Bitterroot Star Editorial
These are some really strange days. Our lives have been disrupted. We can’t spend time with our friends and family. Kids are out of school. No sports activities. No church activities. No club activities. Many of our local businesses have had to close temporarily or have had to completely revamp the way they get their products to their customers. Yep, all of it is just really strange!
In Ravalli County, so far, we have been fortunate. We have not had the fear and panic that comes with the higher number of cases and the overstressed resources in the more populated states. And, we have so many really good people working to make sure critical needs are met.
We’re fortunate in another way, too. We still have a local newspaper to provide you with the information you need at a time like this. The Bitterroot Star is working hard to keep you informed about the constantly changing situation. For our staff, it’s business as usual (with the addition of more frequent hand washing, masks and gloves when appropriate) as we keep everything running smoothly through this pandemic and get the paper out to you every week. We know that more than 15,000 people read the printed edition of the Star every week, and thousands more read our online version as well as our facebook posts. We want all of our loyal readers, and our loyal advertisers, to know – you can count on us!
Our dedicated Star team just keeps moving forward, taking it one day at a time. We are fully committed to helping you get through these really strange days and we look forward to celebrating with you when this is behind us.
Stay home, stay healthy, stay informed.