by James K. Rummell, Corvallis
I am a refugee here in the beautiful state of Montana. I used to live south of Darby, way south of Darby, in a state called California. I was a fifth generation Californian and loved the diverse landscapes in the second most beautiful state (after Montana of course) in this wonderful USA. In fact I like to say that California is a 5 star hotel run by very bad management. But California began to completely change when the Democrats took more power. Places that I once loved turned into a complete disaster. You couldn’t go anywhere without homeless people harassing you as soon as you exited your car. Parks and beaches were full of trash and human waste. Restaurants were a gauntlet to even get in the door and you were always afraid that someone would mug you. When you got a chance to go into the beautiful Sierra Nevada mountains, you were confronted by most of the landscape covered with graffiti in Spanish, as the Mexican gangs controlled most of the mountain areas so they could grow marijuana on public lands.
The state government had turned almost completely Democrat. Out of 100 members in the state assembly, 15 were Republican. They, and we, didn’t get a vote that even mattered. And the state became a complete crap hole.
So, we left. Sold our beautiful home, left our wonderful friends, and moved to a “red” state. Along with thousands of other mostly conservative former Californians. In fact, there’s a Facebook page called “Leaving California.”
Here’s a great idea for all you “proud Montana Democrats.” Leave, move to Commiefornia with “your people.” Don’t stay here and screw up Montana like you totally screwed up California. Oh, you have other choices, Oregon, Washington, or how about that wonderful state of Delaware? They just elected a trans congressman, or is it congresswoman? They don’t even know. Just get out!
Mark says
Well said Allen! Even as an independent I’ve always felt comfortable living in the Bitterroot regardless of who’s in power. Except for the occasional loudmouth with a crappy attitude. Unfortunately it’s the out of staters who stir up the most s%&$.
Alan says
So you’re a Californian now in Montana telling other Montanans to move? You got some brass with that post. I’D rather be around with born and raised Montana democrats then a California transplant no matter their political party affiliation. Sure the democrats are idiots, but they’re our idiots, go back and fix your own state.
Mike Miller says
You should be thanking people like James K. Rummell; in the last three election cycles, Montana has turned redder each time. Tester would still be in office and probably still a Dem governor, if not for people like him, with He’s not a Californian anymore, he’s a red voting Montanan.
I bet the same thing was said about you or your ancestors when you/they moved here to Montana. I also bet you say blue voters in Mt should get out.
Your prejudice is showing!
Alan says
You wanna live in an echo chamber that’s your choice, not mine. Here’s a thought for you, if people moving here is making Montana more red, then it must mean it is making where they came from more blue, savvy?
Mike Miller says
Why do you care what color other states are? You don’t live there. You’re a red Montanan in a red Montana that’s redder because because other reds moved here. Savvy that.
Bridget H Dolan says
But it’s the blue states that fund the red states. No red states lead in any matrix except: higher crime rates, lower literacy rates, higher teen pregnancy rates, pwt on state benefits, etc. It’s beautiful here but provincial af. People are so afraid. Of everything!
Mike Mercer says
What is this “Blazing Saddles” 2.0 ?
Alan says
Complete nonsense.