By Gary Milner, Corvallis
For several years I’ve tried to square Trump and his followers with what Republicans say about core values: fiscally responsibility, family values, belief in the constitution, and Christian morals. During Trump’s first year (Republicans controlled the House, Senate, and Presidency for two years) the deficit reached $714 billion and according to the CBO is expected to hit about $900 billion this year. To some degree these numbers can be parsed, but regardless, the deficit is greatly increasing under Republican control.
Family values are often cited by Republicans. I’ve listened to Trump brag about grabbing women and now know of hush money paid to women to keep them quiet about extramarital affairs. Republicans seem little bothered by this reproach of family values. It certainly is not how they reacted in the past to Democrats with similar transgressions.
Christian morals were/are highly touted by Republicans as a cornerstone of their ideology. I’ve watched Trump belittle Gold Star families, disrespect a military hero POW, talk in derogatory terms about women, make up belittling names for those he does not like, and verbally and physically make fun of a handicapped person. All of these are well documented with video and audio footage. I realize all of us make mistakes, but these are reoccurring themes and patterns. These hardly seem like the actions taught by Jesus.
Most recently is the issue of executive overreach. If they are serious about the Constitution, Republicans (and all politicians) can’t criticize actions of others in the past while now supporting an overreach from their own leader. In the Senate, thankfully 12 Republicans decided to protect the Constitution (unfortunately Senator Daines was not one of them).
I hope someone will help me understand these disparities, but hope it does not come in the form of a diatribe against Obama or Clinton. I hope, rather it is an effort to help many of us understand why the ideals of fiscal responsibility, a strong constitution, and family and Christian values, once cited as the foundations of Republican ideology, seem to be overlooked now regarding Trump and those he surrounds himself with.