scheduled

The Montana Food Bank Network, in partnership with Haven House and Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, is hosting a special food giveaway for limited income households. Fresh and packaged food will be distributed Friday, November 12, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at no charge to area residents in need. The event is being held at the Ravalli County Fairgrounds Art Building located at 100 Old Corvallis Road in Hamilton. More...

Republicans sweep county elections

The Republican Party made a clean sweep in Ravalli County last week, according to unofficial election results. District by district results are available for viewing on the County’s website at (click on Elections). More...

Winners celebrate on Election Night at Republican Headquarters in Hamilton. From left: Lee Foss, Suzy Foss, Bill Fulbright, April Fulbright, Matt Kanenwisher, Tanya Kanenwisher, Ron Stoltz and Kim Stolz. Lilya McAlister photo.


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