by Jim Kalkofen, Stevensville
Why now? Could it be an election has aroused the mayor’s sense of timing? Why did he wait so long to act?
The short and sweet. Water is a serious problem in Stevensville. Water rights – not granted in a large area of Town. Water wells – not permitted, but in use. Water quantity – has been a major question for years.
In a Feb. 25, 2020 letter (20 months ago), the Town’s water attorney, Ross Miller, told the mayor to hire experts to assist with water issues. One company recommended was a firm the mayor wants the Council to approve at this week’s Town Council meeting.
Why wait almost two years to bring this matter before the Council? Could it be another act of “last-minute action” due to an election about to happen?
Citizens, there are many reasons to consider replacing the mayor. No action on such an important matter as town water is just one item on that long list. Two words best describe who should occupy the mayor’s seat – Steve Gibson.