by Will Walker, Hamilton
A few days ago, I was at a local store with a family member when I noted some particularly alarming stickers on the back of a construction truck. The truck’s rear windshield was absolutely coated with stickers, to the point where it was a wonder that a person could see through it at all – but I was able to pick out a smaller one on the bottom left that proclaimed, “DEFEND THE WHITE RACE.” In the center of the sticker was the silhouette of a kalashnikov rifle.
I want to remind us all that race hatred acts exactly as a weed does. A single seed, growing in a hidden, overlooked place, will eventually overtake an entire ecosystem if not challenged at the earliest possible moment. A virulent infestation of weeds can destroy an entire biome. What, then, is the price of race hatred left unchecked? Current estimates range from 40 million to 85 million souls. Of course, such an enormous number means nothing unless put in perspective. For perspective, there are 31 million seconds in a year.
If you are unwilling to pay that price, you must treat race hatred as you would a weed. You must learn how to identify it, how to remove it, and how to prevent it from coming back again. Not a single plant can be allowed to grow. This is something that no person can choose to ignore. We will all tend this land, or we will someday watch it die.
Alan says
Oh boy, somebody was triggered over a stupid sticker in a truck window, lmao.
Helen sabin says
Why shouldn’t whites defend their race? Blm does blacks. Look at how many races denigrate and castigate the toxic white malr but not a word about black dead beat dads or other races being evil to their families? Or is it the gun you didn’t like? Guns can be used for defense or offense. Remember that! It’s legal to use a fire arm in self-defense. With so many of the wackos running around today, when would be foolish, not to have some type of personal defense protection.
Cindy Hartley says
Well said Will Walker!
Mike Miller says
Tell us Will Walker, do you feel equally as upset about all the other race/special interest protection groups, or is it just this one?
Larry Campbell says
Mike, have you seen any stickers similar to: “DEFEND THE WHITE RACE.” In the center of the sticker was the silhouette of a kalashnikov rifle.”, but naming a different race or special interest group? Or are you just inventing a straw man rhetorical situation to try to dull the point Wil is making with a real and present fact?
Mike Miller says
I asked a simple question, yet you seem unable to answer it with a simple answer, or any answer, for that matter.
Dale says
Mike is just trying to make himself feel better. Everyone knows he’s a racist just like Sabin the loser.
Gomez says
So, did it also have “Vote Republican” or “Make America Great Again” stickers too? I’m betting that it did.