I want to comment about a letter in Nov. 1 paper that Stephanie Mapelli wrote “candidate should know the laws.” I want to say that I called and asked for a sign to support Mark Adams. The sign did not just “pop” up on my lawn–he called and asked permission to place it there.
As far as knowing the laws, the former mayor, and supported by Jim Crews, collected money from me by adding a “collective” amount of money on my water/sewer bill. That is against our Montana State and Federal Constitutions.
As Dee Gibrey in Nov. 1 letter stated (Praise for Trump), “…this is nothing more than Socialism…it takes away your liberty to decide how you want to spend your money…” Walter Williams was quoted, “Can a moral case be made for taking the rightful property of one American and giving to another to whom it does not belong?”
In case Stephanie did not notice on the bottom of her last water/sewer bill, rates are going up.
Susan McCreary