By Michael Lesner, Corvallis
1. Behavior exhibiting excessive or uncontrollable emotion, such as fear or panic.
2. A group of psychiatric symptoms, including heightened emotionalism, attention-seeking behavior, and preoccupation with physical symptoms that may not be explainable by a medical condition. The term hysteria is no longer in clinical use, and such symptoms are currently attributed to any of several psychiatric conditions, including somatic symptom disorder, conversion disorder, and histrionic personality disorder.
Common sense:
Common sense. Common sense is sound practical judgment concerning everyday matters, or a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge that is shared by (“common to”) nearly all people.
Logic: a science that deals with the principles and criteria of validity of inference and demonstration : the science of the formal principles of reasoning a professor of logic. (2) : a branch or variety of logic modal logic Boolean logic. (3) : a branch of semiotics especially : syntactic.
This post is directed at the hysterical writers lacking the above attributes and why those who do possess them have, and will, succeed in life.
Face masks are a health hazard and are finally being replaced with a simpler and much more effective form of Covid-19 protection. I’ll try to explain in easy to understand terms.
So, the air we breathe every second of our lives contains:
Nitrogen (N2), 8.084%
Oxygen (O2), 0.947%
Argon (Ar) 0.934%
Carbon Dioxide (CO2), 0.033%
The air we inhale contains 21% oxygen 02, the health and life giver. We all should know that IS the essence of life for all mammals. When we exhale we expel Carbon Dioxide, CO2.
What is the chemical composition of exhaled air?
Exhaled air consists of 78 percent nitrogen, 16 percent oxygen, 4 percent carbon dioxide and potentially thousands of other compounds. Humans, along with many other animals, breathe in air through their mouth, into their lungs.
The air you exhale normally contains 19% less oxygen than inhaled air, with a 4% to 5% level of carbon dioxide and other gases, along with added water vapor. (Which is why you can re-breathe it to control “hiccups”.) Your body will continue to remove the remaining oxygen and add more carbon dioxide until the exhaled air is almost all nitrogen and CO2.
So if you had only this air to breathe, your body would not be able to keep functioning normally and you could pass out and eventually succumb to long term sickness. This is the same situation as when one or more persons are trapped in a closed space with a limited amount of air.
Is it reasonable to state that wearing face masks while at work 8 hours a day by working people is unhealthy and in the long term damaging to we humans? That condition, depending on your personal health condition, can lead to increased blood pressure, headaches, muscle twitches, rapid heart rate, chest pain, confusion, and fatigue. In extreme cases, if left untreated, hypercapnia can lead to organ damage and even have long standing effects on the brain.
Carbon dioxide toxicity, or hypercapnia, is a condition that results from too much carbon dioxide in the bloodstream, which can be caused by rebreathing exhaled air.
So, unless you are a plant, excess carbon dioxide is certainly bad for your health.
So what? Well, help is on the way. I’m just beginning to see some smart grocer cashiers wearing a face SHIELD that allows unobstructed breathing of fresh air every time you inhale, clear, not garbled speaking, and no bothersome adjusting.
Michael Lesner says
Disregard the following incorrect paragraph in my letter:
“So, the air we breathe every second of our lives contains:
Nitrogen (N2), 8.084%
Oxygen (O2), 0.947%
Argon (Ar) 0.934%
Carbon Dioxide (CO2), 0.033%”