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Volume XXIV, Number 13

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Election Supplement

Candidate Profiles for the County Commissioner Races and Legislative Races. More...

City denies FlatIron annexation

By Michael Howell

It was standing room only as over one hundred people packed the Hamilton City Council meeting room last Thursday, October 23, to hear the Council consider the largest annexation request in its history, covering about 500 acres and including a proposed 625 residences to be built over 20 years. Close to half the public audience still lingered when the council finally put the FlatIron Ranch annexation agreement up to a vote just a few minutes before midnight. The Council voted it down 4 to 1, with Councilor Mike LaSalle casting the lone vote in favor of the proposal. More...

Volunteer Larry King gets ready to haul away another load to store until a new location can be found for the Clothes Closet, a free store that has operated in downtown Stevensville for the past 16 years. The building it was housed in is being demolished to make way for a new building. Photo courtesy of Diane Stephens.

Closed Closet seeks new start

By Chance Edman for the Bitterroot Star

For 16 years, the Clothes Closet in downtown Stevensville has offered help to the community. Now, it needs a little of its own.

The non-profit organization known across Western Montana for giving away donated clothes moved out of its former building on Main Street two weeks ago and is seeking a new location. Volunteers are storing clothes and taking monetary donations while trying to find a new building to rent. More...

New Hamilton City Councilor to be appointed

By Michael Howell

Selection of a new city council member to represent Ward 3, following former Ward 3 Councilor Jerry Steele’s recent move into the Mayor’s seat, will take place Thursday, October 30, at a special meeting of the Hamilton City Council at 7 p.m. at City Hall. More...

Commissioners support Growth Policy

All the County Commissioners support the Growth Policy, except Commissioner Greg Chilcott. Chilcott claims that emotions are running too high and it’s time to let things cool off. Following a review by the County Attorney’s office that indicated to the Commissioners they could pass a resolution to support the Growth Policy, they passed it on a vote of 4 to 1. More...

Felony charges filed in wildlife killing spree

By Michael Howell

Victor resident Jesse Lloyd Huddleston is facing felony charges in relation to a wildlife killing spree up the Burnt Fork east of Stevensville last week. More...

Hamilton school levy on ballot

By Michael Howell

The Hamilton School District has placed a technology levy on the ballot that would allow it to annually levy $178,361.30, being approximately 7.82 mills, for the purpose of purchasing, renting, repairing, and maintaining technological equipment, including computers and computer network access and associated training of school district personnel. More...


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