The U.S.F.S. is planning to log 5,711 acres between Como and Lost Horse. This area was logged about 40 years ago and the young trees will just now be starting to put on some serious growth. I suspect many of the trees won’t be over 14 inches in diameter, breast high.
If you wish to appeal, which is easy, you must send in or go to the Forest Service and put in your comments as to why you don’t want them to cut this area. Otherwise when the appeal time comes they won’t acknowledge your appeal.
You list the things this sale will affect such as Big Game, Lynx, Marten, Fisher, Goshawks, as well as putting erosion into Lick Creek, and creating a lack of water. Your comment letter is almost the same as an appeal, only with your appeal you should elaborate on each species and land that will be affected. The more appeals that are put in the better the chances that the Forest Service will think twice before going ahead with the sale. They may reduce the area they cut and the amount of trees that they take out.
Forty years ago when they logged a bunch of this area they ruined one of my favorite elk hunting areas. I don’t know if the elk ever came back.
If you appeal you should head it with the “No Action Alternative.”
If you think writing an appeal is hard or long to write, it isn’t. If you want, you can call me at 961-3423 and I will advise you on how to write and file an appeal. Please do it soon as the comment period is not very long.
Floyd E. Wood