I just saw a piece of this; truth be told I couldn’t watch any more than that. Steve Bannon, at some town hall, told the audience emphatically that if we wanted our country back we’d need to fight for it each and every day. In the few seconds I could stand to listen to him he made this point three times.
I imagined the screen split: Bannon on one side, Pence on the other—he’s in Europe—telling heads of state Trump didn’t really mean any of it, and that we were with them as always. And then while Bannon continued to urge us to the barricades of pollution and unfettered industrialists, the right filpped from Pence to Trump boarding Air Force One for another multi-million dollar Florida weekend at our expense. He turned and waved. Finally the right flipped again, this time to Kellyanne Conway with a practical tip, a way we can all get hands-on-involved.
And it worked! With my 25%-interest credit card I bought a closet’s worth of “Ivanka’s stuff” and by doing so kicked both Macy’s and Nordstrom’s in the ass. Try it yourself and see how much more manageable this world-in-crisis seems.
Bain Robinson