by Cathleen Reese, Hamilton
I must speak up about a great injustice to business owners who treat veterans through the VA Care In The Community Network.
This injustice took place when the Dept of Veterans Affairs found out that the third party billing company, Veteran’s Choice, embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars MEANT FOR Care In The Community providers, (non VA contracted). These LOCAL providers enable us veterans to receive care without having to drive 45 minutes to two hours for services.
The VA sued Veteran’s Choice and was able to recover the embezzled monies. Now, I ask you, where did that recovered money go? It sure as hell didn’t go to the business owners like my brother, in Kalispell, MT…DC MD Chiropractic veterans Care In The Community provider, in practice for over 30 years! He and others deserve to get paid for services rendered.
My brother has been trying…for over THREE years…to get paid for services he earned through the Veteran’s Choice Program…an estimated TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS worth. He has even contacted Senator Tester’s field office in Missoula, MT. And now, according to, there are millions of dollars unaccounted for, within the Dept of Veterans Affairs.
Could it be embezzlement? In my opinion, the system is broken and countless business owners have, more than likely, backed out of the Care In The Community Network because they have not gotten paid for services rendered. This is a great injustice! Thank you for your time.