Now is the time for all Montanans to come to the aid of our democracy.
Our three political parties are disabled. Only a tiny percentage of thousands of precinct committee positions are currently filled by persons who completed election declarations, got them notarized, filed them with their county’s Clerk and Recorder, and stood to be heard and decided upon by neighbors. We can’t blame those few who have been trying to get the job done without the required quorum of county precinct persons. Our thoughtful engagement will rebuild our political parties to remake them as “grassroots” instead of “grasstops” conjured by paid political consultants. Widespread precinct-level action needs to be in full swing when filings for public service open next January.
Meanwhile, May 25 offers an opportunity to use quiet persuasion among our friends to help our nation.
President Donald Trump deserves his “day in court” beginning with an impeachment proceeding initiated by a majority of the U.S. House of Representatives. The congressional votes necessary for that process to start will not materialize until representatives face the likelihood of not being re-elected. Our state can deliver that message by not electing the heavily funded candidate clearly favored by our President.
John Brian Driscoll