I attended the meeting to receive public comment about the airport’s Environmental Assessment on 4/16. I did this in partial requirements of the Boy Scout’s Communications Merit Badge. The engineering firm responsible for the assessment proposed a plan and gave information about the environmental assessment. With the proposed changes, the airport would still be a class B airport, but it would be widened by 15 feet and lengthened by 1000 feet. The runway would also be repaved and a new taxiway and light system would be placed.
In addition to what I expected, such as pollution and concerns for birds, I was surprised by the amount of money needed for the project, and that the assessment also included archaeological and cultural impact reviews.
Based on public comments, it is clear that the community believes the environmental assessment needs more work, and that there is still much controversy over what should be done.
I found this meeting informative, and I look forward to attending another one.
Peter Goodwin, Troop 1117