By Jerry Haslip, Victor
Another verbose diatribe written by Allen B. Gates was in last week’s Bitterroot Star. Gates wrote a blistering commentary about Trump’s leadership capabilities. Gates specified that he was a captain in the US Army and served on several “Courts Martial Boards.” Gates suggests that if Trump were a commissioned officer, Trump would be court-marshaled for “conduct unbecoming an officer, making false official statements, and dereliction of duty.” I have news for Gates – Trump has two, many starred, supporting generals assisting him in his cabinet. Those generals certainly have demonstrated great leadership capabilities and it is unlikely that they would be working for anyone who wasn’t a successful leader! Generals’ opinions are more appropriate in this case!
Trump’s leadership style is unique; however, Trump has demonstrated positive successes in his business life as demonstrated by his securing a large bankroll! Needless to say, unsuccessful leaders aren’t rich!
Americans, by voting for and electing Trump, believed that Trump campaigned on the right ideas necessary to correct government disarray. Trump has used his leadership style and skills to accomplish many of the changes he promised while campaigning. What a disaster we would have if Hillary were elected!
As I implied in an earlier letter, political compromises with liberals and moderates may make many feel better for a time. However, many compromises merely “kick the can down the road” and don’t resolve the problem – thereby just delaying the inevitable and making a required decision more difficult.