By Rick Laible
Ionic Masonic Lodge #38 hosted the third annual First Responder Awards Dinner on February 4 to honor deserving individuals within our community who have been identified by their supervisors or nominating officials as those First Responders who truly represent the best in all of us.
The purpose of the ceremony was to publicly recognize First Responders and thank them for their service to our community. The presentation of the awards was made by the Masonic Ionic Lodge Worshipful Master George Kourafas. WM Kourafas reminded us all that this event is about our families and these individuals recognized who sacrifice their time and efforts to keep us safe, many times putting their own lives in jeopardy.
Those in attendance were Masonic Brothers of Ionic Lodge #38, the First Responder nominees, nominating officials and family members. The dinner was prepared by Past Master Dutch Brewer and his wife Linda, with the assistance of six other Brothers stepping into the fray. There was no charge for the invited guests to the dinner.
Ravalli County Sheriff Stephen Holton made the first presentation of the evening to Undersheriff Travis McElderry as he is one of those officers who always steps up and volunteers for the next difficult assignment. Undersheriff McElderry was the driving force behind the Ravalli County records management system, tying together the County, the City of Hamilton and the jail facilities, a project that many said couldn’t be done, but Undersheriff McElderry was up to the task. In addition, Undersheriff McElderry is responsible for the soon-to-be K-9 program.
Hamilton Police Chief Ryan Oster recognized Detective Bob Liercke for his commitment to our community. Detective Liercke, is a longterm veteran of the force, an Air Force veteran, served with the Montana Highway Patrol before coming to the Hamilton Police Department, and most recently was promoted to the position of Detective. Detective Liercke is a role model to other officers on the force. A man of integrity, he is patient and understanding in all circumstances, more importantly a motivator for the officers on the force. In addition to his job as a Detective, Bob is active in Hospice, helped organize the Police Officers Association and is a devoted family man. Detective Liercke, according to Chief Ryan Oster, is a real asset to our community.
Hamilton Volunteer Fire Chief Brad Mohn recognized Fire Fighter Don Bratsch for his leadership within the Hamilton Volunteer Fire Department. The selection of Don Bratsch was not a decision exclusively by Chief Mohn, but by Don’s fellow firefighters. Don Bratsch has three years of experience within the Hamilton Volunteer Fire station. Per Chief Mohn, Don is always calm under pressure, works hard no matter what task is assigned, is knowledgeable and a mentor to his fellow firefighters.
Director William Torres, EMS Director of Marcus Daly Hospital, recognized EMT Roylene Gaul as she has clearly demonstrated her knowledge of her craft, leadership among her peers and her focus on client/patient care. According to Director Torres, we are blessed to have Roylene Gaul as one of our team members. Roylene has been serving the Bitterroot Valley in one capacity or another for over 36 years. Although small in stature (maybe 5’2”) she is large in heart, she loves our community and this passion shows. Roylene was additionally nominated by fellow staff members Josh Clinton and Gina Tan.
As an aside, the Montana Highway Patrol was unable to attend the event this year as a result of conflicting schedules. The Brothers of Masonic Lodge #38 thank the Montana Highway Patrol for their continued service to our community.
Ionic Lodge #38 is a Masonic organization within the umbrella of the Masonic families, which include Shriners, Scottish Rite, York Rite, Order of Eastern Star, youth groups Rainbow Girls, Jobs Daughters and Demolay for young men.
More than 60 people attended this event, held in the basement dining hall of the Lodge, at 114 S. 3rd in Hamilton.