Jan Wisniewski’s comments, and the commissioners’ apology for his comments, are irrelevant. What’s relevant are their own comments and behavior, which need a hand-delivered apology from them on their own dime. Racism always rears its ugly head when big money’s involved, and that’s what this is about, just like the tribes’ water compact which they also rebuked with racist over-and-undertones. All five of our developer-beholden commissioners know this quite well, which is why they want to make this about Wisniewski’s comments and not about their own racist governing tactics.
Their objection to the BIA holding the Medicine Tree land in trust for the tribes is exactly about their tiresome, unconstitutional county-supremacy schemes, which have wasted so much of OUR time, money and human resources these last three years. They work nights trying to figure out illegal schemes to privatize our public lands, game herds and fish and then stick their noses where they don’t belong attempting to keep the Medicine Tree on the county tax rolls so they can condemn – claiming public domain – it next time their developer-bosses want them to. That’s what was tried last time, and when the county failed to gift-wrap a four-lane for their rich benefactors, some low-life salted the tree and killed it. That’s why the tribes bought the land, why they seek solid protection for it, and that’s what this hate-laced militia nonsense has been about since the mid-90s and is still about with all five commissioners front-and-center in the current nonsense.
The damage-control apology they’re offering is far from adequate. We should demand, as we should have for the last three years, that they drop their racist-laced county-supremacy schemes, including their resistance to the tribes having the BIA hold their sacred lands in trust.
These commissioners aren’t stupid, per se, but they are killing this county with their tea-soaked bigotry.
Bill LaCroix