This is in response to the letter from Dallas D. Erickson who wrote a letter entitled “Don’t Accept The Gay Agenda.” I do not know where his information comes from, but he is certainly not well informed as to what the gay and lesbian “agenda” is. Most of his letter is a rant about how God and Jesus Christ can help the gays and lesbians overcome their “chosen” lifestyle. He also rants about them infiltrating the schools and causing straight kids to be bullied. I have never heard of a case of a straight kid being bullied by a gay kid. The homosexuals are not infiltrating the school boards. You are paranoid, Mr. Erickson.
Another fact Mr. Erickson states is that many homosexuals look for jobs where they can have access to young boys so they can molest them. Hmm, this is quite surprising to me. I was a social worker with Child Protective Services for 20 years, and the majority of the child molesters I came into contact with were white “Christian” men who were “heterosexual” and often married. And I do not recall any “recent headlines” showing the “danger” of children being around homosexual men or women. I would be more fearful of them hanging around Mr. Erickson.
Where does all this fear and hate come from? I could rant on and on about what a bigoted, hateful, and ignorant man you are, Mr. Erickson, but I won’t. I just cannot understand how a person in this day and age can think like you. Hope you spend the rest of your sorry life shopping in JC Penney and watching Ellen on the television.
D. Alice Pierson