The Lone Rock School District has been continuously providing a quality education to the residents of the Bitterroot Valley since 1885. Whether it is learning to read in first grade or working with robotics in the middle school, the education is excellent and is delivered in a most cost effective way.
Earlier this year we received preliminary budget figures from the Office of Public Instruction that due to enrollment declines the schools general fund budget for the 2016-17 school year would be reduced by approximately $90,000 from the previous year. News reports were interpreted by many that the school district had overspent their budget. Rumors abounded that the school might close and its future was in doubt. Not even close! As Mark Twain once said, “The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” The past year budget was very well managed, there was no deficit spending and the past year budget was balanced on June 30, 2016. The $90,000.00 mentioned in news articles is a projected revenue shortfall for 2016-17 school year due to declining school enrollment.
The Lone Rock Board of Trustees responded by reducing the superintendent position from four days per week to two days per month. We also had a teacher request a one year unpaid leave of absence. The combined savings along with a minimal raise for all staff, allowed the superintendent and board to develop a balanced budget for the coming school year. Budget planning and development are the primary duties assigned to the superintendent for the next school term. This reduction in administration does come with some negative consequences. With the superintendent working only two days per month, those former superintendent duties are being assigned to the principal. This workload is significant for one person. On the positive side, the board of trustees and all staff are dedicated to making this temporary solution successful.
School funding in Montana is driven by student enrollment. Enrollment goes up, so does funding. Enrollment goes down funding follows. Lone Rock Elementary is funded at 80% of the maximum general fund budget allowed by school districts. What this means is that the Lone Rock School would have to seek voter approval to increase their budget past that 80% funding level.
The Lone Rock Board of Trustees has decided to open the enrollment to students who do not live within the boundaries of Lone Rock School. They have modified their policy to include the fact that once an out of district student enrolls, they will not be asked to leave the district until they graduate from 8th grade as long as they follow all the polices and rules of the district. Call 777-3314 or visit the school for more information on enrollment.
While some aspects of education have changed at Lone Rock since 1885, many things have not. Community pride and the pioneer spirt of the Three Mile Community will continue for a long, long time.
Michael Williams
Lone Rock School Superintendent (2000-2006)
Interim Superintendent 2016-17