The Victor Volunteer Fire Department moved in to a new building on Meridian Road south of Victor that was previously a small factory that made model trains. Rooms had to be removed to accommodate the fire department and new rooms and entrances are being built.
Dakota Johnson, as part of his Eagle Scout project, organized a group of volunteers to remove walls inside the building and reclaim the lumber to be used in finishing the remodeling of the fire department building. More than 20 youth and their families helped with the project, contributing 55 hours of work and reclaiming many board feet of lumber. The project took place on April 20th.
Dakota has been a member of Boy Scout troop 1991 in Stevensville for the last five years and is working on becoming an Eagle Scout.
Dakota had originally investigated doing a project filling sandbags to help those flooding in the community. When he made calls to the fire stations looking for info on this, Rick (supervisor and one of Dakota’s contacts at Victor Fire that worked with him) told him how helpful he could be with this project, so Dakota was happy to choose this project.