Out-quoted, by golly!
And me a lapsed academic! Well done, Donna!
But I can’t credit you as an expert unless you are willing to meet and talk openly and have gotten to know personally at least two Muslims in your lifetime.
Quoting is easy, especially with the internet handy. What is perhaps less easy is acknowledging that all quotations are necessarily out of context because no two people ever really mean the same thing. What each of us says or writes is determined by our background and experience, and what each of us reads or hears is determined by the same things.
What really frightens me is people who are unwilling or unable to meet together peacefully and talk heart to heart. We all really just want to feel safe and be happy, but words can’t lead us there: just hearts.
May your holidays — and everyone’s — be blessed with peace and joy!
Mary Fahnestock-Thomas