By Archie L. Thomas, Corvallis
What has happened to the local and national Republican Party? As a native Montanan, born into a Republican heritage, I read Terry Nelson’s, Republican County chairman, reservations about mail in elections. He implied conservative voters either wouldn’t or couldn’t find a single polling place and would not vote by mail. What an insulting comment to any voter, but especially to members of his own party.
All voters are smarter than this but anybody looking at the current Republican party needs to check their voting assumptions. The present Republican Party is not the fiscally conservative, small government or small business advocate of even 10 years ago. And the local Republican candidates with the exception of Dan Huls and Dave Bedey are ineffective right-wing nuts.
Gianforte and Daines are afraid to hold freely accessible town hall meetings or protect our public lands. They are tied to large corporate and global interests while 95% of Montana businesses have less than five employees.
Ravalli County voters, please vote with your mind, not with your party.