by Nathan Boddy
The Hamilton City Council welcomed several new faces at their regular meeting on Tuesday, September 21st. First was the vacancy for Hamilton City Judge, a position which was granted to Royce A. McCarty. Present at Tuesday’s meeting were numerous individuals who spoke on McCarty’s behalf, including Ravalli County Commissioner, Dan Huls, and former Ravalli County Attorney, George Corn.
Amy Fox of Hamilton, recently added to the City’s staff as Director of Parks and Urban Forestry, made her first presentation to the Council, presenting to them an application made by American Legion Post #47 to place a monument in Hieronymus Park in order to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the installation of the ‘Tomb of the Unknown Soldier’ in Arlington National Cemetery. Their application was approved by the Council.
The City Council was also asked by Police Chief, Ryan Oster, to confirm the appointment of Presley Chadwick as a new Probationary Police Officer. Chadwick, who is herself a graduate of Hamilton High and has worked for 911 Dispatch, was confirmed by the Council. Lastly, Roger Gantz was appointed to the City’s Zoning Board of Adjustment.
The Council also authorized the submission of a Community Development Block Grant application, assembled by City Planner and grant writer, Matthew Rohrbach, which aims to secure funds still available through the CARES Act for COVID Relief. The grant, if awarded, would secure funds to assist two local entities: S.A.F.E. and the Human Resources Council in their efforts to provide assistance to victims of domestic violence, and to address the critical shortage of affordable housing in Hamilton.
The Council also discussed their Beautification Recognition Award for commercial properties, and decided to grant the award to B & B Cabinetry and Home Design for their efforts to improve their business front, located at 4th and Main Streets.