by Doug Hatchimonji, Hamilton
History provides many lessons for today, if only we remember and heed them.
Mid-December 1941 was a dark and terrible time. Germany had been bombing England’s cities and towns for two years killing thousands of civilians and its U-boat fleet was sinking hundreds of thousands of tons of merchant ships full of supplies bound for Britain with the goal of starving the island into surrender. And the United States had just been attacked on the “date that will live in infamy.”
During that time, the Prime Minister of Britain, Winston Churchill, was running his government from the Rose Suite on the second floor of the White House, as the houseguest of President Franklin Roosevelt. One afternoon, Mr. Roosevelt wheeled into the Rose Suite bedroom to discuss the war and found Mr. Churchill dictating correspondence to his (male) stenographer, in the words of presidential advisor Harry Hopkins, “stark naked and gleaming pink from his bath.” Unashamed and with monumental dignity, the naked Churchill said: “The Prime Minister of Great Britain has nothing to hide from the President of the United States.” To which the President quipped, “Don’t mind me.”
Last week, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was criticized by Mr. Trump and a news reporter for wearing a black, long-sleeved collarless shirt with the Ukrainian trident on the chest, instead of a business suit, for his meeting in the Oval Office, the reporter asking: “Why don’t you wear a suit? You’re at the highest level in this country’s office, and you refuse to wear a suit?” Well, at least President Zelenskyy had clothes on.
These are dark and terrible times for Ukraine. For three years, President Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian people have been locked in mortal combat with Vladimir Putin. Russian soldiers have bombed schools, hospitals and churches in Ukraine, conducted mass executions of its citizens, raped women and girls and stolen its children, spiriting them back to Russia.
President Zelenskyy says that he wears military-style clothing in solidarity with his citizens who have had to become front-line combat troops. I think we should have the generosity to believe him and respect his clothing choices. After all, it is true Ukrainians have been forced to trade fashionable attire for the field jackets of combat infantry troops, the bloodied scrubs of combat doctors, nurses and medics and the turnout coats of fire and rescue personnel. For Ukrainians, wearing camouflage is not a Vogue magazine fashion statement, but a necessity born of personal survival.
Prime Minister Churchill and President Roosevelt are giants of history, because they kept their eyes on the big picture and extended grace and humor for the small things. I only wish for such leadership today, instead of small men who dwell on the petty and insignificant.
Slava Ukraini! Glory to Ukraine.
Mike Miller says
Doug Hatchimonji,
I’m glad (as the majority of the USA recently voted for) to have a president that is finally taking care of his country first and trying to stop illegal entry and the horrifying debt this country is in of over 102.5 trillion of unfunded debt (over $20,000 just in interest per every person in the USA) in the hole with and getting worse by the minute.
If you’re so concerned about Ukraine trying to take care of their country, open your private wallet to them, or better yet, go get some skin in the game instead of sitting in the bleachers critiquing.
If Europe is so concerned about us not protecting their backyard of Ukraine, they need to step up and take care of their neighborhood.
It’s ironic your surname is Japanese and you quote an American president that took care of his country against your cruel ancestors that terrorized the world and invaded the USA, yet you criticize our president now who is also taking care of his country.
Glory to USA!
Linda Schmitt says
Well, looks like the venom is not just coming from the White House. How dare you, Mike Miller stoop so low. I ask the editor to block this guy.
Mike Miller says
I used no vulgarities and done nothing but speak the truth and suggest to Hatchimonji how he can help the Ukrainians he’s so concerned about.
But that hurts your eyes and you want me censored. So very communist of you!
Glory to USA!
Linda Schmitt says
I was wrong to ask the editor to block you. You of course can write what you want. But I hope my words conveyed to you how repugnant your comments are. This is a fine newspaper, welcoming to all. Your words sully both it and you.
Mike Miller says
Linda, you absolutely were wrong in your communist desire and attempt to censor me!
There’s nothing repugnant in what I wrote, only stark truth, none of which you refuted, by the way. If the truth hurts you, I suggest counseling.
Speaking of “venom” and “repugnant”, I call to attention a couple examples: YOU calling me “venom”, “stooping low”, and let’s certainly include this recent nugget from you:
“Linda Schmitt says
February 27, 2025 at 10:50 AM
Chicken Trump kneels to Putin. Trump loses the Ukraine war and is proud of it!! Cluck cluck cluck, loser Trump!”
The facts to that repugnant venom are Trump has never kneeled to Putin (but Obama did bow to Saudi muslim king!), and Trump isn’t in the Ukraine War (so clearly he {we} can’t lose it).
Your words show you clearly are NOT kind, loving and tolerant, but rather, the opposite.
Linda Schmitt says
Thank you, Doug for your eloquent reminder that there were actual heroes in our recent past and now in the present, with Zelensky and his brave citizens. We are nearly choking on the venom, cruelty and criminality emanating from the White House. Would that more citizens would remember the lessons of WWI and WWII. Thanks for refreshing our memories.