By Frank Novotny, Captain, U.S. Army, retired, Victor
An excellent and well documented letter from Mr. Hicks regarding the rise of socialism. I would like to present some facts which bear upon this subject. I will leave it to the gentle reader to evaluate them.
John Dewey, atheist and father of American public education made it clear that it was for the purpose of creating little automatons (slaves) for the socialist state.
The chairman of the Communist Party USA, back in the ‘50s, was asked about the future of his party. He replied that there was no longer a need for the CPUSA as the Democrat party had adopted seventy percent of their agenda.
In high school we are all inundated with the propaganda of our wonderful democracy but never informed that the Founding Fathers abhorred it.
The functional definition of democracy is: That form of government whereby the stupid and lazy can vote themselves the fruits of the labors of the intelligent and industrious simply because they outnumber them.
A point by point analysis of the Communist Manifesto will reveal that we have legislated, administrated and regulated seventy percent of it into American life.
It was the free market that made America great. Citizens taking care of themselves. Any government that takes money from people who earn it to give it to people who did not earn it is evil and in dire need of termination with extreme prejudice. Of course, this is the very reason that our Constitution confirmed the God given right of citizens to own firearms, the same firearms that our military possessed.
Woodrow Wilson, having a modicum of conscience, wrote that he had destroyed America when he signed the Federal Reserve Act. This remanded control of our monetary policy to the very same people that Jesus Christ drove out of the temple with a whip.
That our “social welfare” system pays people to procreate many fatherless babies should be an indicator of where our society is headed. As Pat Buchanan proves in his book, The Death of the West, it is the end of Western Civilization, previously referred to as Christendom.
For those who may wish to disabuse themselves of the misperception of the relative merits of different forms of government, read the book Russian Sunrise by Dr. Bruce Walters. It also includes an excellent analysis of social and monetary policy.
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition,