Cowboys and cowgirls from across the state will make one last run or ride on Saturday and Sunday at the high school rodeo in Hamilton at the Ravalli County Fairgrounds. The rodeo on Saturday will begin at 10am and will begin on Sunday at 9am with many of the traditional rodeo events and a few different ones. In addition to bareback horses, saddle broncs, and bulls, junior high cowboys can ride steers. There are the traditional tie down roping and team roping events; but there are also break away roping for boys as well as girls in junior high, and there is ribbon roping with the roper catching the calf, and the runner pulling a ribbon off the calf’s tail and hightailing it back to the roping chute.
Contestants from Corvallis, Darby, Stevensville and Hamilton are among the local riders. These cowboys and cowgirls will be selling tickets for a semi load of firewood, about 22 tons, which will be raffled off on Sunday, September 29.